#!/bin/sh # # Author: Carlos Ruiz - globalqss # Script to synchronize the database with latest migration scripts allowing a remote monitored way # # Intended process: # 1. Customer executes bash RUN_MonitoredSyncDB.sh (folder can be specified as an optional parameter) # 2. The program executes all pending scripts UNTIL an error is found # When an error is found it register the output of the script in AD_Migration_Script.Script column # The program stop the process informing the error # 3. Vendor send a fix to the customer to integrate in the same folder # Conditions: # The script must have the same name as the script changing the suffix .sql by .001.fix - then .002.fix and so on # for example if 201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.sql fails, then Vendor must provide a file # 201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.001.fix and send it to customer to integrate in the same folder as the sql failed # if the 001.fix fails then it can provide a 002.fix and keep going until the error is solved # It is expected that the script 001.fix always end registering calling register_migration_script # and also cleaning the Error status from the script that is fixing via update, for example: # script 201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.001.fix is expected to end with these two lines: # UPDATE AD_MigrationScript SET Status='IP' WHERE Name='201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.sql'); # SELECT register_migration_script('201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.001.fix') FROM dual; # and similar the script 201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.002.fix is expected to end with these two lines: # UPDATE AD_MigrationScript SET Status='IP' WHERE Name='201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.001.fix'); # SELECT register_migration_script('201811121420_IDEMPIERE-2648.002.fix') FROM dual; # and so on # 4. If there is an email registered in AD_System.SupportEMail and there is an accessible sendmail program then # this script tries to send an email to that support informing the error # 5. All the above steps are intended to be executed initially in a test or stage environment # When executed again on a clean environment, or applied in production, the script automatically applies the fixes and continue # echo Synchronize iDempiere Database echo Upgrading database "$1@$ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME" if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " echo "Example: $0 adempiere adempiere" exit 1 fi if [ "$IDEMPIERE_HOME" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT" = "" ] then echo "Please make sure that the environment variables are set correctly:" echo " IDEMPIERE_HOME e.g. /idempiere" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. adempiere or xe" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER e.g. dbserver.adempiere.org" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT e.g. 5432 or 1521" exit 1 fi PGPASSWORD=$2 export PGPASSWORD TMPFOLDER=/tmp ADEMPIERE_DB_USER=$1 ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH=$3 CMDLANG="SET lc_messages TO 'C';" CMD="psql -b -h $ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER -p $ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT -d $ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME -U $ADEMPIERE_DB_USER" SILENTCMD="$CMD -q -t" ERROR_STRINGS="^(ERROR:|FATAL:)" DIR_POST=$IDEMPIERE_HOME/migration if [ "x$4" = "x" ] then DIR_SCRIPTS=$IDEMPIERE_HOME/migration else if [ "${4#/}" = "${4}" ] then DIR_SCRIPTS="$IDEMPIERE_HOME/$4" else DIR_SCRIPTS="$4" fi fi cd "$DIR_SCRIPTS" || exit 1 mkdir $TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$ apply_script() { SCRIPT="$1" OUTFILE="$2" FILE="$3" echo "Applying $SCRIPT" ( printf '%s' "$CMDLANG" ; cat "$SCRIPT" ) | $CMD > "$OUTFILE" 2>&1 APPLIED=Y if grep -E "$ERROR_STRINGS" "$OUTFILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "Found error in $SCRIPT" # record error in ad_migrationscript echo " update ad_migrationscript set status='ER' where name='$FILE'; \lo_import '$OUTFILE' '$OUTFILE' \set oid_output :LASTOID \lo_list update ad_migrationscript set script=lo_get(:oid_output) where name='$FILE'; \lo_unlink :oid_output " | $CMD >> "$OUTFILE" 2>&1 return 1 else return 0 fi } process_fix() { FAILEDSCRIPT=$1 SUFFIX="${FAILEDSCRIPT##*.}" if [ "sql" = "$SUFFIX" ] then TMPBASE="${FAILEDSCRIPT##*/}" BASE="${TMPBASE%.sql}" elif [ "fix" = "$SUFFIX" ] then TMPBASE="${FAILEDSCRIPT##*/}" BASE="${TMPBASE%.[0-9][0-9][0-9].fix}" fi if [ -z "$BASE" ] then MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** CANNOT FIND BASENAME FOR $FAILEDSCRIPT - Please contact administrator ****" return 1 fi FIXFOUND=N find . -type f -path "*/$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH/$BASE.[0-9][0-9][0-9].fix" > /tmp/lsfix$$ CNTFIXES=$(wc -l < /tmp/lsfix$$) IDX=0 while read -r FIX do IDX=$((IDX + 1)) BASEFIX="$(basename "$FIX")" BASE=$(expr "$FIX" : '.*/\(.