Merge 057fe5da7bfe

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2012-12-13 10:09:50 +08:00
commit 9601ffae85
230 changed files with 1474 additions and 326 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:29:34 PM CEST
-- IDEMPIERE-448 Add CopyFrom on Bank Statement
INSERT INTO AD_Process (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AccessLevel,Classname,CopyFromProcess,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,IsActive,IsBetaFunctionality,IsDirectPrint,IsReport,IsServerProcess,Name,ShowHelp,Statistic_Count,Statistic_Seconds,Updated,UpdatedBy,Value) VALUES (0,0,200012,'1','org.compiere.process.CopyFromBankStmt','N',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:29:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Copy Lines from other bank statement','D','Y','N','N','N','N','Copy Lines','Y',0,0,TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:29:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'C_BankStatement CopyFrom')
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:29:35 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Process_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Process_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Process t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Process_ID=200012 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Process_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Process_ID=t.AD_Process_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:09 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Val_Rule (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Val_Rule_ID,Code,Created,CreatedBy,EntityType,IsActive,Name,Type,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,0,200008,'C_BankStatement.C_BankAccount_ID=@C_BankAccount_ID@',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','Y','BankStatement of BankAccount','S',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:16 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Para (AD_Client_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Process_Para_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Val_Rule_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsEncrypted,IsMandatory,IsRange,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,1381,0,200012,200043,30,200008,'C_BankStatement_ID',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Bank Statement of account','D',0,'The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred','Y','Y','N','Y','N','Bank Statement',10,TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:17 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Para_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Process_Para_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Process_Para_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Process_Para t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Process_Para_ID=200043 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Process_Para_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Process_Para_ID=t.AD_Process_Para_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:34 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Column (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,DefaultValue,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsAllowCopy,IsAllowLogging,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsEncrypted,IsIdentifier,IsKey,IsMandatory,IsParent,IsSelectionColumn,IsSyncDatabase,IsTranslated,IsUpdateable,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy,Version) VALUES (0,200585,2037,0,200012,28,392,'CopyFrom',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','Copy From Record','D',1,'Copy From Record','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','Y','Copy From',0,TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:34 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=200585 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:36 PM CEST
ALTER TABLE C_BankStatement ADD CopyFrom CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N'
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:48 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,200585,200599,0,328,TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Copy From Record',1,'D','Copy From Record','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Copy From',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:48 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=200599 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:49 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,59035,200600,0,328,TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed',20,'D','The ProcessedOn Date+Time save the exact moment (nanoseconds precision if allowed by the DB) when a document has been processed.','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Processed On',TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:30:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:49 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=200600 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=200600
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=200599
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:11 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsSameLine='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2012-10-04 13:31:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200599
-- Dec 12, 2012 8:59:07 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Val_Rule SET Code='C_BankStatement.C_BankAccount_ID=@C_BankAccount_ID@ AND C_BankStatement.DocStatus IN (''CO'',''CL'')',Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 08:59:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Val_Rule_ID=200008
SELECT register_migration_script('201212120818_IDEMPIERE-448.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:40 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Column (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsAllowLogging,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsEncrypted,IsIdentifier,IsKey,IsMandatory,IsParent,IsSelectionColumn,IsSyncDatabase,IsTranslated,IsUpdateable,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy,Version) VALUES (0,61939,263,0,15,392,'DateAcct',TO_DATE('2011-07-22 17:13:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Accounting Date','D',7,'The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion.','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Y','N','N','N','N','Y','Account Date',0,TO_DATE('2011-07-22 17:13:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0)
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:40 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=61939 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:47 PM
-- --
ALTER TABLE C_BankStatement ADD DateAcct DATE
update c_bankstatement set dateacct=statementdate;
-- 22/07/2011 5:32:05 PM
-- --
-- 22/07/2011 5:32:05 PM
-- --
-- 22/07/2011 5:14:50 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,61939,61967,0,328,TO_DATE('2011-07-22 17:14:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Accounting Date',7,'D','The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion.','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Account Date',TO_DATE('2011-07-22 17:14:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- 22/07/2011 5:14:50 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=61967 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=61968
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=60,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=70,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3996
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3998
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=90,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4119
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3993
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=110,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4365
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=120,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4003
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8933
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3997
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:20 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsSameLine='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2011-07-22 17:15:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- 26/07/2011 3:12:34 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Column SET Callout='org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct',Updated=TO_DATE('2011-07-26 15:12:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=4918
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=60, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=4,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=3997
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=210,Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:41:08 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Column SET DefaultValue='@DateAcct@',Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:41:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=5216
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:41:34 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsReadOnly='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2012-12-12 11:41:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4121
SELECT register_migration_script('201212121120_IDEMPIERE-480_780.11_StatementDateAcct.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:29:34 PM CEST
-- IDEMPIERE-448 Add CopyFrom on Bank Statement
INSERT INTO AD_Process (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AccessLevel,Classname,CopyFromProcess,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,IsActive,IsBetaFunctionality,IsDirectPrint,IsReport,IsServerProcess,Name,ShowHelp,Statistic_Count,Statistic_Seconds,Updated,UpdatedBy,Value) VALUES (0,0,200012,'1','org.compiere.process.CopyFromBankStmt','N',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:29:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Copy Lines from other bank statement','D','Y','N','N','N','N','Copy Lines','Y',0,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:29:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'C_BankStatement CopyFrom')
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:29:35 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Process_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Process_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Process t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Process_ID=200012 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Process_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Process_ID=t.AD_Process_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:09 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Val_Rule (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Val_Rule_ID,Code,Created,CreatedBy,EntityType,IsActive,Name,Type,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,0,200008,'C_BankStatement.C_BankAccount_ID=@C_BankAccount_ID@',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','Y','BankStatement of BankAccount','S',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:16 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Para (AD_Client_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Process_Para_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Val_Rule_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsEncrypted,IsMandatory,IsRange,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,1381,0,200012,200043,30,200008,'C_BankStatement_ID',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Bank Statement of account','D',0,'The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred','Y','Y','N','Y','N','Bank Statement',10,TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:17 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Process_Para_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Process_Para_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Process_Para_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Process_Para t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Process_Para_ID=200043 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Process_Para_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Process_Para_ID=t.AD_Process_Para_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:34 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Column (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,DefaultValue,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsAllowCopy,IsAllowLogging,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsEncrypted,IsIdentifier,IsKey,IsMandatory,IsParent,IsSelectionColumn,IsSyncDatabase,IsTranslated,IsUpdateable,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy,Version) VALUES (0,200585,2037,0,200012,28,392,'CopyFrom',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','Copy From Record','D',1,'Copy From Record','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','Y','Copy From',0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:34 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=200585 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:36 PM CEST
