Carlos Ruiz be7fb240cb
IDEMPIERE-870 Fixed Assets using non-existant context variable (#1557)
* IDEMPIERE-870 Fixed Assets using non-existant context variable

* - Implement context variable #IsCanApproveOwnDoc
2022-11-12 21:48:46 +08:00
202202072157_IDEMPIERE-5174.sql IDEMPIERE-5174 Disable System User (#1172) 2022-02-08 20:10:33 +08:00
202202111643_IDEMPIERE-4788.sql IDEMPIERE-4788 Spelling mistake menu "Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual)". Correct to "Reconciliation" #resolve (#1179) 2022-02-12 14:09:06 +08:00
202202151954_IDEMPIERE-3595.sql IDEMPIERE-3595 Postal in document views is incorrect #resolve (#1187) 2022-02-16 11:57:11 +01:00
202202171829_IDEMPIERE-2946.sql IDEMPIERE-2946 Review beta definition of menu entries #resolve (#1190) 2022-02-17 20:51:32 +01:00
202202232008_IDEMPIERE-5202.sql IDEMPIERE-5202 Implement auto save of current tab (#1201) 2022-03-01 16:05:36 +08:00
202202251053_IDEMPIERE-1981.sql IDEMPIERE-1981 Context Help can have multiple messages #resolve (#1200) 2022-02-25 11:42:42 +01:00
202202271650_IDEMPIERE-2567.sql IDEMPIERE-2567 RfQResponseRank's message is hard coding,cannot transl… (#1205) 2022-03-01 16:06:22 +08:00
202202280901_IDEMPIERE-5206.sql IDEMPIERE-5206 - HTML Report CSS style - add AD_FieldStyle_ID on AD_PrintFormatItem table (#1206) 2022-03-03 16:13:39 +08:00
202203020949_IDEMPIERE-2081.sql IDEMPIERE-2081 Class OrderLineCreateProduction and OrderLineCreateShi… (#1211) 2022-03-04 09:52:28 +08:00
202203022014_IDEMPIERE-5213.sql IDEMPIERE-5213 Flat view improvement for menu tree (#1212) 2022-03-04 11:03:00 +01:00
202203031552_IDEMPIERE-5202.sql IDEMPIERE-5202 Implement auto save of current tab / add ZK_AUTO_SAVE_TABS_EXCLUDED, exclude Request windows (#1221) 2022-03-04 15:59:53 +08:00
202203041241_IDEMPIERE-1450.sql IDEMPIERE-1450 Translation missing for Matching Purchase Order #resolve #fixversion 10 (#1225) 2022-03-08 12:18:09 +08:00
202203081457_IDEMPIERE-4586.sql IDEMPIERE-4586 Update translation of Client to Tenant (#1233) 2022-03-12 16:59:32 +01:00
202203101742_IDEMPIERE-2494.sql IDEMPIERE-2494 Attribute Value allowing duplicated values #resolve #fixversion 10 (#1241) 2022-03-15 09:32:31 +01:00
202203151430_IDEMPIERE-5232.sql IDEMPIERE-5396 Replace CreateFrom form with Info Window Process (#1469) 2022-09-19 18:30:24 +08:00
202203161513_IDEMPIERE-5225.sql IDEMPIERE-5225 - HTML Report minification (#1237) 2022-03-17 15:36:02 +01:00
202203171131_IDEMPIERE-2975.sql IDEMPIERE-2975 Password Validator translations (Passay lib) / integrating patch from Tomáš Švikruha (#1259) 2022-03-19 11:56:37 +01:00
202203171454_IDEMPIERE-5056.sql IDEMPIERE-5056 Order and Invoice: Tax lookup interface (#1253) 2022-03-23 15:00:08 +01:00
202203211620_IDEMPIERE-5083.sql IDEMPIERE-5083 add FREIGHTCOSTRULE_CustomerAccount (#1261) 2022-03-22 19:27:04 +01:00
202203240830_IDEMPIERE-5093.sql IDEMPIERE-5093 Scheduler cron pattern scheduling is always using serv… (#1270) 2022-04-22 21:28:51 +02:00
202203261837_IDEMPIERE-4550.sql IDEMPIERE-4550 Fix columns length difference between AD and DB #resolve (#1267) 2022-03-28 12:16:32 +02:00
202203281643_IDEMPIERE-4771.sql IDEMPIERE-4771 - fix typo in message (#1269) 2022-03-29 05:20:49 +08:00
202203290700_IDEMPIERE-5057.sql IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for purchasing and costing / fix oracle script (#1330) 2022-05-13 11:21:50 +02:00
202203291027_IDEMPIERE-5247.sql IDEMPIERE-5247 : ReportLineSet_Copy do not copy Operands (#1271) 2022-03-31 19:33:56 +02:00
202203301514_IDEMPIERE-5243.sql IDEMPIERE-5243 More columns to increase length #resolve (#1272) 2022-03-31 18:46:24 +02:00
