Carlos Ruiz 772ec43368 IDEMPIERE-1572 Last Run and Saved parameter for process / based on patch from Deepak Pansheriya 2014-04-04 10:19:40 -05:00
201401242121_IDEMPIERE-1711.sql IDEMPIERE-1711 InfoWindow Process 2014-01-24 22:25:36 -05:00
201401251332_IDEMPIERE-1353.sql IDEMPIERE-1353 Choose to display trees on master, detail or both tabs / based on patch from Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud) 2014-01-25 13:56:48 -05:00
201401251441_IDEMPIERE-452.sql IDEMPIERE-452 Control dates / based on patch from Nicolas Micoud (nmicoud) 2014-01-25 14:46:01 -05:00
201401261340_IDEMPIERE-1045.sql IDEMPIERE-1045 Improve info Window implementation / drop unneeded changes to AD_InfoColumn 2014-01-26 17:40:56 -05:00
201401270442_IDEMPIERE-1461.sql IDEMPIERE-1461 1003688 'Order' link opening a wrong window. 2014-01-27 12:48:28 +08:00
201403121652_IDEMPIERE-1649.sql IDEMPIERE-1649 Reference of User1_id, User2_id in new table is create incorrect / based on patch from Hiep 2014-03-13 11:02:16 -05:00
201403212121_IDEMPIERE-1216.sql IDEMPIERE-1216 Add missing translation tables / migration script 2014-04-02 15:55:02 -05:00
201403261215_IDEMPIERE-1856.sql IDEMPIERE-1856 Amount in database functions and views are hardcoded to round to 2 decimal points 2014-03-26 12:25:22 +08:00
201404040826_IDEMPIERE-1572.sql IDEMPIERE-1572 Last Run and Saved parameter for process / based on patch from Deepak Pansheriya 2014-04-04 10:19:40 -05:00