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:48 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,200585,200599,0,328,TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Copy From Record',1,'D','Copy From Record','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Copy From',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:48 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=200599 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:49 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,59035,200600,0,328,TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed',20,'D','The ProcessedOn Date+Time save the exact moment (nanoseconds precision if allowed by the DB) when a document has been processed.','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Processed On',TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:30:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:30:49 PM CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=200600 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=200600
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=200599
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:05 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- Oct 4, 2012 1:31:11 PM CEST
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsSameLine='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-10-04 13:31:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200599
-- Dec 12, 2012 8:59:07 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Val_Rule SET Code='C_BankStatement.C_BankAccount_ID=@C_BankAccount_ID@ AND C_BankStatement.DocStatus IN (''CO'',''CL'')',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 08:59:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Val_Rule_ID=200008
SELECT register_migration_script('201212120818_IDEMPIERE-448.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:40 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Column (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Element_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID,ColumnName,Created,CreatedBy,Description,EntityType,FieldLength,Help,IsActive,IsAllowLogging,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsEncrypted,IsIdentifier,IsKey,IsMandatory,IsParent,IsSelectionColumn,IsSyncDatabase,IsTranslated,IsUpdateable,Name,SeqNo,Updated,UpdatedBy,Version) VALUES (0,61939,263,0,15,392,'DateAcct',TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-22 17:13:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Accounting Date','D',7,'The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion.','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Y','N','N','N','N','Y','Account Date',0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-22 17:13:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0)
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:40 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=61939 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- 22/07/2011 5:13:47 PM
-- --
update c_bankstatement set dateacct=statementdate;
-- 22/07/2011 5:32:05 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('c_bankstatement','DateAcct','TIMESTAMP',null,null)
-- 22/07/2011 5:32:05 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('c_bankstatement','DateAcct',null,'NOT NULL',null)
-- 22/07/2011 5:14:50 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Field (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_Field_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Tab_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,DisplayLength,EntityType,Help,IsActive,IsCentrallyMaintained,IsDisplayed,IsEncrypted,IsFieldOnly,IsHeading,IsReadOnly,IsSameLine,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (0,61939,61967,0,328,TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-22 17:14:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Accounting Date',7,'D','The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion.','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','Account Date',TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-22 17:14:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- 22/07/2011 5:14:50 PM
-- --
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Description,Help,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Description,t.Help,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=61967 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=61968
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=60,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=70,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3996
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3998
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=90,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4119
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3993
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=110,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4365
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:05 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=120,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=4003
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8933
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3997
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:06 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- 22/07/2011 5:15:20 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsSameLine='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-22 17:15:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- 26/07/2011 3:12:34 PM
-- --
UPDATE AD_Column SET Callout='org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-26 15:12:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=4918
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=60, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=4,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=61967
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=150,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=3997
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=8686
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=170,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=8687
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:16 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=180,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10585
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=190,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10586
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10587
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:39:17 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=210,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:39:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=3999
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:41:08 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Column SET DefaultValue='@DateAcct@',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:41:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=5216
-- Dec 12, 2012 11:41:34 AM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-480 Huge bug with FactAcctReset and Automatic Accounting
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsReadOnly='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-12-12 11:41:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4121
SELECT register_migration_script('201212121120_IDEMPIERE-480_780.11_StatementDateAcct.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public class ApplyMigrationScripts extends SvrProcess {
log.saveError("Error", msglog.toString());
} finally {
if (stmt != null)stmt.close();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via or *
package org.compiere.process;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.model.MBankStatement;
import org.compiere.model.MBankStatementLine;
import org.compiere.model.MPayment;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
* Copy BankStatement Lines :
* - lines without payment only if bank statement is CO/CL (otherwise, line amounts are set to 0)
* - lines with a payment only if this payment is not on another CO/CL/DR bank statement
* @author Nicolas Micoud - IDEMPIERE 448
public class CopyFromBankStmt extends SvrProcess
private int m_C_BankStatement_ID = 0;
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
protected void prepare()
ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
String name = para[i].getParameterName();
if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
else if (name.equals("C_BankStatement_ID"))
m_C_BankStatement_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "prepare - Unknown Parameter: " + name);
} // prepare
* Perform process.
* @return Message
* @throws Exception if not successful
protected String doIt() throws Exception
int To_C_BankStatement_ID = getRecord_ID();"From C_BankStatement_ID=" + m_C_BankStatement_ID + " to " + To_C_BankStatement_ID);
if (To_C_BankStatement_ID == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target C_BankStatement_ID == 0");
if (m_C_BankStatement_ID == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source C_BankStatement_ID == 0");
MBankStatement from = new MBankStatement(getCtx(), m_C_BankStatement_ID, get_TrxName());
MBankStatement to = new MBankStatement (getCtx(), To_C_BankStatement_ID, get_TrxName());
int no = 0;
if ( ! (MBankStatement.DOCSTATUS_Completed.equals(from.getDocStatus()) || MBankStatement.DOCSTATUS_Closed.equals(from.getDocStatus())) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source must be closed or complete");
for (MBankStatementLine fromLine : from.getLines(false))
if (fromLine.getC_Payment_ID() > 0)
// check if payment is used on another statement
String sql = "SELECT C_BankStatementLine_ID"
+ " FROM C_BankStatementLine bsl, C_BankStatement bs"
+ " WHERE bs.C_BankStatement_ID=bsl.C_BankStatement_ID"
+ " AND bs.DocStatus IN ('DR', 'CO', 'CL')"
+ " AND bsl.C_Payment_ID=?";
if (DB.getSQLValueEx(get_TrxName(), sql, fromLine.getC_Payment_ID()) < 0)
MBankStatementLine toLine = new MBankStatementLine(to);
toLine.setPayment(new MPayment(getCtx(), fromLine.getC_Payment_ID(), get_TrxName()));
} else {"C_BankStatementLine not copied - related to a payment already present in a bank statement");
MBankStatementLine toLine = new MBankStatementLine(to);
return "@Copied@=" + no;
} // doIt
} // CopyFromBankStmt

