Contribution from Jordi Luna - recavap
1709787 New & Old (fixed) Localizations for Spain & Catalonia
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* Translation Texts for Look & Feel
* @author Jaume Teixi
* @author Jordi Luna
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:52:23 jjanke Exp $
public class PlafRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
@ -29,95 +30,97 @@ public class PlafRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
/** The data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "BackColType", "Tipus Color Fons" },
{ "BackColType", "Tipus Color de Fons" },
{ "BackColType_Flat", "Pla" },
{ "BackColType_Gradient", "Gradient" },
{ "BackColType_Lines", "L<EFBFBD>nes" },
{ "BackColType_Gradient", "Pendent" },
{ "BackColType_Lines", "L\u00ednies" },
{ "BackColType_Texture", "Textura" },
{ "LookAndFeelEditor", "Editor Aparen<EFBFBD>a i Comportament" },
{ "LookAndFeel", "Aparen<EFBFBD>a i Comportament" },
{ "LookAndFeelEditor", "Editor Look & Feel" },
{ "LookAndFeel", "Look & Feel" },
{ "Theme", "Tema" },
{ "EditAdempiereTheme", "Editar Tema Adempiere" },
{ "EditAdempiereTheme", "Editar Tema Adempiere" },
{ "SetDefault", "Fons Per Defecte" },
{ "SetDefaultColor", "Color Fons" },
{ "ColorBlind", "Defici<EFBFBD>ncia Color" },
{ "SetDefaultColor", "Color de Fons" },
{ "ColorBlind", "Defici\u00e9ncia de Color" },
{ "Example", "Exemple" },
{ "Reset", "Reiniciar" },
{ "OK", "D'Acord" },
{ "OK", "Acceptar" },
{ "Cancel", "Cancel.lar" },
{ "AdempiereThemeEditor", "Editor Tema Adempiere" },
{ "MetalColors", "Colors Metal" },
{ "AdempiereColors", "Colors Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereFonts", "Fonts Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereThemeEditor", "Editor Tema Adempiere" },
{ "MetalColors", "Colors Met\u00e0l.lics" },
{ "AdempiereColors", "Colors Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereFonts", "Fonts Adempiere" },
{ "Primary1Info", "Ombra, Separador" },
{ "Primary1", "Primari 1" },
{ "Primary2Info", "L<EFBFBD>nia Focus, Men<65> Seleccionat" },
{ "Primary2Info", "L\u00ednia Enfocada, Men\u00fa Seleccionat" },
{ "Primary2", "Primari 2" },
{ "Primary3Info", "Taula Fila Seleccionada, Texte Seleccionat, Indicador Fons" },
{ "Primary3Info", "Taula Fila Seleccionada, Texte Seleccionat, Indicador de Fons" },
{ "Primary3", "Primari 3" },
{ "Secondary1Info", "L<EFBFBD>nies Marc" },
{ "Secondary1Info", "L\u00ednies Marc" },
{ "Secondary1", "Secondari 1" },
{ "Secondary2Info", "Pestanyes Innactives, Camps Premuts, Texte + Marc Innactius" },
{ "Secondary2Info", "Pestanyes Inactives, Camps Premuts, Texte + Marc Inactius" },
{ "Secondary2", "Secondari 2" },
{ "Secondary3Info", "Fons" },
{ "Secondary3", "Secondari 3" },
{ "ControlFontInfo", "Font Control" },
{ "ControlFont", "Font Etiqueta" },
{ "SystemFontInfo", "Indicador, Nodes Arbre" },
{ "SystemFont", "Font Sistema" },
{ "ControlFontInfo", "Font de Control" },
{ "ControlFont", "Font d'Etiqueta" },
{ "SystemFontInfo", "Indicador, Arbres Node" },
{ "SystemFont", "Font de Sistema" },
{ "UserFontInfo", "Dades Entrades Per l'Usuari" },
{ "UserFont", "Font Camp" },
{ "UserFont", "Font de Camp" },
// { "SmallFontInfo", "Informes" },
{ "SmallFont", "Font Petita" },
{ "WindowTitleFont", "Font T<>tol" },
{ "MenuFont", "Font Men<EFBFBD>" },
{ "WindowTitleFont", "Font de T\u00edtol" },
{ "MenuFont", "Font del Men\u00fa" },
{ "MandatoryInfo", "Camp de Fons Obligatori" },
{ "Mandatory", "Obligatori" },
{ "ErrorInfo", "Camp de Fons Error" },
{ "ErrorInfo", "Error al Camp de Fons" },
{ "Error", "Error" },
{ "InfoInfo", "Camp de Fons Informaci<63>" },
{ "Info", "Informaci<EFBFBD>" },
{ "WhiteInfo", "L<EFBFBD>nies" },
{ "InfoInfo", "Informaci\u00f3 Camp de Fons" },
{ "Info", "Informaci\u00f3" },
{ "WhiteInfo", "L\u00ednies" },
{ "White", "Blanc" },
{ "BlackInfo", "L<EFBFBD>nies, Text" },
{ "BlackInfo", "L\u00ednies, Text" },
{ "Black", "Negre" },
{ "InactiveInfo", "Camp de Fons Innactiu" },