202204011738_IDEMPIERE-5057.sql IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for purchasing and costing (#1277) 2022-05-12 11:12:05 +02:00
202204041140_IDEMPIERE-5093.sql IDEMPIERE-5093 Scheduler cron pattern scheduling is always using serv… (#1270) 2022-04-22 21:28:51 +02:00
202204050300_IDEMPIERE-5088.sql IDEMPIERE-5088 Implement Bank Transfer as Transactional Document like… (#1281) 2022-05-01 11:22:32 +08:00
202204071051_IDEMPIERE-5082.sql IDEMPIERE-5082 Drop Shipment: Pass shipper and tracking number from MR to Customer Shipment (#1284) 2022-05-04 23:05:54 +02:00
202204071450_IDEMPIERE-5082.sql IDEMPIERE-5082 Drop Shipment: Pass shipper and tracking number from MR to Customer Shipment (#1284) 2022-05-04 23:05:54 +02:00
202204111508_IDEMPIERE-5093.sql IDEMPIERE-5093 Scheduler cron pattern scheduling is always using serv… (#1270) 2022-04-22 21:28:51 +02:00
202204131552_IDEMPIERE-5088.sql IDEMPIERE-5088 Implement Bank Transfer as Transactional Document like… (#1281) 2022-05-01 11:22:32 +08:00
202204190945_IDEMPIERE-5261.sql IDEMPIERE-5261 Workflow EMail notification enhancement (#1299) 2022-05-05 18:51:11 +02:00
202204280337_IDEMPIERE-5260.sql IDEMPIERE-5260 Enhance Discount Schema for Fixed Pricing (#1313) 2022-05-11 18:39:58 +02:00
202204291835_IDEMPIERE-5088.sql IDEMPIERE-5088 Implement Bank Transfer as Transactional Document like… (#1281) 2022-05-01 11:22:32 +08:00
202205031611_IDEMPIERE-5245.sql IDEMPIERE-5245 Fix typos in dictionary #resolve (#1312) 2022-05-04 12:36:06 +02:00
202205120916_IDEMPIERE-5275.sql IDEMPIERE-5275 - Tabular Report Re-Query button/close paramater window (#1306) 2022-05-13 22:14:59 +08:00
202205131118_IDEMPIERE-5259.sql IDEMPIERE-5259 Labels feature (#1357) 2022-08-01 21:51:38 +02:00
202205181247_IDEMPIERE-2058.sql IDEMPIERE-2058 - ** New Report ** - improve for handling Forms too (#1335) 2022-06-25 15:07:07 +02:00
202205192100_IDEMPIERE-5245.sql IDEMPIERE-5245-ad_message Fix typos in dictionary (#1361) 2022-06-09 17:41:22 +02:00
202205261621_IDEMPIERE-5304.sql IDEMPIERE-5304 - Missing Message from Payment (#1346) 2022-05-31 15:25:50 +08:00
202206171231_IDEMPIERE-5319.sql IDEMPIERE-5319 - Delete Record with Confirmation Logic (#1371) 2022-06-27 11:26:38 +02:00
202206221758_IDEMPIERE-5300.sql IDEMPIERE-5300 ErrorMsg doesn't show full message + LifeTime Msg conf… (#1342) 2022-06-24 16:34:19 +08:00
202206241449_IDEMPIERE-5259.sql IDEMPIERE-5259 Labels feature (#1357) 2022-08-01 21:51:38 +02:00
202206282000_IDEMPIERE-5295.sql IDEMPIERE-5295: Correcting oracle migration script (#1389) 2022-07-19 14:03:39 +02:00
202206291714_IDEMPIERE-5259.sql IDEMPIERE-5259 Labels feature (#1357) 2022-08-01 21:51:38 +02:00
202207081747_IDEMPIERE-5302.sql IDEMPIERE-5302 - Drill Assistant Feature with re-generated migration scripts (#1390) 2022-08-17 18:08:45 +08:00
202207121657_IDEMPIERE-5342.sql IDEMPIERE-5342 : Ability to hide the title of the chart when displaye… (#1392) 2022-07-21 20:09:11 +08:00
202207141111_IDEMPIERE-1963.sql IDEMPIERE-1963 - vendor RMA form legacy (#1409) 2022-07-25 16:13:56 +08:00
202207181552_IDEMPIERE-1965.sql IDEMPIERE-1965 - Implement Generate Invoices (manual) as Info Window (#1400) 2022-08-01 20:41:39 +02:00
202207191251_IDEMPIERE-1963.sql Idempiere-1963 - Implement Generate Shipments (manual) as Info Window (#1394) 2022-07-20 14:47:32 +02:00
202207211214_IDEMPIERE-5353.sql IDEMPIERE-5353 Entity type field in the Column tab becomes read-only when you enter a wrong value (#1405) 2022-07-21 17:08:05 +02:00
202207291542_IDEMPIERE-5359.sql IDEMPIERE-5359 Unit test not working with Oracle (#1414) 2022-07-31 19:22:06 +02:00
