1259 lines
56 KiB
1259 lines
56 KiB
asset.natisrelease.no=NaTIS Release No
asset.natiscontrol.no=NaTIS Control No
asset.register.no=Register No
assetstatus.hsaf.stock=In Stock
assetstatus.onwater.stock=On Water
#Tamak specific
#footer.copyright=All Contents ©2006 Tamak ICT
#title.welcome=Welcome to Tamak POS
#title.POS=Tamak POS
title.welcome=Welcome to
scostatus.update =Update SCO Status
# -- standard errors --
# -- validator --
error.minlength.customerID=Customer ID should be of 13 digits
error.natiscustomer.alreadyexist=This customer already exists on your database.Please select the link "Existing Customer?" and choose the customer.
error.dataAccessException=Your request cannot be processed because some important data is missing. Please contact the System Administrator for more details.
error.operationException=You do not have sufficient privilege to perform the requested action. Please contact the System Administrator for more details.
error.systemException=An error has been detected. Please contact the System Administrator for more information.
error.runtimeException=An runtime error has occurred. Please contact the System Administrator for more details
errorpage.title=Errror Page
errorpage.heading=You have performed an illegal operation.
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.
error.required={0} is required.
error.match={0} do not match.
error.date.prior.today=ArrivalDate cannot be prior to today's date.
error.dateRangeNotValidException=Date range is not valid. Please try another one
error.match.password=Your passwords do not match. Please retype your new password.
error.match.newPassword=Your passwords do not match. Please retype your new password.
error.match.newEmail=Your emails do not match. Please retype your new email.
errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
errors.required={0} is required.
errors.byte={0} must be a byte.
errors.date={0} is not a date.
errors.double={0} must be a double.
errors.float={0} must be a float.
errors.integer={0} must be an integer.
errors.long={0} must be a long.
errors.short={0} must be a short.
errors.creditcard={0} is not a valid credit card number.
errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address.
error.numberformatexception.quantity=Please enter a numeric value for quantity.
error.numberformatexception.customerIdBookNumber=Please enter a numeric value for customer ID Book Number.
error.numberformatexception.customerID=Please enter numeric values only for customerID.
error.role.Invalid=Role cannot be found. Please try login again with another role. Contact your System Administrator if the problem persists.
error.illegal.access=You cannot view this order because it does not belong to you.
error.noStock.Available=Quantity available in stock is less than input quantity for {0} {1} {2} {3}
error.webstore.noStock.Available=Quantity available for {0} is {1}. You cannot order for an amount more than {1}
error.orderedQuantity.invalid=Ordered quantity must be greater than 0
error.productquantity.invalid=Ordered quantiry must be greater than 0.
error.invoice.nolineselected=Please select at least one line to generate invoice.
error.csvfile.invalid=There are errors in File, please delete the old file and download again to see the errors.
error.file.not.found=Please attach a file
error.stock.not.available=The Required Stock is Not Available
error.vehicle.alreadyReleased=The vehicle has already been released.
error.shipper.alreadyExists=Shipper already exists. Please choose another name.
error.allocationname.alreadyused=The name you supplied has already been used. Please input another one.
error.notallvins.available=Not all VIN numbers are currently available.
error.poReference.invalid=Please enter a valid reference number.
error.ftp.file=The file contains a VIN number that is already present in the system. This file may have already been processed.
error.naamsaModelCode.exist=The code you have entered already exist. Please enter another one.
error.naamsaDealerCode.exist=The code you have entered already exist. Please enter another one.
error.salesrep.required = Please select a sales representative.
error.date.notselected = Please choose a date.
error.emptycart = Your cart is empty!
error.trackingNo.not.found=Please Specify the Tracking Number of FedEx.
error.in.file=There is an error in the file, Please check for the for the ";" in the file and replace it by ","<br> and no field should be empty <br> If there is no discount and limit price, please make them same a the one for the List Price.<br> also check whether the tax rate that has been defined in the file exists.
error.invalid.address=The Customer does not has any address, Please Edit the customer.
error.invalid.orderType=The Order is not a POS Order, Please check the Document No
error.no.checkbox.selected=Please select a checkbox
error.client.alreadyexist=Client with the name provided already exist
error.client.create=Could not create client with the details provided.<br />Please contact POSterita (info@posterita.org) for support.<br />Cause:{0}
error.allocation.notclosable=Cannot close allocation because one or more lines are not Accepted yet
error.allocation.report.notselected=Please select an allocation to generate report.
error.allocation.notselected=Please select an allocation to generate order.
error.vin.already.exists=VIN number has already been used.
error.role.already.exists = The name has already been used. Please enter another name.
error.role.edit=Could not edit role
error.attributevalue.description.exception = Please enter a description
error.too.many.invoice=Only one invoice at a time can be allocated with payments and credit memo.
error.allocation.amt.exceeds.openamt=Allocation amount is more than the open amount for invoice, can not allocate
error.no.invoice.to.allocate=Please select an invoice to allocate.
error.operationException=Please specify an order to view
error.securityException=You are trying to view an order, that does not belong to your organisation.
error.required.agreement=You must agree to the terms and conditions before confirmation.
error.required.checkbox=Please make a selection.
error.required.sernoAttributeSetInstanceIds=Please select a product.
error.notfound={0} not found.
error.required.bpartnerId=Please enter the customer
error.required.amount.given=Please enter the amount given
error.required.paymentTermId=Please select a Payment term
error.product.name.required=Please enter a product
error.cannot.deactivate.paymentTermName=Cannot Deactivate PaymentTerm, Some customers are associated with it;
error.required.username=Name is required.
error.required.userSurname=Surname is required.
error.required.password=Password is required.
error.required.oldPassword=Please enter your old password.
error.required.newPassword=Please enter your new password.
error.required.confirmPassword = Please confirm your new password.
error.required.creditCardNumber=Credit Card Number is required.
error.required.address1=Address 1 is required
error.required.city = City is required.
error.required.postalAddress = Postal Address is required.
error.required.email = Please enter Email Address.
error.required.newEmail=Please enter your new email address.
error.required.confirmEmail=Please confirm your new email address.