{ "Inactive", "Innactiu" },
{ "InactiveInfo", "Camp de Fons Inactiu" },
{ "Inactive", "Inactiu" },
{ "TextOKInfo", "Texte Superior OK" },
{ "TextOK", "Texte - OK" },
{ "TextIssueInfo", "Texte Superior Error" },
{ "TextIssueInfo", "Error al Texte Superior" },
{ "TextIssue", "Texte - Error" },
{ "FontChooser", "Escollidor Font" },
{ "FontChooser", "Seleccionador de Font" },
{ "Fonts", "Fonts" },
{ "Plain", "Plana" },
{ "Italic", "It<EFBFBD>lica" },
{ "Italic", "It\u00e0lica" },
{ "Bold", "Negreta" },
{ "BoldItalic", "Negreta & It<EFBFBD>lica" },
{ "BoldItalic", "Negreta & It\u00e0lica" },
{ "Name", "Nom" },
{ "Size", "Tamany" },
{ "Style", "Estil" },
{ "TestString", "Aix<EFBFBD> <20>s nom<6F>s una Prova! La Guineu marr<72> r<>pida <20>st<73> fent quelcom. 12,3456.78 LetterLOne = l1 LetterOZero = O0" },
{ "TestString", "Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s nom\u00e9s una Prova! La Guineu marr\u00f3 r\u00e0pida est\u00e0 fent quelcom. 12,3456.78 LetterLOne = l1 LetterOZero = O0" },
{ "FontString", "Font" },
{ "AdempiereColorEditor", "Editor Color Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereType", "Tipus Color" },
{ "GradientUpperColor", "Color Dalt Degradat" },
{ "GradientLowerColor", "Color Baix Degradat" },
{ "AdempiereColorEditor", "Editor Color Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereType", "Tipus Color" },
{ "GradientUpperColor", "Color Superior Degradat" },
{ "GradientLowerColor", "Color Inferior Degradat" },
{ "GradientStart", "Inici Degradat" },
{ "GradientDistance", "Dist<EFBFBD>ncia Degradat" },
{ "GradientDistance", "Dist\u00e0ncia Degradat" },
{ "TextureURL", "Textura URL" },
{ "TextureAlpha", "Textura Alfa" },
{ "TextureTaintColor", "Textura Color Corrupci<63>" },
{ "LineColor", "Color L<>nia" },
{ "LineBackColor", "Color Fons" },
{ "LineWidth", "Ampla L<>nia" },
{ "LineDistance", "Dist<EFBFBD>ncia L<>nia" },
{ "FlatColor", "Color Pla" }
{ "TextureTaintColor", "Textura Color Empanyat" },
{ "LineColor", "Color de L\u00ednia" },
{ "LineBackColor", "Color de Fons" },
{ "LineWidth", "Amplada L\u00ednia" },
{ "LineDistance", "Dist\u00e0ncia L\u00ednia" },
{ "FlatColor", "Color Pl\u00e0" },
{ "UITheme", "Tema Interface d'Usuari" },
{ "Preview", "Pre-visualitzar" }
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via or *
package org.compiere.plaf;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* Translation Texts for Look & Feel
* @author Jordi Luna
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:52:23 jjanke Exp $
public class PlafRes_es extends ListResourceBundle
/** The data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "BackColType", "Tipo Color de Fondo" },
{ "BackColType_Flat", "Plano" },
{ "BackColType_Gradient", "Pendiente" },
{ "BackColType_Lines", "L\u00edneas" },
{ "BackColType_Texture", "Textura" },
{ "LookAndFeelEditor", "Editor Look & Feel" },
{ "LookAndFeel", "Look & Feel" },
{ "Theme", "Tema" },
{ "EditAdempiereTheme", "Editar Tema Adempiere" },
{ "SetDefault", "Fondo Por Defecto" },
{ "SetDefaultColor", "Color de Fondo" },
{ "ColorBlind", "Defici\u00e9ncia de Color" },
{ "Example", "Ejemplo" },
{ "Reset", "Reiniciar" },
{ "OK", "Aceptar" },
{ "Cancel", "Cancelar" },
{ "AdempiereThemeEditor", "Editor Tema Adempiere" },
{ "MetalColors", "Colores Met\u00e1licos" },
{ "AdempiereColors", "Colores Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereFonts", "Fuentes Adempiere" },
{ "Primary1Info", "Sombra, Separador" },
{ "Primary1", "Primario 1" },
{ "Primary2Info", "L\u00ednea Enfocada, Men\u00fa Seleccionado" },
{ "Primary2", "Primario 2" },
{ "Primary3Info", "Fila de Tabla Seleccionada, Texto Seleccionado, Indicador de Fondo" },
{ "Primary3", "Primario 3" },
{ "Secondary1Info", "L\u00edneas Marco" },
{ "Secondary1", "Secundario 1" },
{ "Secondary2Info", "Pesta\u00f1as Inactivas, Campos Pulsados, Texto + Marco Inactivos" },
{ "Secondary2", "Secundario 2" },
{ "Secondary3Info", "Fondo" },
{ "Secondary3", "Secundario 3" },
