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Various plugins are supported by FitNesse.
!3 Overview
Below are a list of customizations you can make via this plugin architecture. Each plugin will require an entry in the '''' file. This should be located in the working directory of FitNesse. If the file does not exist FitNesse will run normally. To enable a plugin, create this file, and add the specified entries. All plugins will require complied Java code so make sure that the classpath contains an entry to locate your plugins.
!3 Wiki Page
''required property:'' '''!-WikiPage-! = <class name>'''
''motivation:'' By default, wiki pages are stored as files on a file system (using the !-FileSystemWikiPage-! class). Providing a custom wiki page plugin allows pages to be stored using other means such as a database. Alternatively, !-FileSystemWikiPage-! can be extended to provide custom behavior when pages are create, saved, deleted, etc.
The class specified must implement the ''!-WikiPage-!'' interface. It must provide a public constructor of the form:
''public !-MyWikiPage-!(String rootPath, String rootPageName, !-ComponentFactory-! componentFactory)''
The rootPath parameter is the path to the root page (by default, "."). The rootPageName parameter is the name of the root wiki page (by default, "!-FitNesseRoot-!"). The !-ComponentFactory-! parameter can be used to locate other loaded components and properties entries in
!3 Html Page Factory
''required property:'' '''!-HtmlPageFactory-! = <class name>'''
''motivation:'' Full customization of look and feel.
The class specified must extend the ''fitnesse.html.!-HtmlPageFactory-!'' class and it must also provide a constructor that accept a Properties object. The custom !-HtmlPageFactory-! will over ride the newPage() method to return a derivative of ''fitnesse.html.!-HtmlPage-!''. The custom !-HtmlPage-! class should make use of any of the public !-HtmlTag-! member variables.
!3 Responders
''required property:'' '''!-Responders-! = <key:classname>[,<key:classname>]'''
''motivation:'' Allows functional customization. With this plugin you can customize the way FitNesse responds to HTTP requests.
The property provided should be a comma separated list of key:value pairs, where value is the name of a class that implements ''fitnesse.Responder''. The key is used in the URL to designate which responder to invoke. An example responder plugin might be an !-RssResponder-! that would generate RSS feeds for wiki page updates. To do this you would first create the !-RssResponder-! to gerenate the RSS. Then add the plugin property !style_code[''!-Responders=rss:your.package.RssResponder-!'']. Then to invoke it you would use a URL like !style_code(''!-!'') to get a feed on all the changes made to the .RecentChanges page.
!3 Authenticator
''required property:'' '''!-Authenticator-! = <class name>'''
''motivation:'' Custom security scheme.
The class provided must extend the fitnesse.authentication.Authenticator class. The class will be instantiated and asked ''isAuthenticated(String username, String password)'' when ever authentication is required. See SecurityDescription for more information on security.
!3 !-WikiWidgets-!
''required property:'' '''!-WikiWidgets-! = <class name>[,<class name]'''
''motivation:'' Custom look-n-feel, or custom functionality hook.
The classes supplied must extend ''!-fitnesse.wikitext.WikiWidget-!''. In addition, custom !-WikiWidget-! must have a public static field of type String and named REGEXP. The value of REGEXP should be a regular expresion that matches your custom widget. REGEXP '''cannot''' contain any groups.
!3 !-Content Filter-!
''required property:'' '''!-ContentFilter-! = <class name>'''
''motivation:'' Restrict the content that is saved on wiki pages. (Damn spammers!)
The classes supplied must extend ''!-fitnesse.responders.editing.ContentFilter-!''. !-ContentFilter-! is an interface that declares one method: '''!-boolean isContentAcceptable(String content, String pageName)-!'''. When ever user attempts to save a page, ''!-isContentAcceptable()-!'' is invoked and the content is saved only if ''true'' is returned.
!3 !-Plugins-!
''required property:'' '''!-Plugins-! = <class name>[,<class name>]'''
''motivation:'' Register multiple Responders, !-WikiWidgets-!, and !-WikiPage-! components in a single Java class, instead of multiple entries in
Plugins classes can provide one or more of the following methods to register components:
* '''registerResponders(!-ResponderFactory-! responderFactory)''' - register responders using ''!-ResponderFactory.addResponder(String key, Class responderClass)-!''
* '''registerWikiWidgets(!-WidgetBuilder-! widgetBuilder)''' - register wiki widgets using ''!-WidgetBuilder.addWidgetClass(Class widgetClass)-!''
* '''registerWikiPage(!-WikiPageFactory-! wikiPageFactory)''' - override the default wiki page implementation using ''!-WikiPageFactory.setWikiPageClass(Class wikiPageClass)-!''