error.wrong.old.password=The Old Password is wrong.
error.wrong.password.matching=The passwords do not match
error.wrong.password.length=The passweod should be at least six characters long
error.required.warehouseName = Warehouse Name is required.
error.required.orgName = Dealer Name is required.
error.required.poReference = Please enter a reference no.
error.required.orderId=Please enter a valid order Id
error.update.sequence=An error has been encountered while updating sequence, Please check database connection
error.required.poreference=Please enter the purchase order number.
error.required.assetID=Please choose a VIN number.
error.required.description= Please enter description.
error.required.priceEntered=Please enter purchase price.
error.required.vinNumber=Please enter a VIN Number.
error.numberformatexception.priceEntered=Please enter a numeric value for purchase price.
error.invalid.barcode=Invalid Barcode! Barcode is either empty or null.
error.required.name=Please enter name.
error.required.Surname=Please enter surname.
error.required.custIdNumber=Please enter customerID.
error.required.physicalCity=Please enter physical city.
error.required.physicalPostalCode=Please enter physical postal code.
error.required.physicalStreet1=Please enter physical street1.
error.required.postalCity=Please enter postal city.
error.required.postalPostalCode=Please enter postal code.
error.required.phone1=Please enter home Tel.
error.required.phoneNo=Please enter work tel.
error.required.cell=Please enter cell no.
error.required.aaCardnumber=Please enter card AA No.
error.natisRelease.firebird=Your vehicle has been transmitted to NaTIS and is queued for release.
error.duplicate.reference=You have already used this reference. Please use another one.
error.usernameAlreadyUsed=The username you provided already exists. Please choose another username.
error.name.exists=The name and surname you provided already exists. Please login with your email address.
error.email.exists=The email already exists. Please use another email address.
error.customer.id=Invalid customer ID, must be a 13 digit number.
error.email=Email has not been sent
error.duplicate.vin=You have selected vehicles with the same VIN number. Please make sure that all vehicles have been assigned different VIN numbers.
error.warehouse.alreadyexists = Warehouse already exists. Please choose another name.
error.targetQuantity.invalid = Please enter valid quantity.
error.cannot.delete.order=Cannot Delete order as it has been invoiced
error.bp.alreadyexist=This customer already exists in your database. Please select the link /"Existing Customer" and choose the correct customer.
error.natiscustomer.alreadyexist=This customer already exists on your database.Please select the link "Existing Customer?" and choose the customer.
error.model.alreadyGrouped = Model already grouped
error.bank.already.exist=Bank already exists
error.attributevalue.alreadyexist = Value already exists
error.year.attributevalue.invalid = Please enter a valid year
error.product.alreadyexist = Product Already Exists, Please enter a new one
error.year.attributevalue.formatting.exception = Please enter numerical values for year
error.year.length.invalid = Invalid year. Length should be 4.
error.product.not.selected = Please select a product
error.bp.notselected=Please choose a Customer
error.no.vin.number=Please Specify a complete VIN Number
error.invalid.period=Start date should not be greater than end date.
error.required.fromDate = Please select start date.
error.required.toDate = Please select end date.
error.already.released= The Vehicle is already released, Can not swap the Vehicle
error.product.selected.not.same.warehouse=Warehouse of the selected products are different,please select the products from same warehouse
error.cannot.create.inventory.line==Cannot create Inventory line for the products which are service,<br> Please make the product item and then make a purchase.
error.ftp.novehicles = There is no vehicle for your Organisation in the FTP file uploaded
error.vehicle.vinAlreadyPresent = The vin number entered is already present in the system.
error.vehicle.unitNumberPresent = The unit number entered is already present in the system.
error.numberformatexception.enginePower = Please enter a numeric value for Engine Power.
error.numberformatexception.natisModelNo = Please enter a numeric value for NaTIS Model Number.
error.numberformatexception.noOfWheels = Please enter a numeric value for No. of wheels.
error.numberformatexception.tare = Please enter a numeric value for Tare.
error.numberformatexception.engineCapacity = Please enter a numeric value for Engine Capacity.
error.modelmatching.notfound = Model Matching not found.
error.modelmatching.alreadyexist = Model Matching already exist
error.deactivatingproductinstock = Cannot deactivate product(s) as there are still some in HSAF or Dealers' stock.
error.orderId.null = Please enter an Order Id.
error.order.notExist = The Order does not exist. Please enter a valid Order Id.
error.order.noOrderline.selected = Please select at least one orderline to delete.
error.product.keywords.required=Keywords are mandatory. Please set them before making a product featured in Webstore.
error.colourmatching.alreadyexist=Colour Code Matching Already Exist
error.colourmatching.invalid=Colour Code Matching is invalid
error.colourmatching.errorsave=Could not save Colour Code Matching details
error.import.nolineselected=You should choose at least one import line for processing
error.invalid.inputQty=Please enter a quantity greater than 0
error.invalid.totalQty=Please enter a quantity per Size!
error.quantity.notAvailable=Entered quantity not available for {0}
error.updating.product=Could not update the status of the selected products
error.product.not.found=Product Not Available {0}
error.check.inserted.value=Please check the value inserted qty and the barcode should be separated by + sign
error.product.attributes.different=Cannot update Products with different attributes
error.updating.attribute=Could not change the specified Attribute Value
error.product.price.not.found=Product is Not On PriceList {0}
error.product.already.exists=Product already exists
error.barcode.already.exists=Barcode already exists
error.barcode.required = Barcode is required
error.reason.required = Please type in the reason
error.qty.required = Quantity is required
error.total.zero = Please check total amount. Cannot be zero
error.product.cannot.inactivate=product cannot be inactivated /Make it Services {0}
error.invalid.content= The Content of the uploaded file are wrong, should be an image
error.pos.no.orderline=There are no orderline in the order, please create a new order
error.no.transfer.amount=Please enter some amount
error.transferAmt.exceeds.endingBalance=Amount exceeding the ending balance, can not create transaction
error.cannot.close.till=The Till is already closed, can not transfer any amount until a new cash order is created </br> To transfer only card and cheque amount insert transfer amount as 0 and press submit
error.invalid.number=Please insert a valid number
tax.rate.not.defined=The Tax rate is not defined,Please define it {0}
error.required.revenue.recognition=Please enter Revenue Recognition
error.duplicate.product=Duplicate product name in the file Or the product already exists in the system {0}
error.duplicate.barcode=Duplicate barcode in the file Or the barcode already exists in the system {0}
error.cannot.adjust.till=The till is closed,cannot adjust the amount now
error.till.already.close=The Till is closed, can not close it again</br> To transfer only card and cheque amount just press submit
error.duplicate.userpin=The User Pin Already exists.