*\)\.fix') CNT=$($SILENTCMD -c "select count(*) from ad_migrationscript where name='$BASEFIX'" | sed -e 's/ //g') if [ "$CNT" != "0" ] then echo "$BASEFIX already applied, search for next fix" continue fi OUTFILE=$TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$/$BASE.out if ! apply_script "$FIX" "$OUTFILE" "$BASEFIX" then if [ "$IDX" -lt "$CNTFIXES" ] then # there are more fixes to process continue else MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** ERROR ON FILE $OUTFILE - Please verify ****" # Stop processing, problem must be fixed return 2 fi else FIXFOUND=Y return 0 fi done < /tmp/lsfix$$ if [ $FIXFOUND = N ] then MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** NO FIXES FOUND FOR $FAILEDSCRIPT ****" return 1 fi MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** WRONG CONDITION FOR $FAILEDSCRIPT - Please verify ****" return 1 } notify_error() { echo -e "$MSGERROR" printf '\n%s\n' "Errors were found during the process (see message above) - please inform and integrate a fix to restart this process again" SUPPORTEMAIL=$($SILENTCMD -c "select supportemail from ad_system" | sed -e 's/ //g') SENDMAIL=$(command -v sendmail) FROM="$(whoami)@$(hostname)" ATTACH=$(expr "$MSGERROR" : ".* ERROR ON FILE \(.*\) - Please verify.*") if [ -n "$SUPPORTEMAIL" ] && [ -n "$SENDMAIL" ] && [ -n "$ATTACH" ] then ( echo "From: $FROM" echo "To: $SUPPORTEMAIL" echo "Subject: RUN_MonitoredSyncDB.sh - $(hostname) - fix script required $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" echo "Mime-Version: 1.0" echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"ZZ_/afg6432dfgkl.94531q\"" echo "--ZZ_/afg6432dfgkl.94531q" echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"" echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" echo "Content-Disposition: inline" echo -e "$MSGERROR" echo "=================================" cat "$ATTACH" echo echo "--ZZ_/afg6432dfgkl.94531q" ) > /tmp/mail$$ 2>&1 $SENDMAIL -t -oi < /tmp/mail$$ & fi exit 1 } APPLIED=N # Create list of files with error - registered in ad_migrationscript table echo "select name from ad_migrationscript where status='ER' order by name" | $SILENTCMD | sed -e 's:^ ::' | grep -v '^$' | sort > $TMPFOLDER/lisERR_$$.txt while read -r FILE do echo "Error registered in script $FILE, checking for fixes" if process_fix "$FILE" then # fix worked continue with next file continue else # no fix or fix failed - inform and stop notify_error fi done < $TMPFOLDER/lisERR_$$.txt # Create list of files already applied - registered in ad_migrationscript table echo "select name from ad_migrationscript" | $SILENTCMD | sed -e 's:^ ::' | grep -v '^$' | sort > $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt # Create list of files in the migration folder : > $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt find . -type d -name "$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH" | grep -v "./processes_post_migration/$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH" | while read -r FOLDER do cd "${FOLDER}" || exit 1 ls -- *.sql 2>/dev/null >> $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt cd "$DIR_SCRIPTS" || exit 1 done sort -o $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt sort -o $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt MSGERROR="" # extract and process the list of pending files comm -13 $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt > $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt if [ -s $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt ] then while read -r FILE do SCRIPT=$(find . -name "$FILE" | grep "/$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH/") OUTFILE=$TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$/$(basename "$FILE" .sql).out if ! apply_script "$SCRIPT" "$OUTFILE" "$FILE" then TMPMSGERROR="\n**** ERROR ON FILE $OUTFILE - Please verify ****" process_fix "$FILE" FIXSTATUS=$? if [ "$FIXSTATUS" -eq 0 ] then # fix worked continue with next file continue elif [ "$FIXSTATUS" -eq 1 ] then MSGERROR="$MSGERROR$TMPMSGERROR" fi # Stop processing, problem must be fixed break fi done < $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt else if [ -s $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt ] then echo "Database is already in sync - no scripts pending to apply" else echo "No scripts were found to apply" fi fi if [ -z "$MSGERROR" ] then # Last verification - are there still ERRORS? echo "select name from ad_migrationscript where status='ER' order by name" | $SILENTCMD | sed -e 's:^ ::' | grep -v '^$' | sort > $TMPFOLDER/lisERR_$$.txt while read -r FILE do MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** Error on file $FILE still not resolved - Please verify ****" done < $TMPFOLDER/lisERR_$$.txt fi if [ x$APPLIED = xY ] && [ -z "$MSGERROR" ] then cd "$DIR_POST" || exit 1 for FILE in processes_post_migration/"$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH"/*.sql do OUTFILE=$TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$/$(basename "$FILE" .sql).out echo "Applying $FILE" ( printf '%s' "$CMDLANG" ; cat "$FILE" ) | $CMD > "$OUTFILE" 2>&1 if grep -E "$ERROR_STRINGS" "$OUTFILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "Found error in $SCRIPT" MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** ERROR ON FILE $OUTFILE - Please verify ****" fi done fi PGPASSWORD= export PGPASSWORD if [ -n "$MSGERROR" ] then notify_error fi exit 0