7.1 KiB
7.1 KiB
1 | [Account_Value] | [Account_Name] | [Account_Description] | [Account_Type] | [Account_Sign] | [Account_Document] | [Account_Summary] | [Default_Account] | [Account_Parent] |
2 | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | Not Configured Default Accounts | Not Configured Default Accounts | Asset | No | Yes | SUMMARY | ||
3 | B_ASSET | Checking Account | Bank Asset | Asset | Yes | No | B_ASSET_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
4 | B_INTRANSIT | Checking In-Transfer | Bank transactions in transit | Asset | Yes | No | B_INTRANSIT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
5 | B_UNALLOCATEDCASH | Checking Unallocated Receipts | Received, unallocated payments | Asset | Yes | No | B_UNALLOCATEDCASH_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
6 | CB_ASSET | Petty Cash | Cash Book Asset | Asset | Yes | No | CB_ASSET_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
7 | CB_CASHTRANSFER | Petty Cash In-Transfer | Cash Book Transfer | Asset | Yes | No | CB_CASHTRANSFER_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
8 | C_RECEIVABLE | Accounts Receivable - Trade | Accounts Receivables | Asset | Yes | No | C_RECEIVABLE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
9 | C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES | Accounts Receivable Services - Trade | Accounts Receivables for Services | Asset | Yes | No | C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
10 | V_PREPAYMENT | Vendor prepayment | Prepayments for future expense | Asset | Yes | No | V_PREPAYMENT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
11 | T_CREDIT | Tax credit A/R | Tax to be reimbursed - before tax declaration | Asset | Yes | No | T_CREDIT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
12 | INTERCOMPANYDUEFROM | Intercompany Due From | Default Receivables account for intercompany trx | Asset | Yes | No | INTERCOMPANYDUEFROM_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
13 | P_ASSET | Product asset | Product Inventory Account | Asset | Yes | No | P_ASSET_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
14 | PJ_ASSET | Project asset | Created Asset | Asset | Yes | No | PJ_ASSET_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
15 | PJ_WIP | Project WIP | Asset Work in Progress | Asset | Yes | No | PJ_WIP_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
16 | V_LIABILITY | Accounts Payable Trade | Accounts Payables | Liability | Yes | No | V_LIABILITY_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
17 | NOTINVOICEDRECEIPTS | Not invoiced receipts | Received products/services from vendors, but not invoiced | Liability | Yes | No | NOTINVOICEDRECEIPTS_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
18 | V_LIABILITY_SERVICES | Accounts Payable Services | Accounts Payables for non-product revenue | Liability | Yes | No | V_LIABILITY_SERVICES_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
19 | B_PAYMENTSELECT | Payment selection | Selected A/P invoices for payment | Liability | Yes | No | B_PAYMENTSELECT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
20 | C_PREPAYMENT | Customer Prepayments | Prepayments for future revenue | Liability | Yes | No | C_PREPAYMENT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
21 | T_DUE | Tax due | Tax to be paid - before tax declaration | Liability | Yes | No | T_DUE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
22 | INTERCOMPANYDUETO | Intercompany Due To | Default Payables account for intercompany trx | Liability | Yes | No | INTERCOMPANYDUETO_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
23 | P_REVENUE | Trade Revenue | Default Product or Service revenue | Revenue | Yes | No | P_REVENUE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
24 | UNEARNEDREVENUE | Unearned revenue | We have invoiced, but not delivered yet | Revenue | Yes | No | UNEARNEDREVENUE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
25 | P_TRADEDISCOUNTGRANT | Trade Discounts | Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) | Revenue | Yes | No | P_TRADEDISCOUNTGRANT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
26 | PAYDISCOUNT_EXP | Payment discount expense | Granted early payment discount to customers | Revenue | Yes | No | PAYDISCOUNT_EXP_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
27 | P_COGS | Product CoGs | Cost of Goods Sold | Expense | Yes | No | P_COGS_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
28 | P_EXPENSE | Product Expense | Default Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) | Expense | Yes | No | P_EXPENSE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
