hieplq 1c5a89128b IDEMPIERE-3798:Move iDempiere default branch to openjdk 10 (Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment)
eclipse don't reconize Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment 10
2018-10-23 17:29:35 +07:00
.settings IDEMPIERE-3798:Move iDempiere default branch to openjdk 10 2018-10-16 07:08:34 +07:00
META-INF IDEMPIERE-3798:Move iDempiere default branch to openjdk 10 (Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment) 2018-10-23 17:29:35 +07:00
src/org IDEMPIERE-3653 Hazelcast improvements / make explicit DB_PostgreSQL cache as non-distributed (it was already non distributed because postgres plugin start before hazelcast instance) / add commands hazelcastStatus and hazelcastObjects to OSGi console (thanks to Eduardo Moreira eduardojm for the idea and code) 2018-03-13 17:40:12 -03:00
.classpath IDEMPIERE-3798:Move iDempiere default branch to openjdk 10 2018-10-16 07:08:34 +07:00
.project IDEMPIERE-3531:add maven tycho configuration 2018-02-10 16:42:06 +07:00
buckminster.cspex IDEMPIERE-3531:setting output build, jdk follow project convert from pure plugin to maven 2018-02-03 01:39:47 +07:00
copyjars.xml IDEMPIERE-3531:standard maven repository url 2018-02-03 16:38:23 +07:00
pom.xml IDEMPIERE-3798:Move iDempiere default branch to openjdk 10 (update lib) 2018-10-23 09:36:53 +07:00