Carlos Ruiz eba4ceca7f hg merge release-5.1 (merge release5.1 into default) 2018-10-26 15:36:31 +02:00
.settings IDEMPIERE-3531:auto update by eclipse when import project to new workspace by choose import exists maven project 2018-02-18 23:41:09 +07:00
META-INF IDEMPIERE-3531: add manifest for java 9 warning 2018-09-11 09:04:49 +07:00
OSGI-INF IDEMPIERE-1223 Use ClassName as Name of OSGi component. 2013-07-31 16:30:15 +08:00
src/org/adempiere IDEMPIERE-2771 Improve 2pack tracing for errors / AP2-694 Packin sometimes notifies Success when is a Failure 2018-10-13 10:33:53 +02:00
.classpath IDEMPIERE-3531:setting output build, jdk follow project convert from pure plugin to maven 2018-02-03 01:39:47 +07:00
.project IDEMPIERE-3531:add maven tycho configuration 2018-02-10 16:42:06 +07:00 IDEMPIERE-3531:some plugin don't include class on output maven when export 2018-02-11 00:37:05 +07:00
plugin.xml IDEMPIERE-3660 Improve Packin - allow application on all tenants 2018-03-16 17:49:25 -03:00
pom.xml IDEMPIERE-3531:add maven tycho configuration 2018-02-10 16:42:06 +07:00