- Added security token validation for wan profile. This is on by default, if you need to test the wan profile from your IDE ( Eclipse , Netbean, etc ), you need to manually edit the Adempiere.properties file on the application server, and change ServerValidateSecurityToken=xyzY to ServerValidateSecurityToken=xyzN
- Next step is to add JAAS authentication, later ...
Feature request: 1707462
Description: Change VFormat on runtime and add a mask that uppercases any char.
Patch: 1646656
Description: Truncated characters for pt_BR lang files. Converted the truncated files to unicode hex format.
* Change AdempiereLookAndFeel to extend Plastic3D instead of Plastic
* Remove redundant Plastic look and feel from the supported list since AdempiereLookAndFeel extend Plastic
* Fixed AdempiereLookAndFeel can't use standard PlasticTheme bug
* Make flat toolbar the default
* Improved painting after changing of look and feel or theme. Alternatively, logout after change of theme.
there but not used.
* Make compiere swing components works better under window and plastic
look and feel.
* Rename org.compiere.plaf.Adempiere*UI classes back to
org.compiere.plaf.Compiere*UI. This is to make a clean separation
between the new AdempiereLookAndFeel and the old CompiereLookAndFeel.
Any class used by AdempiereLookAndFeel should goes into the
org.adempiere.plaf package instead. As part of the exercise,
AdempierePLAF is moved from org.compiere.plaf to org.adempiere.plaf
* Fixed some bug related UI painting issue after switching of look and
feel. It is still not perfect but much better.
* Added a logout icon. Feel free to replace this if you have a better
Please email me or post into the SF Developer forum is I break anything.
Also, I haven't tested the new code under Linux yet and some localization
work to be done.
* Facelift for AMenu and VTreePanel
* Facelift for Preference dialog
- Pending messages and rework of theme selection.
- Please email me or post in SF if you don't like the changes.