error.paymentTermName.duplicate=The Payment Term Name already Exists.
error.net.days.cannot.be.negative=Net Days cannot be negative or null.
error.name.mandatory = Please type the name
error.bpartner.over.credit.limit=Customer exceeds Credit Limit </br> {0}
error.bpartner.no.payment.term=Customer does not has a Payment Term,Please create one
error.taxname.duplicate=Tax name already exists
error.taxrate.duplicate=Tax rate already exists
error.name.required=Please Insert the Name
error.required.field=field required {0}
error.tax.rate.nagative=tax rate cannot be negative
error.discount.nagative=Discount(s) cannot be negative
cannot.inactivate.tax=Cannot deactivate tax, some products have this tax
error.pos.payment.invalidCashAmount=Please enter a numeric value for Cash Amt.
error.pos.payment.invalidCardAmount=Please enter a numeric value for Card Amt.
error.pos.payment.invalidChequeAmount=Please enter a numeric value for Cheque Amt.
error.pos.incorrect.tendered.amount=Please enter the exact tender amount.
error.paymentamount.mandatory=Please enter Payment Amount.
error.allocate.amt.exceeds=Allocated Amt. exceeds the open amt of Invoice {0}
error.allocate.amt.payamt.notequal=Allocated Amt is not equal to the Payment Amt {0}
error.collection.dir=Image Collection directory does not exist: {0}
error.inactive.collection.dir=Inactive Image Collection directory does not exist: {0}
error.errors.dir=Error image directory does not exist: {0}
error.synchronize.products.collection=Could not synchronize product collections: {0}
error.related.product=No product found related with this attribute value
error.invalid.datetime=The date and time provided is invalid
error.order.delete=Could not delete this order
error.sessions.exceeded=You cannot log into the system.<br />Number of Licensed Sessions, <b>({0})</b>, will be exceeded.<br />Please contact your administrator for further details.
error.requests.exceeded=The number of operations that you have performed has exceeded the limit that has been set for your license of Tamak ICT POS.<br />Please contact your administrator for further details.
error.license.invalid=Your license is invalid. Please change your licensing details as appropriate.
error.license.unexpected=An unexpected error has occurred. Please try to perform again all the operations that caused this error.<br/> In case this error occurs again, please contact your administrator.<br/>Details: {0}
error.licensinginfo.update=Licensing information could not be updated. Cause: {0}
login.passwordError= Password is invalid
error.invalid.pin=Invalid User PIN
error.duplicate.pin=More than one user has the same PIN
error.customer.not.exists=The customer is either not present or is not active
error.vendor.not.exists=The vendor is either not present or is not active
# -- other --
errors.cancel=Operation cancelled.
errors.general=The process did not complete. Details should follow.
errors.token=Request could not be completed. Operation is not in sequence.
error.required.vin.number=Please enter a VIN number
error.invalid.orderId=Order does not exist!
error.invoke.status=Cannot invoke order with status: {0}
# -- welcome --
address = Address:
postaladdress = Postal Address:
city = City:
region = Region:
welcome.title=Struts Blank Application
welcome.message=To get started on your own application, copy the struts-blank.war to a new WAR file using the name for your application. Place it in your container's "webapp" folder (or equivalent), and let your container auto-deploy the application. Edit the skeleton configuration files as needed, restart your container, and you are on your way! (You can find the application.properties file with this message in the /WEB-INF/src/java/resources folder.)
login.emailNotFound=There is no email set for you please check with your administrator
login.userNotFound=Your Username can not be found on the system.
login.passwordError= Password is invalid
login.alreadyLogin=You are already logged in! Please logout before you attempt to login again.
admin.changeEmail.title=Change My Email Address
admin.changeEmail.oldEmail=Old Email Address:
admin.changeEmail.newEmail=New Email Address:
admin.changeEmail.confirmEmail=Retype New Email Address:
admin.changePassword.title=Change My Password
admin.changePassword.old=Old Password:
admin.changePassword.new=New Password:
admin.changePassword.confirm=Retype New Password:
admin.home.title=Dealer Admin - Document Storage
admin.home.link.stocks=My Stock
admin.home.link.certificates=My Certificates
admin.home.link.creditNotes=Credit Notes
admin.home.link.changePassword=Change Password
admin.home.link.changeEmail=Change Email Address
admin.home.link.viewMyDetails=View My Details
admin.invalidEmailError=You entered an invalid email address.
admin.wrongPasswordError=You wrongly entered your old password.
admin.emailChanged.title=Email Address changed
admin.emailChanged.message=Your email has been changed.
admin.myCertificates.title=My Certificates
admin.myStocks.title=Available Stock - Not Yet Released
admin.passwordChanged.title=Password changed
admin.passwordChanged.message=Your password has been changed.
admin.userDeleted.title=User deleted
admin.userDeleted.message=You have successfully deleted the User.
admin.userDetails.title=User Details
admin.userForm.title=Create User
admin.userForm.select=Select User Role:
admin.viewMyDetails.title=My Details
admin.viewMyDetails.email=Email Address:
admin.viewMyDetails.dealerName=Dealer Name:
admin.viewMyDetails.dealerCode=Dealer Code:
admin.viewMyDetails.phone=Phone Number:
admin.viewMyDetails.fax=Fax Number:
admin.viewMyDetails.deliveryAddress=Delivery Address:
admin.viewUsers.title=View All Users
admin.viewUsers.userRole=User Role
admin.viewUsers.editDelete=Edit/Delete User
admin.viewRoles.title = View All Roles
allocation.home.link.request=Allocation Requests
allocation.request.confirm=Please confirm your allocation request
allocation.results.vehicle.allocation=Your vehicle allocations for March 2005 are as follows:
mmovement.title=Material Movement
mmovement.documentNo=Document No:
mmovement.destinationLocator=Destination Locator:
mmovement.header=Material Movement
mmovement.selectWarehouse=Move to Warehouse:
mmovement.documentStatus=Document Status:
mmovement.track.title=Track Material Movement
mmovement.track.header=Track Material Movement
allocation.results.time.remaining=Time Remaining for this allocation:
allocation.results.time.numDays=22 days
allocation.results.swap.allocation=*NB: Should you choose to swap an allocated vehicle, the system will automatically accept that allocation.