View File

@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ public class DistributionRun extends SvrProcess
else if (name.equals("IsTest"))
p_IsTest = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) & name.equals("M_Warehouse_ID"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) && name.equals("M_Warehouse_ID"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) & name.equals("ConsolidateDocument"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) && name.equals("ConsolidateDocument"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) & name.equals("M_DistributionList_ID"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) && name.equals("M_DistributionList_ID"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) & name.equals("IsRequiredDRP"))
else if (m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) && name.equals("IsRequiredDRP"))
p_BasedInDamnd = "Y".equals((String)para[i].getParameter());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "prepare - Unknown Parameter: " + name);
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class DistributionRun extends SvrProcess
if (p_DatePromised == null)
p_DatePromised = m_DateOrdered;
if(m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) & p_M_Warehouse_ID > 0)
if(m_docType.getDocBaseType().equals(MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_DistributionOrder) && p_M_Warehouse_ID > 0)

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class ExpenseAPInvoice extends SvrProcess
if (!
new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
old_BPartner_ID = bp.getC_BPartner_ID();
MTimeExpenseLine[] tel = te.getLines(false);
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class ExpenseAPInvoice extends SvrProcess
if (line.getC_Project_ID() != 0 && line.getC_Project_ID() != invoice.getC_Project_ID())
if (!
new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
// Create OrderLine
MInvoiceLine il = new MInvoiceLine (invoice);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class ExpenseAPInvoice extends SvrProcess
il.setPrice(line.getPriceReimbursed()); //
if (!
new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice Line");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice Line");
// Update TEL
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public class ExpenseAPInvoice extends SvrProcess
if (!
new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Invoice");
addLog(invoice.get_ID(), invoice.getDateInvoiced(),

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public class ExpenseSOrder extends SvrProcess
if (tel.getC_Campaign_ID() != 0 && tel.getC_Campaign_ID() != m_order.getC_Campaign_ID())
if (!
new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Order");
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save Order");
// OrderLine

View File

@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ public class InOutGenerate extends SvrProcess
* InOutGenerate Parameter
class SParameter
static class SParameter
* Parameter

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class IndentedBOM extends SvrProcess
return list;
private class llCost {
private static class llCost {
BigDecimal currentCost = Env.ZERO;
BigDecimal futureCost = Env.ZERO;

View File

@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ public class InventoryCountCreate extends SvrProcess
* @author Karsten Thiemann,
private class SimpleTreeNode {
private static class SimpleTreeNode {
private int nodeId;

View File

@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
* @author Karsten Thiemann,
private class SimpleTreeNode {
private static class SimpleTreeNode {
private int nodeId;

