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!2 Defining and Expressing Variables.
You can define a variable to represent any amount of text. The text in a variable is never interpreted as wiki markup. It is always raw literal text.
* Variable names may contain letters, numbers, and periods; e.g., MYTEST.someVar or
* You can define a variable in any of these three ways:
* !style_code(!-!define var {text}-!)
* !style_code[!-!define var (text)-!]
* !style_code(!-!define var [text]-!)
* The reason there are three forms is so that you can include braces, brackets, or parenthesis in your variables.
* The variable text can span many lines as shown below:
!define myVariable {
This is the
text of my
} }}}
!define myVariable {
this is the
text of my
You express the value of a variable like this: !-${myVariable}-!. This expression is replaced with the value of the variable.
''The value of the variable is: ${myVariable}.''
If a variable is expressed on a page, but is not found, then its parent pages are searched in order.
If the variable is not found in any ancestor pages, FitNesse will inspect
There are several [[pre-defined variables][<UserGuide.QuickReferenceGuide#VARIABLES]] that you can use on your pages.
See [[Variable fitnesse test][.FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestVariables]], [[Parent Variable fitnesse test][.FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestParentVariables]] and [[Define Variables in System Properties test][.FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestVariablesFromSystemProperties]]