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!1 ''!-FitLibraryForFit-!''
This contains the latest release of ''!-FitLibrary-!'' with ''!-FolderRunner-!''.
!3 Note
* This ''!-FitLibrary-!'' release contains all the ''Fit'' code, ready built in.
* It does '''not''' work with the ''Fit'' version from
!2 Tests, User Guide, etc
The User Guide, Specifications and Tests for ''!-FitLibrary-!'' are organised in three folders:
!-<h4>(1) tests</h4>-!This contains:
* The !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/UserGuide/index.html">FitLibrary.UserGuide</a>-!, the user documentation for ''!-FitLibrary-!'' and ''!-FolderRunner-!''.
* The !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/SpecifiCations/index.html">FitLibrary.Specifications</a>-!.
* The !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/GlosSary/index.html">FitLibrary.Glossary</a>-!, which is used in the !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/UserGuide/index.html">FitLibrary.UserGuide</a>-! and !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/SpecifiCations/index.html">FitLibrary.Specifications</a>-!.
You can run ''!-FolderRunner-!'' on all of these to get reports, including the User Guide. Double-click on either:
* ''runTests.bat''. This uses ''Ant'' to run ''!-FitLibrary-!'' on all the test files in the directory ''tests'' and writes the reports into !-<a href="reports/reportIndex.html"><i>reports</i></a>-!. It provides a simple GUI frontend to show progress. However, if you don't have ''Ant'' installed, double-click on either of the following.
* The ''fitlibraryRunner.jar''.
* The ''fitlibraryRunnerXls.jar''. This is the same as ''fitlibraryRunner.jar'', but includes spreadsheet handling.
Some of the specifications used to assume that ''Dot'' was installed (''Dot'' is available at
!-<h4>(2) spreadsheetTests</h4>-! * This contains tests that mix spreadsheet and html files.
* To run them, double-click on ''runSpreadsheet.bat''. This runs ''Ant'' with the ''runSpreadsheet'' target, which produces the reports in ''spreadsheetReports''
!-<h4>(3) suiteTests</h4>-! * This contains tests that use !-<a href="tests/FitLibrary/GlosSary/SuiteFixture/index.html"><i>suite fixture</i></a>-!.
* To run them, double-click on ''runSuite.bat''. This runs ''Ant'' with the ''runSuite'' target, which runs ''!-FolderRunner-!'' twice and produces the reports in ''suiteTests/reports'' and ''suiteTests/otherReports''
!2 src
The ''src'' directory contains the following:
* '''', the Fit Book examples
* '''', the source for Fit from ''!-FitNesse-!'' that used in ''!-FitLibrary-!''. (This version does '''not''' use the Fit version from
* ''!-FitLibrarySrc.jar-!'', the source for ''!-FitLibrary-!''.
!2 lib
The ''lib'' directory contains two (possily out-of-date) jar files that may be useful: ''junit.jar'' and ''poi.jar''. The latter supports the reading of Excel spreadsheet files and is used by ''!-FolderRunner-!'' when running storytests that are in spreadsheet files.
!2 Any Suggestions?
Any suggestions for improvements in this release are most welcome.
Rick Mugridge,