View File

@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ public class RfQResponseRank extends SvrProcess
* @param rfq RfQ
* @param responses responses
private void rankLines (MRfQ rfq, MRfQResponse[] responses)
MRfQLine[] rfqLines = rfq.getLines();

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class DefaultModelFactory implements IModelFactory {
s_log.warning("No transaction Constructor for " + clazz + " (" + msg + ")");
PO po = (PO)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {Env.getCtx(), new Integer(Record_ID), trxName});
PO po = constructor!=null ? (PO)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {Env.getCtx(), new Integer(Record_ID), trxName}) : null;
return po;
catch (Exception e)

View File

@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ public class ExtensionPriorityManager {
URL url = location.getURL();
File file = new File(url.getPath(), "");
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
FileInputStream fileInput = null;
try {
priorityMap.load(new FileInputStream(file));
fileInput = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
@ -48,6 +50,15 @@ public class ExtensionPriorityManager {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (fileInput != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {}
fileInput = null;

View File

@ -284,10 +284,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractDocumentSearch {
final MQuery query = new MQuery(tableName);
if (whereString != null) {
final boolean ok = openWindow(windowId, query);
if (!ok) {
StringBuilder msglog = new StringBuilder("Unable to open window: ").append(whereString.toString());

View File

@ -189,8 +189,11 @@ public class ModelInterfaceGenerator
start.append("/** Generated Interface for ").append(tableName).append("\n")
.append(" * @author iDempiere (generated) \n")
.append(" * @version ").append(Adempiere.MAIN_VERSION).append(NL) //.append(" - ").append(s_run).append("\n")
.append(" */\n")
.append("public interface ").append(className).append(" {").append("\n")
.append(" */\n");
if (!packageName.equals("org.compiere.model")) {
start.append("public interface ").append(className).append(" {").append("\n")
.append(" /** TableName=").append(tableName).append(" */\n")
.append(" public static final String Table_Name = \"").append(tableName).append("\";\n")

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public class RestletUtil {
public static <T> T toObject(Representation entity) {
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
try {
if (entity instanceof WrapperRepresentation) {
entity = ((WrapperRepresentation)entity).getWrappedRepresentation();
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ public class RestletUtil {
return (T) or.getObject();
} else if (entity instanceof InputRepresentation) {
InputRepresentation ir = (InputRepresentation) entity;
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(ir.getStream());
ois = new ObjectInputStream(ir.getStream());
return (T) ois.readObject();
} else {
return null;
@ -55,5 +56,13 @@ public class RestletUtil {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return null;
if (ois != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {}
ois = null;

View File

@ -344,6 +344,29 @@ public class DocLine
return m_DateAcct;
} // getDateAcct
* Get FX Conversion Date
* The foreign exchange rate conversion date may be different from the accounting posting date in some cases (e.g. bank statement)
* @return FX conversion date
public Timestamp getDateConv ()
Timestamp dateConv = null;
int index = p_po.get_ColumnIndex("DateAcct");
if (index != -1)
dateConv = (Timestamp)p_po.get_Value(index);
if (dateConv == null)
dateConv = getDateAcct();
return dateConv;
} // getDateAcct
* Set Document Date
* @param dateDoc doc date

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public class DocLine_Bank extends DocLine
m_TrxAmt = line.getTrxAmt();
setDateAcct(doc.getDateAcct()); // adaxa-pb use statement date
} // DocLine_Bank

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class Doc_AssetReval extends Doc
private final String POSTINGTYPE_Actual = "A";
private static final String POSTINGTYPE_Actual = "A";
public Doc_AssetReval (MAcctSchema as, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
super(as, MAssetReval.class, rs, MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_GLJournal, trxName);

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema;
import org.compiere.model.MBankAccount;
import org.compiere.model.MBankStatement;
import org.compiere.model.MBankStatementLine;
import org.compiere.model.MPeriod;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ public class Doc_BankStatement extends Doc
MBankStatement bs = (MBankStatement)getPO();
setDateAcct(bs.getStatementDate()); // Overwritten on Line Level
m_C_BankAccount_ID = bs.getC_BankAccount_ID();
// Amounts
@ -102,13 +101,7 @@ public class Doc_BankStatement extends Doc
MBankStatementLine line = lines[i];
DocLine_Bank docLine = new DocLine_Bank(line, this);
// Set Date Acct
if (i == 0)
MPeriod period = MPeriod.get(getCtx(), line.getDateAcct(), line.getAD_Org_ID());
if (period != null && period.isOpen(DOCTYPE_BankStatement, line.getDateAcct()))