202208072022_IDEMPIERE-5013.sql IDEMPIERE-5013 Implement HikariCP as a replacement for c3p0 (#926) 2022-09-10 12:21:57 +02:00
202208181113_IDEMPIERE-5389.sql IDEMPIERE-5389 - Dashboard row layout (#1448) 2022-08-30 10:11:42 +02:00
202208220922_IDEMPIERE-5393.sql IDEMPIERE-5393 - Allow rendering status line as widget/gadget in dashboard (#1449) 2022-08-24 15:49:06 +08:00
202208301110_IDEMPIERE-5400.sql IDEMPIERE-5400 - Dashboard Goal Content should render as single Gauge Indicator (#1458) 2022-09-07 21:40:29 +08:00
202209061547_IDEMPIERE-5409.sql IDEMPIERE-5409 - Dashboard Content - Maximizable checkbox (#1467) 2022-09-07 17:00:18 +08:00
202209080926_IDEMPIERE-5412.sql IDEMPIERE-5412 - Improve Dashboard Theme Look (#1471) 2022-09-09 14:55:54 +08:00
202209081125_IDEMPIERE-5400.sql IDEMPIERE-5400 - Gauge Indicator Style and Color Improvement (#1470) 2022-09-09 14:14:50 +08:00
202209101629_IDEMPIERE-5243.sql IDEMPIERE-5415 Incomplete process log when output is > 2000 chars (#1476) 2022-09-11 15:22:52 +08:00
202209121558_IDEMPIERE-5418.sql IDEMPIERE-5418 - Add Translation for AD_ChartDatasource (#1479) 2022-10-13 15:12:18 +02:00
202209131253_IDEMPIERE-5418.sql IDEMPIERE-5418 - Add Translation for AD_ChartDatasource (#1479) 2022-10-13 15:12:18 +02:00
202209141520_IDEMPIERE-5396.sql IDEMPIERE-5396 Replace CreateFrom form with Info Window Process (#1469) 2022-09-19 18:30:24 +08:00
202209191757_IDEMPIERE-4297.sql IDEMPIERE-4297 GardenWorld Periods 2023 to 2030 (#1491) 2022-09-21 13:44:56 +08:00
202209261211_IDEMPIERE-5432.sql IDEMPIERE-5432 - Performance Measure Calculation - Improve SQL Definition (#1500) 2022-10-07 14:01:12 +08:00
202209290713_IDEMPIERE-5434.sql IDEMPIERE-5434 : Allow to define db view component with DISTINCT (#1505) 2022-09-30 13:52:43 +08:00
202209291818_IDEMPIERE-5245.sql IDEMPIERE-5245: Fix missing capitals on first letter of elements starting with "Date..." (#1509) 2022-09-30 12:04:13 +02:00
202209301138_IDEMPIERE-5437.sql IDEMPIERE-5437 Improve description for SysConfig SYSTEM_NATIVE_SEQUEN… (#1511) 2022-09-30 12:31:33 +02:00
202210041053_IDEMPIERE-5443.sql IDEMPIERE-5443 - Date Range Filter Component (#1526) 2022-10-27 11:27:13 +08:00
202210051139_IDEMPIERE-5259.sql IDEMPIERE-5259 fix "Msg.getMsg: NOT found: Label" error (#1516) 2022-10-06 11:47:35 +08:00
202210052003_IDEMPIERE-5349.sql IDEMPIERE-5349: Adding AlwaysUpdatableLogic on Column and Field. (#1408) 2022-10-06 13:53:32 +08:00
202210111536_IDEMPIERE-5447.sql IDEMPIERE-5447 Add unit test for Merge form (#1523) 2022-10-12 16:02:56 +08:00
202210131310_IDEMPIERE-5418.sql IDEMPIERE-5418 - Add Translation for AD_ChartDatasource (#1479) 2022-10-13 15:12:18 +02:00
202210191953_IDEMPIERE-5455.sql IDEMPIERE-5455 Use Multi-Select parameters in Info Windows (#1536) 2022-10-25 10:56:39 +08:00
202210251555_IDEMPIERE-5443.sql IDEMPIERE-5443 - Date Range Filter Component (#1526) 2022-10-27 11:27:13 +08:00
202210261110_IDEMPIERE-5460.sql IDEMPIERE-5460 - Process Audit doesn't set printing related attribute… (#1543) 2022-11-02 13:31:29 +08:00
202210281534_IDEMPIERE-5057.sql IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for … (#1542) 2022-11-01 14:48:17 +01:00
202210311529_IDEMPIERE-5467.sql IDEMPIERE-5467 - Implement IsRange for Info Window fields (#1550) 2022-11-11 16:35:04 +08:00
202211100946_IDEMPIERE-5467.sql IDEMPIERE-5467 - Implement IsRange for Info Window fields (#1550) 2022-11-11 16:35:04 +08:00
202211112147_IDEMPIERE-870.sql IDEMPIERE-870 Fixed Assets using non-existant context variable (#1557) 2022-11-12 21:48:46 +08:00