Heng Sin Low
Fixed context management bug with server push.
2011-01-17 18:05:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added new method IsGenerateUUIDSupported to DB class. Modify UUIDGenerator to process all tables and expose the method that update existing record with uuid as public static method. Added uuid support for insertTranslations, insertAccounting and insertTree in PO.java
2011-01-11 17:37:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove sqlj reference in the db import script.
2011-01-11 17:35:01 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove obsolete install_procedures.sql and modify build.xml to install the uuid-ossp module.
2011-01-11 17:32:55 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added db generate uuid function. The postgresql implementation depends on the contrib module contrib/uuid-ossp.
2011-01-11 17:29:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Update server launch config for the new webstore and equinox servlet bridge bundles.
2011-01-11 07:48:26 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Updated server feature and launch config for the new webstore and equinox servlet bridge bundles.
2011-01-11 01:09:55 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
1) Break to 3 bundle - org.adempiere.webstore, org.adempiere.webstore.resource and org.adempiere.webstore.servlet.
2) org.adempiere.webstore.resource is a fragment that will contribute static resources to the host bundle org.adempiere.webstore
3) Equinox http extension registry replace web.xml for webstore servlet registration. The org.ademiere.webstore.servlet contains the default webstore servlet implementation and is contributed to the org.adempiere.webstore bundle through equinox http registry extension point.
2011-01-11 01:08:37 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added patch equinox servlet bridge:
1) Filter support from http://angelozerr.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/osgi-equinox-in-a-servlet-container-step4/
2) Modify to work with OSGi web container ( geminiweb ) instead of normal servlet container
2011-01-11 01:00:26 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added priority attribute to web form extension point.
2011-01-11 00:55:28 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added priority attribute to form extension point.
2011-01-11 00:54:40 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.source dependency.
2011-01-11 00:53:23 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Change generic export default to export ad_org_id reference instead of getting from context.
2010-12-28 23:28:07 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added create unique index for uuid column.
2010-12-28 12:48:08 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed pack in does not recognize uuid reference.
2010-12-28 07:26:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
getTrxName must return null instead of empty string is trx name is not set in context.
2010-12-27 08:44:31 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed NPE.
2010-12-27 08:34:05 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed resolve of AD_Column_ID reference.
2010-12-27 08:33:37 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Element name for ad_table is "AD_Table", not "table".
2010-12-27 08:32:28 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Check if the target PO column existing value is different before set it to the value in the xml file.
2010-12-27 08:31:21 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Export of AD_Element_ID reference is not correct, search column for AD_Element is ColumnName, not Name.
2010-12-27 08:29:31 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed a handler's endElement method is call multiple time if there are child elements. Fixed transaction name not use for reference lookup.
2010-12-26 10:19:53 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed submenu element missing type="table" attribute
2010-12-26 09:21:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Minor extension point documentation changes. Added org.compiere.model.Callout extension point to ease migration of pre-OSGi ADempiere customization.
2010-12-25 10:00:43 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed export of uuid reference.
2010-12-25 09:32:14 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added null check for Parent_ID element.
2010-12-24 11:55:02 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
"reference" is an element attribute, not property.
2010-12-24 10:31:00 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Element type = null should be process the same as element type = ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTIES.
2010-12-24 01:37:24 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Merge patch from red1 - fixed xerces dependency and not calling PackOut.getHandler with the correct handler Id. Rename AbstractElement.getPackOutProcess and getPackInProcess to getPackOut and getPackIn to avoid confusion that the method would return the SvrProcess instance which is not.
2010-12-23 17:27:44 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
remove unbindEventManager, not needed as it have been move to the base class.
2010-12-21 07:33:00 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added new abstract event handler class to make development of new event handler easier. Added exception simulation to the MyEventHandler example event handler in the event.test project.
2010-12-20 16:37:02 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Minor extension point documentation fix.
2010-12-20 14:51:53 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added payment processor extension.
2010-12-20 14:31:56 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Rename PackRoll to PackRollProcess to be consistent with the new naming convention. Set pipo2 as the default pipo process using the new process loading mechanism.
2010-12-20 12:12:16 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Updated extension point documentation formatting. Remove the use of osgi: prefix for form, modelvalidator and process to ease migration, the framework will now always check whether an implementation exists in the extension registry before checking the java classpath. Rename org.adempiere.osgi in swing to org.adempiere.ui.swing.factory and drop the incomplete IMenuAction extension in swing ( will come back to this later ).
2010-12-20 10:46:25 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
move extension doc to google code hosting as kenai mercurial repository cant server html file properly
2010-12-19 13:05:37 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
test extension point documentation
2010-12-19 12:31:26 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
minor - typo in model generator launch configuration
2010-12-17 16:59:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
License header, extension point schema documentation and some minor extension point schema fixes.
2010-12-17 16:03:56 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed loading of image resource for web ui.
2010-12-17 11:49:05 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Revert storing db_type as lowercase as that cause setup and startup problem.
2010-12-17 08:08:42 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Merge patch from Carlos - path to server restlet command have change from /admin/server to /server.
2010-12-16 17:04:50 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed launch configuration for install.app and install.console.app. Rename application id org.adempiere.install.console.application to org.adempiere.install.console-application to resolve plugin validation error.
2010-12-16 16:54:50 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
(HENGSIN-10) Problems with RUN_ImportAdempiere.sh
- Incorporate the improvement suggested by Carlos.
2010-12-16 16:53:12 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
(HENGSIN-10) Problems with RUN_ImportAdempiere.sh
- Store DB_Type and DB_PATH as lowercase in AdempiereEnv.properties as what adempiere used to be doing.
2010-12-16 16:52:04 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
minor - make generated id more readable.
2010-12-16 16:26:08 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added process to add UUID column to table and generate uuid key for existing records.
2010-12-15 18:03:52 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed AdempiereIdGenerator doesn't always generate valid uuid which should only include ascii alphabet, digit and the '_' character.
2010-12-15 16:21:25 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
minor launch config update.
2010-12-14 16:03:24 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added simple swing dialog for generation of model class and interface. Added eclipse launch config for the model generator swing dialog.
2010-12-14 16:02:51 +08:00