This commit is contained in:
Muhammad Eko 2024-10-03 14:55:14 +07:00
parent ffb97d70b9
commit 68022ff5f1
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ export default function DashboardLayout({children}:{children: React.ReactNode})
<span className="font-semibold text-base">Turn Over Rate</span>
<Link className={`flex gap-4 px-8 py-4 ${pathname === '/produktifitas' ? `bg-white text-[#664228]`:`text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-[#664228]`} items-center`} href="/produktifitas">
<Link className={`flex gap-4 px-8 py-4 ${pathname === '/produktifitas' ? `bg-white text-[#664228]`:`text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-[#664228]`} items-center`} href="#">
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="" className="fill-current">
<path d="M0 16V8H4V16H0ZM6 16V0H10V16H6ZM12 16V5H16V16H12Z" />
<span className="font-semibold text-base">Produktifitas Karyawan</span>
<Link className={`flex gap-4 px-8 py-4 ${pathname === '/hr-cost' ? `bg-white text-[#664228]`:`text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-[#664228]`} items-center`} href="/hr-cost">
<Link className={`flex gap-4 px-8 py-4 ${pathname === '/hr-cost' ? `bg-white text-[#664228]`:`text-white hover:bg-white hover:text-[#664228]`} items-center`} href="#">
<svg width="22" height="16" viewBox="0 0 22 16" fill="none" xmlns="" className="fill-current">
<path d="M13 9C12.1667 9 11.4583 8.70833 10.875 8.125C10.2917 7.54167 10 6.83333 10 6C10 5.16667 10.2917 4.45833 10.875 3.875C11.4583 3.29167 12.1667 3 13 3C13.8333 3 14.5417 3.29167 15.125 3.875C15.7083 4.45833 16 5.16667 16 6C16 6.83333 15.7083 7.54167 15.125 8.125C14.5417 8.70833 13.8333 9 13 9ZM6 12C5.45 12 4.97917 11.8042 4.5875 11.4125C4.19583 11.0208 4 10.55 4 10V2C4 1.45 4.19583 0.979167 4.5875 0.5875C4.97917 0.195833 5.45 0 6 0H20C20.55 0 21.0208 0.195833 21.4125 0.5875C21.8042 0.979167 22 1.45 22 2V10C22 10.55 21.8042 11.0208 21.4125 11.4125C21.0208 11.8042 20.55 12 20 12H6ZM8 10H18C18 9.45 18.1958 8.97917 18.5875 8.5875C18.9792 8.19583 19.45 8 20 8V4C19.45 4 18.9792 3.80417 18.5875 3.4125C18.1958 3.02083 18 2.55 18 2H8C8 2.55 7.80417 3.02083 7.4125 3.4125C7.02083 3.80417 6.55 4 6 4V8C6.55 8 7.02083 8.19583 7.4125 8.5875C7.80417 8.97917 8 9.45 8 10ZM19 16H2C1.45 16 0.979167 15.8042 0.5875 15.4125C0.195833 15.0208 0 14.55 0 14V3H2V14H19V16Z"/>