{ "ControlFontInfo", "Fuente de Control" },
{ "ControlFont", "Fuente de Etiqueta" },
{ "SystemFontInfo", "Indicador, \u00c1rbol Nodo" },
{ "SystemFont", "Fuente del Sistema" },
{ "UserFontInfo", "Datos Entrados Por el Usuario" },
{ "UserFont", "Fuente de Campo" },
// { "SmallFontInfo", "Informes" },
{ "SmallFont", "Fuente Peque\u00f1a" },
{ "WindowTitleFont", "Fuente de T\u00edtulo" },
{ "MenuFont", "Fuente del Men\u00fa" },
{ "MandatoryInfo", "Campo de fondo Obligatorio" },
{ "Mandatory", "Obligatorio" },
{ "ErrorInfo", "Error en el Campo de Fondo" },
{ "Error", "Error" },
{ "InfoInfo", "Informaci\u00f3n Campo de Fondo" },
{ "Info", "Informaci\u00f3n" },
{ "WhiteInfo", "L\u00edneas" },
{ "White", "Blanco" },
{ "BlackInfo", "L\u00edneas, Texto" },
{ "Black", "Negro" },
{ "InactiveInfo", "Campo de Fondo Inactivo" },
{ "Inactive", "Inactivo" },
{ "TextOKInfo", "Texto Superior OK" },
{ "TextOK", "Texto - OK" },
{ "TextIssueInfo", "Error en el Texto Superior" },
{ "TextIssue", "Texto - Error" },
{ "FontChooser", "Seleccionador de Fuente" },
{ "Fonts", "Fuentes" },
{ "Plain", "Plana" },
{ "Italic", "It\u00e1lica" },
{ "Bold", "Negrita" },
{ "BoldItalic", "Negrita & It\u00e1lica" },
{ "Name", "Nombre" },
{ "Size", "Tama\u00f1o" },
{ "Style", "Estilo" },
{ "TestString", "Esto es solo una prueba! El r\u00e1pido zorro marr\u00f3n est\u00e1 haciendo alguna cosa. 12,3456.78 LetterLOne = l1 LetterOZero = O0" },
{ "FontString", "Fuente" },
{ "AdempiereColorEditor", "Editor Color Adempiere" },
{ "AdempiereType", "Tipo Color" },
{ "GradientUpperColor", "Color Superior Degradado" },
{ "GradientLowerColor", "Color Inferior Degradado" },
{ "GradientStart", "Inicio Degradado" },
{ "GradientDistance", "Distancia Degradado" },
{ "TextureURL", "Textura URL" },
{ "TextureAlpha", "Textura Alfa" },
{ "TextureTaintColor", "Textura Color Empa\u00f1ado" },
{ "LineColor", "Color de L\u00ednea" },
{ "LineBackColor", "Color de Fondo" },
{ "LineWidth", "Anchura L\u00ednea" },
{ "LineDistance", "Distancia L\u00ednea" },
{ "FlatColor", "Color Plano" },
{ "UITheme", "Tema Interface de Usuario" },
{ "Preview", "Pre-visualizar" }
* Get Contents
* @return contents
public Object[][] getContents()
return contents;
} // Res
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* License Dialog Translation
* @author Jaume Teixi
* @author Jordi Luna
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:52:23 jjanke Exp $
public class IniRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
@ -29,12 +30,12 @@ public class IniRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
/** Translation Content */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "Adempiere_License", "Acord de Llic<69>ncia" },
{ "Do_you_accept", "Accepteu la Llic<EFBFBD>ncia ?" },
{ "Adempiere_License", "Acord de Llic\u00e8ncia" },
{ "Do_you_accept", "Accepteu la Llic\u00e8ncia ?" },
{ "No", "No" },
{ "Yes_I_Understand", "S<EFBFBD>, l'Entenc i l'Accepto" },
{ "Yes_I_Understand", "Si, l'entenc i l'accepto" },
{ "license_htm", "org/adempiere/license.htm" },
{ "License_rejected", "Llic<EFBFBD>ncia Refusada o Expirada" }
{ "License_rejected", "Llic\u00e8ncia rebutjada o caducada" }
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* License Dialog Translation
* @author Erwin Cortes
* @author Jordi Luna
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:52:23 jjanke Exp $
public class IniRes_es extends ListResourceBundle
@ -29,12 +30,12 @@ public class IniRes_es extends ListResourceBundle
/** Translation Content */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "Adempiere_License", "Términos de Licencia" },
{ "Adempiere_License", "Acuerdo de Licencia" },
{ "Do_you_accept", "Acepta la Licencia?" },
{ "No", "No" },
{ "Yes_I_Understand", "SI, Entendí y Acepto" },
{ "Yes_I_Understand", "S\u00ed, entiendo y acepto" },
{ "license_htm", "org/adempiere/license.htm" },
{ "License_rejected", "Licencia refutada o Expirada" }
{ "License_rejected", "Licencia rechazada o caducada" }
Reference in New Issue