allocation.resultsConfirm.title=Allocation - Allocation submitted
allocation.resultsConfirm.message=Thank You. Your allocations have been submitted.
allocation.status=Allocation Status
allocation.swap.title=Vehicle Allocation Request
allocation.swap.heading=Vehicle Allocation Request
allocation.swap.vehicles=Vehicles available for swap
allocation.swapConfirm.submit=Your request for swap has been submitted.
allocation.swapProcess.title=Swap Process
asset.status= Asset Status
days.old=Days Old
button.create=Create Order
button.edit=Edit User
button.process=Process Order
button.reply = Reply
button.createwarehouse=Create Warehouse
button.invoice = Create Invoice
dealerOrder.cancelOrder.title=Dealer Order - Order cancelled
dealerOrder.cancelOrder.message=This order has been cancelled.
dealerOrder.createOrder.title=Dealer Order
dealerOrder.home.link.result=Dealer Orders
dealerOrder.home.link.specialColour=Special Colour Orders
dealerOrder.home.printOrder=Dealer Order - Print Order
dealerOrder.input.all=Please input all values.
dealerOrder.process.title=Dealer Order - Order processed
dealerOrder.process.message=Thank You, Your orders have been processed
dealerOrder.results.title=Dealer Order - Results
dealerOrder.specialColour.title=Special Colour Orders
dealerOrder.specialColour.submission=*NB: Must be submitted four months in advance for Accord, All other models - 3 months in advance.
dealerOrder.createSpecialColour.title=Create Special Colour Order
dealerOrder.terms.title=Dealer Order - Terms and Conditions
dealerOrder.terms.heading=Terms and Conditions
dealerOrder.terms.term1=All orders placed by the dealer (whose name and details appear on this order form) ("the Dealer") shall be final and binding on the Dealer once the Dealer has signed this order form and delivered the original signed order form or a copy thereof to Honda South Africa (Pty) Ltd (registration number 2000/010675/07) ("HSAF"). The Dealer shall not be entitled to cancel its order, return any of the Honda Products reflected on this order form or obtain a credit for Honda Products without HSAF's prior written consent.
dealerOrder.terms.term2=The Dealer's order shall not be binding on HSAF until acceptance thereof by HSAF (whether in whole or in part) by the duly authorized HSAF divisional manager signing this order form in the space provided therefor.
dealerOrder.terms.term3=Ownership in and to Honda Products forming the subject matter of this order form shall remain vested with HSAF until those Honda Products have been delivered to or collected by the Dealer, as the case may be, and HSAF has received payment in full of the total amounts reflected on this order form. The risk of loss and damage to the Honda Products reflected on this order form shall pass to the Dealer upon the collection or the delivery of those Honda Products to the Dealer, notwithstanding the fact that the Dealer has not paid HSAF in full for those Honda Products and that the Dealer is not the owner of those Honda Products.
dealerOrder.terms.term4=Any purported variation on this order form of the provisions of any written agreement(s) concluded between HSAF and the Dealer in respect of the Honda Products shall not take precedence over the terms of those written agreements, notwithstanding HSAF's signature on this order form.
dealerOrder.terms.term5=By the Dealer's signature of this order form, the Dealer acknowledges and agrees that it has read and understood the terms and conditions set out on this order form and agrees to be bound to those terms and conditions.
dealerOrder.terms.term6=HSAF reserves the right at any time and from time to time to change or modify, without notice, the terms and conditions set out in this order form.
dealerOrder.terms.term7=Notwithstanding the signature hereof by HSAF, HSAF will have obligation, under any circumstances, to accept orders for any Honda Products which are not in this current inventory.
dealerOrder.terms.term8=For the purposes of this order form, Honda products means:
dealerOrder.terms.term8a=such new motorcycles and automobiles as are from time to time offered for sale by HSAF to Dealer for resale as part of HSAF's motorcycle or automobile line as determined by HSAF in its sole discretion; and/or
dealerOrder.terms.term8b=all industrial and domestic engines manufactured by HSAF which form part of HSAF's engine line as determined by HSAF in its sole discretion; and/or
dealerOrder.terms.term8c=all power products which form part of HSAF's power product line as determined by HSAF in its sole discretion, including without limitation, all HSAF generators, lawn mowers, brushcutters and water pumps; and/or
dealerOrder.terms.term8d=all parts, accessories and optional equipment marketed by HSAF for use of with motorcycles, engines, automobiles and power products referred to above.
dealerOrder.qty.greaterThanZero=The quantity specified must be greater than zero.
dealerOrder.noOrders=Please add at least an order.
dealerOrder.must.agree=You must agree to the terms and conditions before confirmation.
include.footer.poweredBy=Powered by UDI Technology
include.footer.allContent=All Content © 2005 Honda South Africa
include.header.link.loginSuccess= Home
include.header.link.stockAction= Stock Inquiries
include.header.link.dealerOrderHome= Dealer Orders
include.header.link.natisReleaseHome= NaTIS Release
include.header.link.allocationHome= Allocations
include.header.link.interDealerHome= Inter Dealer Transfers
include.header.link.adminHome= Dealer Admin
include.header.link.loginActionNoInput= Logout
include.header.link.myorders=My Orders
interDealer.cancelTransfer.message=You have cancelled this request.
interDealer.dealerTransferOrder.title = Inter Dealer Transfer
interDealer.dealerTransferOrder.heading = Dealer Transfer: Request
interDealer.home.title=Dealer Transfers
interDealer.process.title=Dealer Transfer - Request sent
interDealer.process.message=Your request has been transmitted.