View File

@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ public class Doc_MatchPO extends Doc
FactLine cr = fact.createLine(null,
m_pc.getAccount(ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_P_PPV, as),
as.getC_Currency_ID(), isReturnTrx ? difference.negate() : difference);
MAccount acct_cr = null;
if (cr != null)
cr.setQty(isReturnTrx ? getQty().negate() : getQty());
@ -219,12 +220,14 @@ public class Doc_MatchPO extends Doc
acct_cr = cr.getAccount(); // PPV Offset
// PPV Offset
FactLine dr = fact.createLine(null,
getAccount(Doc.ACCTTYPE_PPVOffset, as),
as.getC_Currency_ID(), isReturnTrx ? difference : difference.negate());
MAccount acct_db = null;
if (dr != null)
dr.setQty(isReturnTrx ? getQty() : getQty().negate());
@ -237,16 +240,14 @@ public class Doc_MatchPO extends Doc
acct_db = dr.getAccount(); // PPV
// Avoid usage of clearing accounts
// If both accounts Purchase Price Variance and Purchase Price Variance Offset are equal
// then remove the posting
MAccount acct_db = dr.getAccount(); // PPV
MAccount acct_cr = cr.getAccount(); // PPV Offset
if ((!as.isPostIfClearingEqual()) && acct_db.equals(acct_cr) && (!isInterOrg)) {
if ((!as.isPostIfClearingEqual()) && acct_db!=null && acct_db.equals(acct_cr) && (!isInterOrg)) {
BigDecimal debit = dr.getAmtSourceDr();
BigDecimal credit = cr.getAmtSourceCr();

View File

@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ public final class Fact
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:53:33 jjanke Exp $
public class Balance
public static class Balance
* New Balance

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -705,14 +706,21 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
if (AD_Org_ID == 0)
AD_Org_ID = m_doc.getAD_Org_ID();
Timestamp convDate = getDateAcct();
if ( m_doc instanceof Doc_BankStatement )
convDate = m_docLine.getDateConv();
setAmtAcctDr (MConversionRate.convert (getCtx(),
getAmtSourceDr(), getC_Currency_ID(), m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID(),
getDateAcct(), C_ConversionType_ID, m_doc.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID));
convDate, C_ConversionType_ID, m_doc.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID));
if (getAmtAcctDr() == null)
return false;
setAmtAcctCr (MConversionRate.convert (getCtx(),
getAmtSourceCr(), getC_Currency_ID(), m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID(),
getDateAcct(), C_ConversionType_ID, m_doc.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID));
convDate, C_ConversionType_ID, m_doc.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID));
return true;
} // convert

View File

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ public class CacheHandler {
private void runURLRequest(String cache, String ID) {
String thisURL = null;
for(int i=0; i<cacheURLs.length; i++) {
try {
thisURL = "http://" + cacheURLs[i] + "/cache/Service?Cache=" + cache + "&ID=" + ID;
URL url = new URL(thisURL);
@ -153,11 +154,11 @@ public class CacheHandler {
URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection(thisProxy);
Reader stream = new
Reader stream = null;
StringBuilder srvOutput = new StringBuilder();
try {
stream = new;
int c;
while ( ( != -1 )
srvOutput.append( (char)c );
@ -165,6 +166,14 @@ public class CacheHandler {
} catch (Exception E2) {
if (stream != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
stream = null;
} catch (IOException E) {
if (log!=null)
log.warning("Can't clean cache at:" + thisURL + " be carefull, your deployment server may use invalid or old cache data!");

View File

@ -1276,6 +1276,7 @@ public class CConnection implements Serializable, Cloneable
* @param transactionIsolation Connection transaction level
* @return Connection
public Connection getConnection (boolean autoCommit, int transactionIsolation)
Connection conn = null;

View File

@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ public abstract class OFXBankStatementHandler extends DefaultHandler
* @author ET
* @version $Id:,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
class StatementLine
static class StatementLine
protected String routingNo = null;
protected String bankAccountNo = null;

View File

@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ public class AccessSqlParser
* Table Info VO
public class TableInfo
public static class TableInfo
* Constructor

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class GridWindowVO implements Serializable
// Ensure ASP exceptions
MRole role = MRole.getDefault(ctx, false);
final Boolean windowAccess = role.getWindowAccess(vo.AD_Window_ID);
final Boolean windowAccess = vo!=null ? role.getWindowAccess(vo.AD_Window_ID) : null;
if (vo != null && windowAccess == null)
vo = null; // Not found
if (vo != null && windowAccess != null)

View File

@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public class GridWorkbench implements Serializable
* Window Type
class WBWindow
static class WBWindow
* WBWindow

View File

@ -112,6 +112,19 @@ public interface I_C_BankStatement
/** Get C_BankStatement_UU */
public String getC_BankStatement_UU();
/** Column name CopyFrom */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_CopyFrom = "CopyFrom";
/** Set Copy From.
* Copy From Record
public void setCopyFrom (String CopyFrom);
/** Get Copy From.
* Copy From Record
public String getCopyFrom();
/** Column name Created */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";
@ -141,6 +154,19 @@ public interface I_C_BankStatement
public String getCreateFrom();
/** Column name DateAcct */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_DateAcct = "DateAcct";
/** Set Account Date.
* Accounting Date
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp DateAcct);
/** Get Account Date.
* Accounting Date
public Timestamp getDateAcct();
/** Column name Description */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";

View File

@ -21,7 +21,12 @@ import org.compiere.util.TimeUtil;
public class MAssetAcct extends X_A_Asset_Acct
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3919172418904053712L;

View File

@ -35,8 +35,11 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.util.POCacheLocal;
public class MAssetAddition extends X_A_Asset_Addition
implements DocAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5977180589101094202L;
/** Static Logger */
private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(MAssetAddition.class);
@ -170,9 +173,9 @@ public class MAssetAddition extends X_A_Asset_Addition
MAttributeSetInstance asi = MAttributeSetInstance.create(Env.getCtx(), product, null);

