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15 KiB

/* Mark unstable processes/windows/forms as beta functionalities */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53004 /* PP_Product_BOM CopyFrom */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53006 /* Multi Level BOM and Formula Detail */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53008 /* Mutiple Components Change */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53010 /* Create Product Planning */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53012 /* Calculate Low Level */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53014 /* Create Record MRP */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53016 /* Calculate Material Plan */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53018 /* MRP Details */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53020 /* Calculate Capacity Plan */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53022 /* Calculate Distribution Plan */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53024 /* DRP Details */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53026 /* Process Manufacturing Order */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53028 /* Manufacturing Order */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53030 /* Manufacturing Orders Review */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53032 /* Component Check */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53034 /* Print and Release Order */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53036 /* Inventory in Process */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53038 /* Process Cost Collector */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53040 /* Shop Floor Transaction Details */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53042 /* Process Distribution Order */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53044 /* Distribution Order Print */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53046 /* Generate Movement */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53048 /* Print Test Results */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53050 /* Create Doc Type to Manufacturing */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53052 /* Create Element */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53054 /* Product Costing */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53056 /* Copy Price to Standard Cost */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53058 /* Workflow Cost Roll-Up */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53060 /* Cost Workflow and Process Details */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53062 /* Bill of Material and Formula Cost Roll-UP */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53072 /* C_Invoce Calculate Tax */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53074 /* Test Import Model */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53076 /* Process Payroll */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53078 /* Create Concept for Payroll */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53080 /* HRPayroll Create Periods */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53082 /* Payroll Processing */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53084 /* Payroll Send EMail */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53085 /* Export Format Generator */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53089 /* Test Export Model */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53091 /* Import FA Journal */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53093 /* Build Depreciation Forecast File */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53095 /* Process Entry */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53097 /* Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53099 /* Asset Transfer Entry */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53101 /* A_Asset_Split */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53103 /* A_Asset_Disposal */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53105 /* A_Depreciation_Transfer */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53107 /* Asset Split Entry */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53109 /* Depreciation Expense Entry */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53111 /* Build Depreciation Workfile */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53113 /* Asset Depreciation Forecast */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53115 /* RV_Asset_Parent_Report */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53117 /* RV_Depreciation_Table */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53119 /* Spread Report */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53121 /* RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53123 /* Create Depreciation Function */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53125 /* RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53127 /* A_Depreciation_Entry_Cleanup */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53129 /* RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53131 /* RV_Asset_Group_Defaults */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53133 /* Inbound Charges for GL */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53135 /* Inbound Charge Entry Report */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53137 /* Inbound Charges for AP */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53139 /* Import Asset */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53144 /* Forecast Report */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53146 /* Forecast Report by Period */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53148 /* Calculate Forecast */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53150 /* Distribution Run Orders */
update ad_process set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_process_id=53151 /* Distribution Order Detail */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53004 /* Manufacturing Resource */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53005 /* Manufacturing Workflows */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53006 /* Bill of Materials and Formula */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53007 /* Product Planning */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53008 /* MRP Notice */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53009 /* Manufacturing Order */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53010 /* Spare parts */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53011 /* Activity Control Report */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53012 /* Distribution Order */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53013 /* Quality Specifications */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53014 /* Cost Collector */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53018 /* Distribution Network */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53020 /* Tax Group */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53021 /* Tax Definition */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53022 /* Tax Rate Parent */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53023 /* Tax Type */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53024 /* Tax Base */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53025 /* Export Format */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53026 /* Export Processor */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53027 /* Export Processor Type */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53028 /* Import Processor */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53029 /* Import Processor Type */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53032 /* Payroll Contract */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53033 /* Payroll Employee */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53034 /* Payroll Department */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53035 /* Payroll Job */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53036 /* Payroll Concept Catalog */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53037 /* Payroll Process */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53038 /* Payroll Definition */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53039 /* Payroll Concept Category */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53040 /* Payroll Table Type */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53041 /* Payroll Table */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53042 /* Payroll Movement */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53044 /* Asset Revaluation Processing */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53045 /* Asset Revaluation Index */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53046 /* Transfer Asset Entry */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53047 /* Disposed Asset Entry */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53048 /* Asset Split */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53049 /* Asset Disposal */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53050 /* Asset Transfers */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53051 /* Split Asset Entry */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53052 /* Build Depreciation Workfile */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53053 /* Post Depreciation Entry */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53054 /* Build Depreciation Forecast */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53055 /* Inbound Asset Entry */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53056 /* Post Imported Assets */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53057 /* Depreciation Period Spread Type */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53058 /* Depreciation Methods */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53059 /* Depreciation Tables */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53060 /* Depreciation First Year Conventions */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53061 /* Depreciation Calculation Method */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53064 /* View MRP Records */
update ad_window set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_window_id=53065 /* Web POS Terminal */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53001 /* BOM and Formula Info */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53002 /* Product Configuration BOM */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53003 /* MRP Info */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53004 /* Planned Order Approval */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53005 /* CRP Info */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53006 /* Resource Load View */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53007 /* Order Receipt and Issue */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53008 /* Generate Movement Manual */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53009 /* Payroll Action Notice */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53010 /* Generate Shipments and Invoices (manual) */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53012 /* Material Receipt Distribution Order */
update ad_form set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_form_id=53013 /* Manufacturing Workflow Editor */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50000 /* Manufacturing Management Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50001 /* Manufacturing Workflow Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50002 /* Bill of Material and Formula Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50003 /* Planning Management Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50004 /* Material Requirement Planning Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50005 /* Capacity Requirement Planning Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50006 /* Distribution Resource Planning Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50007 /* Discrete Manufacturing Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50008 /* Process_Manufacturing_Order */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50009 /* Process_CostCollector */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50010 /* Distribution Management Setup */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50011 /* Process_Distribution_Order */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50012 /* Setup Replication */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50013 /* Process_Payroll */
update ad_workflow set isbetafunctionality='Y' where ad_workflow_id=50014 /* Setup Human Resource and Payroll */