interDealer.request.title=Dealer Transfer - Requests
interDealer.receiving.title=Dealer Transfer - Receiving
interDealer.receiving.reason=Reason for rejection
login.choose.title=Please choose a User from any of these Dealers
login.forgot.forgotPassword=Forgot your password?<br> Please enter your username and we will send your password to your email address
login.forgot.sendPassword=Send Password
login.home.title=Welcome to Honda SA Dealer Communication System
login.home.title.part1=Welcome to
login.home.title.part2=Honda SA Dealer Communication System
login.home.login=Please Login
login.home.loginForgot=Forgot password?
login.loginForm.message=Please enter your username and password.Remember your email is your username <br/> NB: Case sensitive.
login.logout.logoutSuccess=You have successfully logged out.
login.logout.backToLogin= Click Here to go back to the Login Screen
login.password.passwordSent=Your password has been sent you should receive it in a few minutes
login.password.backToLogin= Click Here to go back to the Login Screen
login.password.emailTitle= Your password reminder.
login.password.emailSubject=The password to log in into the Dealer Communication System is:
login.success.welcome=Welcome to Honda South Africa <br/> Dealer Communication System
login.userInactive=Your user has been set inactive.
menu.title = Menu
menu.close = Close Menu
menu.closed = Menu Closed
menu.isActive = Is Active
menu.list = List of Menu
menu.description = Description
message.title = Create Message
message.from = From:
message.to = To:
message.recto = To
message.subject = Subject:
message.recsubject = Subject
message.writemessage = Message:
message.senttitle = Message Sent
message.sent = Your Message has been sent
message.sentmessages = Sent Messages
message.mymessages = My Messages
message.received = Received Messages
message.sender = Sender
message.date = Date
message.viewdate = Date:
message.view = View Message
message.markas = Mark as
message.delete = Delete
message.reply = Reply Message
message.viewreceivedmessage = View Received Message
message.viewsentmessage = View Sent Message
message.sendbutton = Send
message.goback = Go Back
myorders.home.title=My Orders - Home
myorders.home.heading=My Orders
myorders.orders.dealerorders.link=Dealer Orders
myorders.orders.scoorders.link=Special Colour Orders
myorders.orders.requesttransferorders.link=Dealer Transfer Orders
myorders.purchaseorders.home.link=Purchase Orders
upload.file = Please attach the file for creating orders
download.file=Download file
myorders.result.title=My Orders Result
myorders.result.heading=My Orders - Result
myorders.result.dateOrdered=Date Ordered
myorders.result.docStatus=Doc Status
myorders.result.hsafRef=HSAF Ref ID
myorders.result.poreference=PO Reference
myorders.result.grandTotal=Grand Total
myorders.result.viewOrder=View Order
myorders.result.orderfrom=Ordered From
myorders.salesorders.home.link=Sales Orders
myorders.purchase.order= Purchase Order
mycertificate.title = My Certificates
mycertificate.viewCertificate = View Certificate
natisRelease.home.title=NaTIS Release
natisRelease.process.title=NaTIS Release - Vehicle released
natisRelease.process.message=Thank you, the Vehicle has been released
natisRelease.release.idNumber=ID Number:
natisRelease.release.physicalAddress=Physical Address
natisRelease.release.postalAddress=Postal Address
natisRelease.release.homeTelephone=Home Telephone
natisRelease.release.workTelephone=Work Telephone
natisRelease.viewCertificate.title=View Certificate
natisRelease.viewCertificate.message=Your NaTIS Certificate for this vehicle has been released.
natisRelease.viewCertificate.download=Click here for your certificate.
natis.order.history = NaTIS Release Sales History
order.dealerPONo=Dealer Purchase Order No:
order.HSAFRefNo=HSAF Ref No:
order.agree=I agree to the terms and conditions as laid down by Honda SA*
order.terms=Terms and Conditions compulsory
order.specialColour=Special Colour Order
order.print=Printer Friendly Version
orderView.orderFooter.use=FOR OFFICE USE
orderView.orderFooter.roNo=R/O NUMBER
orderView.orderFooter.invoiceNo=INVOICE NUMBER
orderView.orderFooter.dealerAuthor=DEALER AUTHORISATION:
orderView.orderFooter.recvBy=HSAF RECEIVED BY:
orderView.orderFooter.divMgr=AUTHORISED DIV MANAGER: (Name & Sign.)
orderView.orderHeader.honda=HONDA S.A AUTOMOBILE <br/> DEALER ORDER
orderView.orderHeader.orderNo=DEALER ORDER NO:
orderView.orderHeader.dealerCode=DEALER CODE:
orderView.orderHeader.dealerName=DEALER NAME:
orderView.orderHeader.delAddress=DELIVERY ADDRESS:
orderView.orderPriceDetails.subTotal=SUB TOTAL
orderView.orderPriceDetails.orderTotal=ORDER TOTAL
product.create.car = Create New Car
product.create.bike = Create New Bike
product.create.usedcar = Create Used Car
product.create.usedbike = Create Used Bike
product.create.usedcar.attributevalue = Create Used Car Attribute Value
product.create.usedbike.attributevalue = Create Used Bike Attribute Value
product.create.car.attributevalue = Create New Car Attribute Value
product.create.bike.attributevalue = Create New Bike Attribute Value
product.create = Create Product
product.details = Product Details
product.year =Year
product.purchase.price = Purchase Price
product.sales.price = Sales Price
product.wholesale.price= Wholesale Price
product.retail.price= Retail Price
product.vinNo=VIN No.
