The SELECT definition must contain the SELECT and FROM keywords in upper case, the WHERE definition must contain the WHERE keyword in upper case. The main table must not have an alias! The WHERE clause can only contain values of the main table (e.g. when selecting from Header and lines, only header variables can be used in the where clause) and be fully qualified if there is more then one table.]]> The class needs to implement org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor]]> The calculation:
  • Copy and convert price from referenced price list
  • result plus Surcharge Amount
  • result minus Discount
  • if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero)
  • if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero)
  • Round resulting price
The Formula is
NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;
if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);
if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);

Example: (assuming same currency)
Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;
New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round]]>
You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.
You can also receive a partial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a positive amount.
Note that printed payments are archived in Payment Selection (Prepared Payment).
For Posting, the bank account organization is used, if it is not a charge.]]>
Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic.]]> @*Page@ - the current page number
@*PageCount@ - the total number of pages
@*MultiPageInfo@ - "Page x of y" - only printed if more than one page
@*CopyInfo@ - if it is a copy of the document "Duplicate" is printed
@*ReportName@ - name of the report
@*Header@ - Full Header with user/client/org name and connection
@*CurrentDate@ - the print date
@*CurrentDateTime@ - the print time

The layoit logic for forms is:
- if not printed: ignore
- set New Line Position
- new page
- new line, if something was printed since last new line
- format item
- print it (if not null/empty selected)
(i.e. supress null does not prevent new line)]]> Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import.]]> Product mapping (for details see documentation):

H_Item => Value
H_ItemDesc => Name / Description
H_ItemDefn => Help
H_ItemType => ProductCategory
H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner
H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No
H_Commodity2 => SKU
H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..)
V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency
V_OperAmt_T => Price 
The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted).
Please note that the Business Partner must be an Employee with an Address and Contact!]]>
If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality.
If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access).
If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.]]>
If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access).
If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.]]>
If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access).
If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access).
Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here.

Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required.]]> Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination.
The optional balance check applies to the entire import, not for individual batches or journals.
The document numbers will be overwritten if the document type is not set to manual sequences.]]>
If you have multiple taxes, create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines, the tax is estimated, the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax, you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount.
Valid From/To is determined by the parent tax.]]>
If the Role User Level is Manual, the assigned acces rights are not automatically updated (e.g. if a role has a restricted number of Windows/Processes it can access). You need to add organizational access unless the role has access to all organizations. The SuperUser and the user creating a new role are assigned to the role automatically.
If you select an Organization Tree, the user has access to the leaves of summary organizations. Note: You cannot change the System Administrator role.]]>
When processing the payment, the allocation is created. The Organization is set to the invoice organization]]> If the name is not found, the SizeX/Y with the dimension is used. Size and dimension are ignored, if a valid media size name is used.]]> Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used.]]> The creation of "Client and Org" shared records is the default and is ignored.]]>