#!/bin/bash if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "usage: $0 <languagedir>" echo "you may for example call $0 de_DE/" exit 1 fi for dir in $@; do total=0; translated=0; echo -n "$dir: " if [ -d $dir ]; then cd $dir; for file in *.xml; do grep value $file | sed 's:.*<.*original="\(.*\)">\(.*\)<.*:\1 #### \2:' | sed 's:.*<.*original="\(.*\)"/>:\1 #### :' > $file.tmp while read line; do orig=${line% ####*} trans=${line#*#### } # not even the original has a translation, therefore we do not care if [ "$orig" == "####" ]; then continue; fi total=$((total + 1)) # one cannot depend on the trl="Y" attribute, therefore we are checking whether the translation differs from the original if [ "$orig" != "$trans" ]; then translated=$((translated+1)) fi done < $file.tmp rm $file.tmp done cd .. echo "$translated strings are translated. The files contain $total strings." fi done