product.salesRegion=Sales Region
product.sendRequest=Send Request
product.frameNo=FRAME NUMBER
product.uprice=PRICE Ex VAT
product.colourType=Colour Type
product.colour.group=Colour Group
product.wholesaleDate=Wholesale Date
product.natisApplicationDate=NaTIS Application Date
product.refNo=Reference No
product.ordId=Order ID
product.ordBy=Order By
product.ordDate=Date Ordered
product.doctype=Doc Type
product.type = Product Type
product.home.title = Select Products For Order
product.isNatisReleased = Is NaTIS Released
product.description = Description
product.restriction = Product Restriction
product.name = Product Name
product.restrict = Restrict
product.pricelist = Pricelist
product.newprice = New Price
product.oldprice = Old Price
product.price.edit = Edit Product Price
reprice.orders=Reprice Orders
customer.details=Customer's Details
customer.licensing.desc=Licensing Option Description
customer.finance.option=Finance Option Description
trade.in.make=Trade In Make
trade.in.makeModel=Trade In Make Model
trade.in.year=Trade In Year
customer.idBookNo=ID Book Number
engine.no=Engine Number
maintenance.contract=Maintenance Contract
registration.status=Registration Status
target.sales.title = Target Sales
target.sales.month = Month
target.sales.year = Year
target.sales.ModelGroup = Model Group
target.sales.Quantity = Quantity
target.sales.organisation = Organisation
stock.home.title=Stock Inquiry
stock.inquiry.show=Show ONLY stock from HSAF
stock.not.reserved.show=Show ONLY available stock
stock.process.title=Stock Inquiry - Request sent
stock.process.message=Thank You, your request has been sent
stock.filter.by=Filter by:
error.workflow.violation=<b>You can only progress in this application using the buttons and the menu that are offered. Hitting the browser's reload button or using the back button is not allowed.</b>
user.create = Create User
user.created = User Created
user.role=User Role:
user.address = Address:
user.city = City:
user.postaladdress = Postal Address:
user.region = Region
user.email=Email Address:
user.phone = Phone No:
user.cellphone=Cell Phone:
user.confirmPassword=Confirm Password:
user.isActive = Is Active
user.isSalesRep = Is Sales Representative
user.details = User Details
user.pin=User PIN
user.docBasisType=Document Basis for Commission
user.comm.per=% Commission for the sales rep
user.comm.fre=Calculation Frequency
user.substract.amt=Substract Amt**
user.substract.exp=**The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to calculation of commission
choose.VIN=Choose VIN Number
allocation.status=Allocation Status
asset.owner=Owned By
asset.status=Asset Status
queryVinNo.title=Query VIN No.
vinNo.search=Search VIN No.
vinNo.query=Query on the Status of VIN Number
vinNoDetails.title=VIN Number Details
searchOrderByRef.title=Query Order Reference Number
search.orderID=Search Order Ref No.
query.dealers.stock.title=Query Dealers Stock
bPartner.title = Business Partner
bPartner.create = Create Business Partner
bpartner.details = Business Partner Details
bpartner.name = Name
bpartner.name2 = Name2
bPartner.address = Address
bPartner.address1 = Address1
bPartner.address2 = Address2
bPartner.postal.address = Postal Address
bPartner.city = City
bPartner.phone=Phone Number
bPartner.fax=Fax Number
bpartner.edit = Edit
bpartner.view = View
bPartner.isActive = Is Active:
bPartner.isCustomer = Is Customer:
bPartner.isVendor = Is Vendor:
bPartner.isEmployee = Is Employee:
bPartner.isSalesRep = Is Sales Rep:
bPartner.region = Region
bPartner.edit = Edit Business Partner Details
bPartner.credit.limit = Credit Limit
bPartner.credit.status = Credit Status
bPartner.dunning = Dunning
bank.create = Create Bank
bank.name = Bank Name
bank.address = Address
bank.postaladdress = Postal Address
postal.address = Postal Address
bank.city = City
bank.routingnumber = Routing Number
bank.details = Bank Details
locator.details = Locator Details
locator.create = Create Locator
locator.warehouse = Warehouse
locator.aisle = Aisle
locator.bin = Bin
locator.level = Level
locator.default = Is Default
bAccount.create = Create Bank Account
bAccount.bank.name = Bank Name
bAccount.no = Account Number
bAccount.type = Account Type
bAccount.current.balance = Current Balance
bAccount.type.checking = Checking
bAccount.type.saving = Saving
bAccount.details=Bank Account Details
order.history = Order History
invoice.history = Invoice History
payment.history = Payment History
inout.shipment.history = Shipment History
inout.receipt.history = Receipt History
history.receiptNumber = Receipt Number
history.shipmentNumber = Shipment Number
history.orderNumber = Order Number
history.invoiceNumber = Invoice Number
history.documentNumber = Document Number
history.documentStatus = Document Status
history.dealerName = Dealer Name
history.date = Date
history.dateInvoiced = Date Invoiced
history.dateOrdered = Date Ordered
history.grandTotal = Grand Total
history.isDelivered = Is Delivered
history.isInvoiced = Is Invoiced
history.isPaid = Is Paid
history.isReceipt = Is Receipt
history.paymentId = Payment Id
history.paymentAmt = Payment Amt
history.transactionDate = Transaction Date
history.orderReference = Order Reference
history.isSotrx = Is Sales Order
warehouse.create = Create Warehouse
warehouse.created = Warehouse Created
warehouse.details = Warehouse Details
warehouse.wname = Warehouse Name
warehouse.name = Warehouse Name:
warehouse.address = Address:
warehouse.postaladdress = Postal Address:
warehouse.city = City:
warehouse.region = Region
warehouse.isPublic = Is Accesible to Dealers
warehouse.isActive= Is Active
is.warehouse.allocation= Is Allocation Warehouse
warehouse.type=Warehouse Type
warehouse.all = All Warehouses
product.attribute.create = Create Product Attribute Value
product.attribute.set = Vehicle
product.attribute.name = Attribute
product.attribute.value = Value
product.attribute.value.created = Product Attribute Value Created
product.attribute.existingValues = Existing values
product.selected = Selected Products
quantity = Quantity
engine.number= Engine Number
natis.application.date=NaTIS Application Date
natis.release.date=NaTIS Release Date
natis.control.number=NaTIS Control Number
natis.model.number=NaTIS Model Number
natis.unit.number=NaTIS Unit Number
natis.release.id=NaTIS Release Id
org.name=Owned By
warehouse.name= Warehouse
register.number= Register Number
