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!2 17 October 2011 - fitlibraryweb-2.0.jar
This upgrade bundles fitlibrary-2.0.jar and a version number has also been added to the to fitlibraryweb jar file. If you upgrading and overwriting older jar files delete the older versions of fitLibrary.jar and fitbraryweb.jar
* SpiderFixture:
* Added new locators:
* Use '''css=''' to use 'css selectors'. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithHtmlUnit.SpecifiCations.SpecifyCssSelectorLocator
* Use '''class=''' to select by class name. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithHtmlUnit.SpecifiCations.SpecifyLocators
* Now supports Google Chrome as a driver source. See specifications at .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithChrome
* Upgraded Spider to work with release version of Selenium - v2.8
* Added new fixture method 'select window with contains' to select windows with a locator containing some text. See bottom of page .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderSpecsShared.SpecifyWindows.SelectPopUpByXpath
* Fix: '''(//foo//bar/baz)[2]''' style xpaths were not being recognised by spider fixture as valid xpath - making it difficult to select elements in document order. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderSpecsShared.SpecifyXpath.ByPosition for further documentation.
* Documented pre-existing 'options' (used on Select elements) fixture method with new Specifiction. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithHtmlUnit.SpecifiCations.SpecifySelect.CheckListOfSelectOptions Also improved cross browser issues with this method.
* XmlProcessing:
* xml 'similar to' comparison now more lenient when it comes to repeating nodes of the same name.
* Web Services Client
* Allow for ssl certificates to be ignored with https. Added to docs at .FitLibraryWeb.WebServicesClient
!2 5 April 2011
* SpiderFixture:
* Upgraded Spider to Selenium 2.0b3
* Improved support for Internet Explorer, many of the specifications now re-enabled to show they work with Internet Explorer
* Add support for interacting with popup Alert() dialogs. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderSpecsShared.SpecifyAlert
* Added new fixture method 'execute !-JavaScript with element' which locates an element and passes it to !-JavaScript-! as a parameter. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithHtmlUnit.SpecifiCations.SpecifyJavaScript.ExecuteJavaScript
* Added new fixture method 'text of element only' to return just the text() of a html element without including any child inner html text. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderSpecsShared.SpecifyTextOfElementOnly
* Fix !-ForEach-! fixture method and improve specifications. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderSpecsShared.ForEach
* XmlProcessing:
* Ability to define a name space alias and URI in XML fixture
!2 2 March 2011
* Upgraded Spider to Selenium 2.0b2.
* Extended lookup table. See .FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpecifySpiderFixture.SpiderWithHtmlUnit.SpecifiCations.SpecifyLookup
* Added |help| for Spider
!2 3 December 2010
* Added some missing files that are needed for the specs
!2 1 December 2010
* SpiderFixture:
* Upgraded to ''!-WebDriver-!'' a6
* HttpClient:
* Added specs that test the client against a local file server
* Added specs that test the client with a proxy server
* Changed the implementation to use httpClient 4.0
* Added tutorial: .FitLibraryWeb.HttpClient.HttpClientTutorial
* WebServicesClient:
* Now distinguish between soap1.1 and soap1.2
* Added specs that test the client against a local web services server
* Added specs that test the client with a proxy against a local web services server
* Changed the implementation to use httpComponents 4.0
* Added tutorial: .FitLibraryWeb.WebServicesClient.WebServicesTutorial
!2 12 August 2010
* SpiderFixture:
* Added ability to check whether an element is visible or not
* Extended tutorial to cover visibility
!2 5 August 2010
* SpiderFixture:
* A substantial tutorial on SpiderFixture has been included
* The specs related to handling delays have been expanded
* PdfDocument:
* PdfDocument has been revised to handle a wider range of PDFs.
* Documentation of what is does has been expanded.
* It uses a more recent release of pdfbox