Steps to reproduce in zkwebui in log level Info:
- Open Sales Order window
A warning is written in console:
DB.getSQLValueStringEx: No Value SELECT ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Column_ID=?
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a Sales Order
- Create a line selling Mary Consultant product
- Try to create a resource assignment
a Null Pointer Exception was thrown
Steps to reproduce:
- Create purchase order for 1 6-pack of Elm
- Create a material receipt for the corresponding purchase order
- Create an invoice for the material receipt (or purchase order) - the qtyentered is 1 6-pack, and the qtyinvoiced was 1 (must be 6)
Integrate solution from Compiere GPL Version 3.2 - and adapt to Adempiere
- Validation on Storage is per ASI - so it must be the same on Warehouse
- Fix a problem found on migration script - message trl updated wrongly and new message not created
- With negative inventory disallowed then reversing a movement requires copy of the ASI (LineMA) - also to make this reverse behave the same way as reversing MInventory
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an standard order with delivery=Force and complete
- Run the Generate Shipments process (from zkwebui) and fill the parameters to generate the shipments
- Answer Yes when asked to print the shipments
- zkwebui open a pdf viewer window without title that cannot be closed
This patch solves the problem assigning a title to the window when the title is empty
- fix a wrong raise of exception when no organization (add throws keyword)
- when creating the allocation is taking the organization of log in, and it must take precedence the organization chosen by the user on the allocation window (login org still used in case no org is selected by user)
Steps to reproduce:
- Enable Personal Lock on a Role (i.e. GardenAdmin)
- Log in as GardenAdmin, open Payment Term window and lock the first record
- Then try to lock the second record, it's not possible, just one record can be saved on the same session
This commit fix the problem.
===========> APanel.actionPerformed: Copy [11]
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at org.compiere.model.GridTable.getDataAtRow(
at org.compiere.model.GridTable.getDataAtRow(
at org.compiere.model.GridTable.dataNew(
at org.compiere.model.GridTab.dataNew(
at org.compiere.apps.APanel.cmd_new(
at org.compiere.apps.APanel.actionPerformed(
Thanks to Marcelo Luiz Onhate (monhate) - OSEB project
Link to SF Tracker:
Extending idea as suggested by Steven Sackett - Adaxa
Send BCC to a client-wide defined address
Fixing according to suggestion from Marcelo Luiz Onhate (monhate)
- variables PriceEntered and PriceActual are not correctly assigned, and they are used in some processes below -> result, calculate of taxamt and linenetamt is wrong
- show mandatory fields similar to windows (marked with a red * at the end)
- validate mandatory fields, inform the user and allow the user to fill them without cancelling the report/process (the user is notified immediately no need to push Parameter button to go back and fill the mandatory parameters - similar as swing client behaves)