customer.create.new=Create new customer
customer.information =NaTIS Release-Customer Information
customer.name = Customer Name:
customer.id.number=ID Number:
customer.phy.add = Physical Address:
customer.street1 = Street 1:
customer.street2 = Street 2:
customer.city = city:
customer.postal.address = Postal Address:
postal.street1=Postal Street
postal.city=Postal city
postal.code = Postal Code:
customer.home.telephone =Home Telephone No:
customer.work.telephone =Work Telephone No:
customer.cell= Customer Cell:
customer.aa.car.number=AA Card No:
customer.maintenance.contract.number=Maintenance Contract No:
invoice.it = Invoice
unreserve.stock = Unreserve Stock
shipment.material.receipt=Shipment/Material Receipt
vehicle.createVehicle=Create Vehicle
vehicle.unitNumber=Unit Number
vehicle.vinNumber=Vin Number
vehicle.engineNumber=Engine Number
vehicle.natisModelDesc=Natis Model Desc
vehicle.enginePower=Engine Power
vehicle.engineCapacity=Engine Capacity
vehicle.noOfWheels=No. of Wheels
vehicle.cntryOfImport=Country Of Import
vehicle.colourCdHES=Colour Code HES
vehicle.mainColourCd=Main Colour Code
vehicle.natisModelNum=Natis Model Number
#========= DMS Messages
error.required.attributeValue = Value is required
error.required.orgName = Dealer Name is required
error.required.address1 = Address is required
error.required.city = City is required
error.required.postalAddress = Postal Address is required
error.required.orgType = Choose a dealer type
error.required.vehicleType = Choose a product type
error.required.locator = Destination Locator required
error.required.warehouse = Destination Warehouse required
error.no.order.exists=The Order is already completed, Please make a new one
org.create=Create Dealer
org.details = Dealer Details
org.name=Dealer Name:
reserved.for=Reserved For the Dealer:
org.type=Dealer Type:
org.product.type=Product Type:
click.order.id=Click this OrderId to get the Order:
org.retailer= Is Retailer:
org.wholesaler=Is Wholesaler:
org.automobile= Is Automobile:
org.motocycle=Is Motocycle:
org.postalAddress=Postal Address:
org.isActive= Is Active
org.isVisible= Is Visible
dealer.details = Dealer Details
dealer.name = Dealer Name
dealer.location = Location
dealer.phone = Phone
dealer.fax = Fax
role.create = Create Role
role.name = Name
role.superuser = Access to all Dealers
role.create = Create Role
role.name = Name
role.accessibleToAll = Access to all Dealers
role.isActive = Is Active
pos.name= POS Name
pos.begining.balance=Beginning Balance
pos.net.transaction=Net Cash Transaction
pos.cash.total=Cash Amount
pos.card.total=Card Amount
pos.cheque.total=Cheque Amount
pos.grandtotal=Grand Total
pos.current.till.balance= Current Till Balance
groupModel.title = Group Models
groupModel.group = Model Group
groupModel.model = Model
licensing.district = Licensing District
licensing.district.code = Licensing District Code
licensing.district.description = Description
licensing.district.area = Licensing Area
licensing.district.area.domestic = Domestic
licensing.district.area.export = Export
price.listing = Price Listing
pricelist.Version = PriceList Version
pricelist.name = PriceList Name
pricelist.listPrice = List Price
error.required.currentBalance = Current Balance is required
error.required.accountNo = Account Number is required
error.required.accountType = Account Type is required
error.required.partnerName = Business Partner Name is required
error.required.supplierName = Vendor Name is required
error.required.sizes = Please select some sizes or enter a custom size
error.required.stdPurchasePrice = Purchase Price is required
error.required.stdSalesPrice = Sales Price is required
error.numberformatexception.currentBalance=Only numeric values are supported for Current Balance
error.numberformatexception=Please Enter a Numeric Value
error.numberformatexception.stdSalesPrice= Sales prices should be numeric
error.numberformatexception.stdPurchasePrice=Purchase prices should be numeric
error.numberformatexception.price=Please enter a numeric value for the prices
error.modelgroup.notExist=Please specify a Model Group
error.deactivatingattributeproductinstock = Unable to perform action. There are some products that use the attribute value.
invoice.customer.print=Customer Invoice - Print
invoice.customer=Customer Invoice
invoice.no=Invoice No
search.order = Search Order
search.order.title = Query Order ID
search.order.label = Order ID
search.order.vin = Search Order For a VIN No.
search.order.vin.title = Search Order For a VIN No.
search.order.vin.label = Enter VIN No.
swap.vin.success=The vehicle has been swapped successfully
reprice.order.success=The Orders have been Repriced successfully
error.orderId.not.found=Order Id not found
material.movement.success=The products have been moved successfully.
sequence.update.success= The sequences have been updated successfully
data.integrity.success=The data intregriy has been checked and mails have been send for the failed tests
naamsa.dealercode.create=Create NAAMSA Dealer Code
naamsa.dealercode.title=NAAMSA Dealer Code
naamsa.dealercode.edit.title=Edit NAAMSA Dealer Code
naamsa.dealercode=Dealer Code
naamsa.modelcode=Model Code
naamsa.modelcode.create=Create NAAMSA Model Code
naamsa.modelcode.title=NAAMSA Model Code
naamsa.modelcode.edit.title=Edit NAAMSA Model Code
wholesaleorder.ftp.title=Upload FTP File
wholesaleorder.csv.title=Create Wholesale Order
wholesaleorder.information=Please go to the following site and select the ftp file which consist of the vehicles which you want to insert in the system.
wholesaleorder.upload.button=Upload File
error.ftp.notvalid=The ftp file uploaded is not valid
wholesaleorder.csv.invalid=CSV File is invalid
wholesaleorder.csv.unknownerror=An Error has occurred, please contact your system administrator
error.ftp.novehicle=The FTP does not contain vehicles for your Organisation Type
wholesaleorder.csv.download=Download the CSV generated from the FTP file that you have input.<br>Check whether all the records are good. Take appropriate action for those that have error descriptions.<br>
wholesaleorder.csv.download1=Download the CSV generated from the FTP file that you have input.<br>Modify this file by inputing genuine information concerning the vehices.<br>
wholesaleorder.csv.information=Upload the CSV that you have modified in order to generate the wholesale order.