View File

@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.feature.UseLifeImpl;
public class MAssetClass extends X_A_Asset_Class
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6526341869523579715L;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.DB;
public class MAssetGroup extends X_A_Asset_Group
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -173157506404569463L;
/** Cache: ID -> MAssetGroup */
private static CCache<Integer, MAssetGroup> s_cache = new CCache<Integer, MAssetGroup>(Table_Name, 10, 0);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.feature.UseLifeImpl;
public class MAssetGroupAcct extends X_A_Asset_Group_Acct
implements UseLife
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3458020679308192943L;
* Get Asset Group Accountings for given group

View File

@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ import org.compiere.model.Query;
public class MAssetProduct extends X_A_Asset_Product
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2459915999284269350L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public MAssetProduct (Properties ctx, int A_Asset_Product_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -27,8 +27,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.TimeUtil;
public class MAssetReval extends X_A_Asset_Reval
implements DocAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3937514008250840440L;
private boolean m_justPrepared = false;
public MAssetReval(Properties ctx, int X_A_Asset_Reval_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.exceptions.AssetAlreadyDepreciatedException;
public class MAssetTransfer extends X_A_Asset_Transfer
implements DocAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2997284714883099922L;
/** Just Prepared Flag */
private boolean m_justPrepared = false;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.DB;
** @version $Id:,v 1.88 2004/08/27 21:26:37 jjanke Exp $ */
public class MAssetUse extends X_A_Asset_Use
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1247516669047870893L;
public MAssetUse (Properties ctx, int A_Asset_Use_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, A_Asset_Use_ID, trxName);

View File

@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ import org.compiere.util.Msg;
if (amt.compareTo(getChargeAmt()) != 0)
setChargeAmt (amt);
return true;
} // beforeSave

View File

@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ public class MCost extends X_M_Cost
//-ve current qty will break moving average costing
if ((ce.isAveragePO() || ce.isAverageInvoice()) && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_CurrentQty))
if (ce!=null && (ce.isAveragePO() || ce.isAverageInvoice()) && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_CurrentQty))
if (getCurrentQty().signum() < 0)

View File

@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ public final class MCountry extends X_C_Country
* @param ctx context
* @return MCountry Array
public static MCountry[] getCountries(Properties ctx)
if (s_countries == null || s_countries.size() == 0)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.exceptions.AssetNotSupportedException;
public class MDepreciation extends X_A_Depreciation
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -632058079835100100L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public MDepreciation (Properties ctx, int A_Depreciation_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class MDepreciationBuild extends X_A_Depreciation_Build
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2075917470265913988L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public MDepreciationBuild (Properties ctx, int A_Depreciation_Build_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.DB;
public class MDepreciationConvention extends X_A_Depreciation_Convention
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2274629486216430723L;
* Default Constructor
* @param ctx context

View File

@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.exceptions.AssetException;
public class MDepreciationEntry extends X_A_Depreciation_Entry
implements DocAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6631244784741228058L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public MDepreciationEntry(Properties ctx, int A_Depreciation_Entry_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ import org.idempiere.fa.exceptions.AssetNotActiveException;
public class MDepreciationExp extends X_A_Depreciation_Exp
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6731366890875525147L;
private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(MDepreciationExp.class);
private CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(this.getClass());

View File

@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.DB;
public class MDepreciationMethod extends X_A_Depreciation_Method
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4622027905888469713L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public MDepreciationMethod (Properties ctx, int A_Depreciation_Method_ID, String trxName)

View File

@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.Util;
public class MIFixedAsset extends X_I_FixedAsset
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6394518107160329652L;
/** Default depreciation method */
private static final String s_defaultDepreciationType = "SL";

View File

@ -419,6 +419,12 @@ public class MLocation extends X_C_Location implements Comparator<Object>
return equals(cmp);
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* Print Address Reverse Order
* @return true if reverse depending on country

View File

@ -277,6 +277,12 @@ public final class MLookup extends Lookup implements Serializable
return false;
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* Return Size
* @return size

View File

@ -450,6 +450,8 @@ public class MLookupFactory
s_log.log(Level.INFO, "No Identifier records found: " + KeyColumn);
if (list == null)
list = new ArrayList<LookupDisplayColumn>();
list.add(new LookupDisplayColumn(KeyColumn, null, false, DisplayType.ID, 0));
// set isTranslated
@ -699,6 +701,8 @@ public class MLookupFactory
s_log.log(Level.INFO, "No Identifier records found: " + ColumnName);
if (list == null)
list = new ArrayList<LookupDisplayColumn>();
list.add(new LookupDisplayColumn(KeyColumn, null, false, DisplayType.ID, 0));

View File

@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ public class MMailText extends X_R_MailText
* MailText Translation VO
class MMailTextTrl
static class MMailTextTrl
/** Language */
String AD_Language = null;

View File

@ -244,6 +244,14 @@ public class MPasswordRule extends X_AD_PasswordRule {
} catch (Exception e) {
props = null;
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {}
in = null;
if (props == null)
return new MessageResolver();

