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!3 Announcements
* The ''!-FitLibrary-!'' jar for ''!-FitNesse-!'' is now called ''fitlibrary.jar''.
* Version ''20070225'' of ''fitlibrary.jar'' is included with this release of !-FitNesse-!.
* The ''!-FitLibrary-!'' jar for batch processing with ^FolderRunner is now called ''fitlibraryRunner.jar''.
!3 Introduction to ''!-FitLibrary-!''
* This user guide assumes familiarity with ''Fit'' and ''!-FitNesse-!''.
* ''!-FitLibrary-!'' consists of several fixtures that work well together and build on ''Fit''. There are alternatives in ''!-FitLibrary-!'' for each of the core Fit fixtures.
* Many examples of the development of Fit tables using the core and the ''!-FitLibrary-!'' fixtures, etc are covered in:
* ''Fit for Developing Software'', Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham, Prentice-Hall, 2005.
!3 The ''!-FitLibrary-!'' Fixtures, by example
* ^FitLibraryFixtures
!3 ''!-FitLibrary-!'' supports more than text in table cells
* ^SupportForGraphics
!3 ''!-FolderRunner-!''
* ''^FolderRunner'' runs Fit tests in batch, as an alternative to ''!-FitNesse-!''.
!3 How to achieve various tasks with ''!-FitLibrary-!''
This is just a beginning...
* ^HowTo for storytest writers
* ^FaQ4Programmers
!3 Changes in latest version
* ^LatestChanges
!3 Some parts of ''!-FitLibrary-!'' are experimental
* ^ExperimentalExtensions
!3 ''!-FitLibrary-!'' in other programming languages
* ^OtherLanguages
!3 Further Information
* Join the fitlibrary-user email group at
!path fitlibrary.jar
!path bookExamples.jar
---- * ''Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 Rick Mugridge,''
* ''Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.''