Peer review and tests:
* PO -> implement postDelete method to be called after the database delete is committed - fix issue about file being deleted from filesystem and commit failing because of referential integrity (for example deleting an image that is associated to a user)
* MArchive, MAttachment, MImage -> change deletion of file from before/afterDelete to postDelete
* MImage -> change getImageStoragePath from clientID/orgID to AD_Image/clientID (this is to allow using the same storage that attachments and archives uses, and avoid issues when changing org)
* MBPartner, MUser, MPOSKey -> delete associated image with postDelete
* ArchiveFileSystem -> fix issue not deleting the file in the filesystem when deleting the archive (using get_ID() on a deleted record returns zero)
* WImageEditor -> save automatically when creating a new image
* AttachmentFileSystem -> avoid trying to save attachment after is deleted
* ImageDBStorageImpl, MSysConfig -> Implement SysConfig IMAGE_DB_STORAGE_SAVE_AS_ZIP to save images in DB zipped - defaults to false which is the actual behavior
* ImageFileStorageImpl -> do not save file with extension, to fix error where previous file was not deleted when uploading a new file with different extension