View File

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class MProductCategory extends X_M_Product_Category
* @author Karsten Thiemann,
private class SimpleTreeNode {
private static class SimpleTreeNode {
/** id of the node */
private int nodeId;
/** id of the nodes parent */

View File

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class MQualityTest extends X_M_QualityTest {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8585270006299484402L;
public MQualityTest(Properties ctx, int M_QualityTest_ID, String trxName) {
super(ctx, M_QualityTest_ID, trxName);

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class MQualityTestResult extends X_M_QualityTestResult {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4253026765149175778L;
public MQualityTestResult(Properties ctx, int M_QualityTestResult_ID,
String trxName) {
super(ctx, M_QualityTestResult_ID, trxName);

View File

@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ public final class MRegion extends X_C_Region
* @param ctx context
* @return MCountry Array
public static MRegion[] getRegions(Properties ctx)
if (s_regions == null || s_regions.size() == 0)
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ public final class MRegion extends X_C_Region
* @param C_Country_ID country
* @return MRegion Array
public static MRegion[] getRegions (Properties ctx, int C_Country_ID)
if (s_regions == null || s_regions.size() == 0)

View File

@ -232,6 +232,12 @@ public class MRfQResponseLineQty extends X_C_RfQResponseLineQty implements Compa
return false;
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* Before Save
* @param newRecord new

View File

@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ import org.compiere.util.Env;
** @version $Id:,v 1.88 2004/08/27 21:26:37 jjanke Exp $ */
public class MXIFAJournal extends X_I_FAJournal
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1173588601522240768L;
public MXIFAJournal (Properties ctx, int I_FAJournal_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, I_FAJournal_ID, trxName);

View File

@ -884,7 +884,6 @@ public class ModelValidationEngine
//osgi event handlers
Event event = new Event(IEventTopics.PREF_AFTER_LOAD, (Map<String, ?>)null);

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@ -235,6 +235,12 @@ public final class MultiMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V>, Serializable
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method equals() not implemented.");
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* Returns class name and number of entries
* @return info

View File

@ -314,6 +314,12 @@ public abstract class PO
return super.equals(cmp);
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* Compare based on DocumentNo, Value, Name, Description
* @param o1 Object 1

View File

@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ public class ScheduleUtil
* @param trxName transaction
* @return Array of existing Assignments or null - if free
public MAssignmentSlot[] getAssignmentSlots (int S_Resource_ID,
Timestamp start_Date, Timestamp end_Date,
BigDecimal qty, boolean getAll, String trxName)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class X_C_BankStatement extends PO implements I_C_BankStatement, I_Persis
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20121031L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20121212L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_C_BankStatement (Properties ctx, int C_BankStatement_ID, String trxName)
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public class X_C_BankStatement extends PO implements I_C_BankStatement, I_Persis
setC_BankAccount_ID (0);
setC_BankStatement_ID (0);
setDateAcct (new Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ));
setDocAction (null);
// CO
setDocStatus (null);
@ -175,6 +176,23 @@ public class X_C_BankStatement extends PO implements I_C_BankStatement, I_Persis
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_C_BankStatement_UU);
/** Set Copy From.
@param CopyFrom
Copy From Record
public void setCopyFrom (String CopyFrom)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_CopyFrom, CopyFrom);
/** Get Copy From.
@return Copy From Record
public String getCopyFrom ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_CopyFrom);
/** Set Create lines from.
@param CreateFrom
Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
@ -192,6 +210,23 @@ public class X_C_BankStatement extends PO implements I_C_BankStatement, I_Persis
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_CreateFrom);
/** Set Account Date.
@param DateAcct
Accounting Date
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp DateAcct)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_DateAcct, DateAcct);
/** Get Account Date.
@return Accounting Date
public Timestamp getDateAcct ()
return (Timestamp)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_DateAcct);
/** Set Description.
@param Description
Optional short description of the record

View File

@ -412,6 +412,12 @@ public class CPaper extends Paper
return false;
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do

View File

@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public class MPrintPaper extends X_AD_PrintPaper
* Media Size Name
class CMediaSizeName extends MediaSizeName
static class CMediaSizeName extends MediaSizeName

View File

@ -639,11 +639,14 @@ public class PrintData implements Serializable
// Root
Element root = document.createElement(PrintData.XML_TAG);
root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, getName());
root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT, String.valueOf(getRowCount()));
processXML (this, document, root);
if (document != null) {
Element root = document.createElement(PrintData.XML_TAG);
root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, getName());
root.setAttribute(XML_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT, String.valueOf(getRowCount()));
processXML (this, document, root);
return document;
} // getDocument

View File

@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ import org.compiere.print.MPrintFormatItem;
public class BarcodeElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = -935853466496345172L;
* Barcode Element Constructor
* @param code barcode data string

View File

@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ import org.compiere.print.MPrintFormatItem;
public class BoxElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1956804687979601523L;
* BoxElement
* @param item item

View File

@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ import org.compiere.print.MPrintGraph;
public class GraphElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1723609598698053387L;
* Constructor
* @param pg graph model

View File

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class GridElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1744788593309619751L;
* Grid Element Constructor
* Call setData to initialize content

View File

@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class HTMLElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7752468251586676726L;
* HTML String Constructor
* @param html html code