29 | P_COSTADJUSTMENT | Product Cost Adjustment | Product Cost Adjustments | Expense | Yes | No | P_COSTADJUSTMENT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
30 | P_LANDEDCOSTCLEARING | Landed Cost Clearing | Default Landed Cost Clearing | Expense | Yes | No | P_LANDEDCOSTCLEARING_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
31 | P_INVENTORYCLEARING | Product Inventory Clearing | Default Product costs (I.e. on inventory) | Expense | Yes | No | P_INVENTORYCLEARING_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
32 | W_DIFFERENCES | Inventory Shrinkage | Physical Inventory Gain/Loss | Expense | Yes | No | W_DIFFERENCES_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
33 | P_INVOICEPRICEVARIANCE | Invoice price variance | Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) | Expense | Yes | No | P_INVOICEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
34 | P_PURCHASEPRICEVARIANCE | Purchase price variance | Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) | Expense | Yes | No | P_PURCHASEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
35 | PPVOFFSET | Purchase price variance Offset | Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) | Expense | Yes | No | PPVOFFSET_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
36 | P_RATEVARIANCE | Rate Variance | Account for Rate Variance | Expense | Yes | No | P_RATEVARIANCE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
37 | P_AVERAGECOSTVARIANCE | Average Cost Variance | Account for Average Cost Variance | Expense | Yes | No | P_AVERAGECOSTVARIANCE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
38 | P_TRADEDISCOUNTREC | Trade discounts received | Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) | Expense | Yes | No | P_TRADEDISCOUNTREC_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
39 | PAYDISCOUNT_REV | Payment discount revenue | Granted early payment discount from vendors | Expense | Yes | No | PAYDISCOUNT_REV_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
40 | T_EXPENSE | Tax expense | Sales Tax paid to Vendors | Expense | Yes | No | T_EXPENSE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
41 | WRITEOFF | Bad Debts Write-off | Receivables write-off - bad debt | Expense | Yes | No | WRITEOFF_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
42 | CB_DIFFERENCES | Petty Cash Over/Short | Petty Cash Differences | Expense | Yes | No | CB_DIFFERENCES_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
43 | DEFAULT | Default account | Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 | Expense | Yes | No | DEFAULT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
44 | SUSPENSEBALANCING | Suspense balancing | Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved | Expense | Yes | No | SUSPENSEBALANCING_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
45 | CB_EXPENSE | Cash book expense | Default other expense for petty cash transactions | Expense | Yes | No | CB_EXPENSE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
46 | CB_RECEIPT | Cash book receipts | Default other revenue for petty cash transactions | Revenue | Yes | No | CB_RECEIPT_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
47 | CH_EXPENSE | Charge expense | Default other expense | Expense | Yes | No | CH_EXPENSE_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
48 | B_INTERESTREV | Interest Income | Bank interest revenue | Revenue | Yes | No | B_INTERESTREV_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
49 | UNREALIZEDGAIN | Unrealized gain | Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate | Revenue | Yes | No | UNREALIZEDGAIN_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
50 | REALIZEDGAIN | Realized gain | Difference between invoice and payment currency | Revenue | Yes | No | REALIZEDGAIN_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
51 | B_INTERESTEXP | Interest Expense | Bank interest expense | Expense | Yes | No | B_INTERESTEXP_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
52 | UNREALIZEDLOSS | Unrealized loss | Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate | Expense | Yes | No | UNREALIZEDLOSS_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
53 | REALIZEDLOSS | Realized loss | Difference between invoice and payment currency | Expense | Yes | No | REALIZEDLOSS_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |
54 | CURRENCYBALANCING | Currency balancing | Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency | Expense | Yes | No | CURRENCYBALANCING_ACCT | DEFAULTS_NOT_CONFIGURED | |