wholesaleorder.csv.uploadFile=CSV File to upload:
error.natis.release=Your request to release this vehicle is in progress.\n The system will automatically complete this order and release the vehicle on NaTIS after some time.
error.natis.release_old=Could not release vehicle on NaTIS. Please try again. \nIf the problem persists please contact the administrator.
error.customer.id=Only numeric values are allowed for Customer Id Number.
vin.number.not.found=VIN number not found
error.vin.number.duplicate=Duplicate VIN number found.
natis.info.not.found=Natis info not found
natis.info.duplicate=Natis info duplicate
released.by=Released by
modelmatch.title=Model Matching
modelmatch.natisModelDesc=Natis Model Desc
modelmatch.modelDesc=Model Desc
wesbank.status=Wesbank Status
colourmatch.title=Colour Code Matching
colourmatch.colourCode=Colour Code
colourmatch.colourDesc=Colour Description
wesbank.ping.title=Ping WesBank
wesbank.response.recordtype=Record Type
wesbank.response.reasonDescription=Reason Description
wesbank.response.transId=Transaction Id
import.vehicleImported.title=Vehicle imported
import.vehicleUnimported.title=Vehicle Not Imported
import.vehicle.vinNumber=Vin Number
import.vehicle.engineNumber=Engine Number
import.vehicle.natisModelNo=Natis Model No
import.vehicle.natisModelDesc=Natis Model Desc
import.vehicle.modelMatchingDesc=Model Matching
import.vehicle.colourCode=Colour Code
import.vehicle.errorDesc=Error Description
import.vehicle.selectAll=Select All
import.vehicle.reperformMatching=Reperform Matching
import.vehicle.importVehicle=Import Vehicles
error.attachment.empty = Please select a file
error.attachment.invalid.image = Please select an image
error.required.cvv=CVV is required.
error.creditCardExpMonth=Credit card expiry date cannot be prior to this month. Please enter a valid date.
error.required.creditCardExpMonth=Credit card expiry month required.
error.pos.shoppingcart.empty = Your shopping cart is empty.
error.required.accountName=Credit Card Owner name required.
error.required.paymentMethod=Please select the preferred payment method.
error.minlength.creditCardNumber=Please enter a valid credit card number (Length from 13 to 16)
error.minlength.cvv=Please enter a CVV number greater than 2 digits
error.sending.email=Error sending email
error.creditcard.number=Credit Card number is not valid
error.creditcard.type=Credit Card type is not supported
error.creditcard.expiry=Credit Card expiry is not valid
error.creditcard.cvv=Credit Card VV is not valid
error.required.startDate = Please select from date.
error.required.endDate = Please select to date.
error.pos.invoke.no.orderline=Cannot invoke order that has no orderlines.
error.access.not.allowed=you do not have the role to access the window, please contact your administrator
error.shipment.condition.required=Please specity whether the shipment should be generated along with the order and invoice
document.status.inprogress=In Progress
error.store.default=Default Application could not be set. Cause: {0}. <br /> If the problem persists please clear your browser cookies.
########### CRM MESSAGES ###########
error.request.view=Cannot view the desired request
error.request.assign=Could not assign request to the specified user
error.request.create=Could not create request
error.request.init.resolve=Could not initialise request for resolving
error.request.resolve=Could not resolve request
error.request.close=Could not close request
error.request.view.summary=Could not retrieve your requests, please contact you administrator
vendor.create=Create Vendor
vendor.details = Vendor Details
user.discount = %Discount Allowed
error.file.save=Error occurred when saving file.
error.source.file.notpresent=Source file not present.
error.create.bank.account=Error occurred while creating bank account
error.bank.not.found=Bank not found.
error.edit.bank=Editing bank information failed
error.get.partner.detail=Retrieval of partner details failed
error.getall.partners=Retrieval of all partner details failed
error.activate.customer=Could not activate customer
error.deactivate.customer=Could not deactivate customer
error.editing.user=Error occurred while editing user
error.activate.vendor=Could not activate vendor
error.deactivate.vendor=Could not deactivate vendor
error.orderid.notpresent=OrderId not present
error.creating.invoice=Could not create invoice
error.only.pos.order.supported=Only POS Orders are Supported, Please check the number
error.only.credit.order.supported=Only Credit Orders are Supported, Please check the number
error.credit.order.not.completed=The Credit Order is not completed, cannot create Credit Memo
error.pos.order.not.completed=The POS Order is not completed, cannot create Customer Return Order
error.pos.invalid.customerID = The Customer ID entered is not valid!
error.discountLimit.exceeded = Discount allowed limit has been exceeded!
error.print.fidelity.card = Cannot print fidelity card! Please select some active customers.
error.bpartner.nolocation = Business Partner does not have a location, you should set it first to be able to complete the current operation.
############Fidelity Card #####################
fidelitycard.address= TAMAK GROUP,3 DRAPER AVE,Q.BORNES,MAURITIUS.EMAIL:tamak@tamak.com
fidelitycard.telephone=Office Tel: (230)4549555 -Fax: (230)454 1542 -Shop Tel: (230)427 0276
################### Messages for Receipt ######################
receipt.VATRegNo=VAT 20176097
receipt.company.name1=Tamak World
receipt.company.address=Rte St-Jean, Q.Bornes
receipt.company.name2=(Tamak Retail LTD)
################### Messages for POS ######################
pos.totalprice=Total Price
pos.discountpercentage=Discount %
pos.actualprice=Actual price
pos.tendertype=Tender Type
pos.cashamt=Cash Amt
pos.chequeamt=Cheque Amt
pos.chequeno=Cheque No
pos.cardamt=Card Amt
pos.cardno=Card No
################### Messages for POS ######################
#Knowledgeblue specific
#title.welcome=Welcome to OpenBlue Retail POS
#title.POS=OpenBlue Retail POS
#Tamak specific - Can move this
footer.copyright=All Contents ©2006 Tamak ICT
title.welcome=Welcome to Tamak POS
title.POS=Tamak POS