View File

@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.Env;
public class ImageElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = 905615948952506059L;
* Create Image from URL
* @param imageURLString image url

View File

@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ import org.compiere.model.MLocation;
public class LocationElement extends GridElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6740297090803465288L;
* Constructor
* @param ctx context

View File

@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ import org.compiere.util.Util;
* <li>FR [ 1966406 ] Report Engine: AD_PInstance_Logs should be displayed
public class PInstanceLogElement extends GridElement {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8315529954507023182L;
private int m_effectiveRowCount = 0;
public PInstanceLogElement(Properties ctx, MQuery query, MPrintTableFormat tFormat)

View File

@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.Msg;
public class ParameterElement extends GridElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4702399095192668527L;
* Parameter Element.
* <pre>

View File

@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ import org.compiere.util.Util;
public class StringElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = 239112399504036626L;
* Standard Field Constructor.
* Created in LayoutEngine

View File

@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ import org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair;
public class TableElement extends PrintElement
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4185521888252077894L;
* Constructor.
* Created in LayoutEngine.
@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ public class TableElement extends PrintElement
m_printRows = new SerializableMatrixImpl<ArrayList<Serializable>>("TableElementPrintRows"); // reset
// Max Column Width = 50% of available width (used if maxWidth not set)
float dynMxColumnWidth = m_firstPage.width / 2;
float dynMxColumnWidth = m_firstPage.width / (float)2;
// Width calculation
int rows = m_data.getRowCount();

View File

@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
if (PostingType != null && PostingType.length() > 0)
select.append(" AND PostingType='").append(PostingType).append("'");
// globalqss - CarlosRuiz
if (PostingType.equals(MReportColumn.POSTINGTYPE_Budget)) {
if (MReportColumn.POSTINGTYPE_Budget.equals(PostingType)) {
if (m_columns[col].getGL_Budget_ID() > 0)
select.append(" AND GL_Budget_ID=" + m_columns[col].getGL_Budget_ID());
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
if (PostingType != null && PostingType.length() > 0)
select.append(" AND fb.PostingType='").append(PostingType).append("'");
// globalqss - CarlosRuiz
if (PostingType.equals(MReportColumn.POSTINGTYPE_Budget)) {
if (MReportColumn.POSTINGTYPE_Budget.equals(PostingType)) {
if (m_columns[col].getGL_Budget_ID() > 0)
select.append(" AND GL_Budget_ID=" + m_columns[col].getGL_Budget_ID());

View File

@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ public class CacheMgt
* @param Record_ID record if applicable or 0 for all
* @return number of deleted cache entries
protected int resetLocalCache (String tableName, int Record_ID)
if (tableName == null)
@ -253,7 +252,6 @@ public class CacheMgt
* Total Cached Elements
* @return count
public int getElementCount()
int total = 0;

View File

@ -347,8 +347,9 @@ public final class DB
if (conn != null)
success = true;
success = (conn != null);
else success = false;
catch (Exception e)

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@ -329,9 +329,11 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
InputStream is = fc.getInputStream();
if (fc != null) {
InputStream is = fc.getInputStream();
catch (Throwable t)

View File

@ -165,6 +165,12 @@ public final class MSort implements Comparator<Object>, Serializable
return false;
} // equals
public int hashCode()
assert false : "hashCode not designed";
return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do
* String Representation
* @return info

View File

@ -352,16 +352,19 @@ public class Secure implements SecureInterface
// Reset MessageDigest object
// Convert String to array of bytes
// Convert String to array of bytes
byte[] input = value.getBytes();
// feed this array of bytes to the MessageDigest object
// Get the resulting bytes after the encryption process
byte[] output = m_md.digest();
byte[] output = null;
// Reset MessageDigest object
if (m_md != null) {
// feed this array of bytes to the MessageDigest object
// Get the resulting bytes after the encryption process
output = m_md.digest();
return convertToHexString(output);
} // getDigest

View File

@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ public class StoredHtmlSrc extends MultiPartElement implements Printable {
InputStreamReader ins;
BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
try {
ins = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( ins );
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( ins );
String cssLine;
String result="";
while ((cssLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)
@ -47,5 +48,13 @@ public class StoredHtmlSrc extends MultiPartElement implements Printable {
} catch (IOException e1) {
log.warning("failed to load html-src: " + srcLocation);
if (bufferedReader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
bufferedReader = null;

View File

@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ public final class WebUtil
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
double speed = (fileLength/1024) / ((double)time/1000);
double speed = (fileLength/(double)1024) / (time/(double)1000);"Length="
+ fileLength + " - "
+ time + " ms - "
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ public final class WebUtil
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
double speed = (fileLength/1024) / ((double)time/1000);
double speed = (fileLength/(double)1024) / (time/(double)1000);"Length="
+ fileLength + " - "
+ time + " ms - "

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_C_TaxBase

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_C_TaxDefinition

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_C_TaxGroup

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_C_TaxType

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_DD_NetworkDistribution

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_DD_NetworkDistributionLine

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_DD_Order

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_HR_Concept

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_HR_Contract

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
* @author iDempiere (generated)
* @version Release 1.0a
public interface I_HR_Department

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