The JBoss(R)* app server is Copyright 2000-2007, Red Hat Middleware LLC and individual contributors, and is licensed under the GNU LGPL. A summary of the individual contributors is given below. Any omission should be sent to CVS Login(s) Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- adrian,ejort Adrian Brock aloubyansky,loubyansky Alex Loubyansky asaldhana,osdchicago Anil Saldhana csuconic,clebert Clebert Suconic dimitris,andd Dimitris Andreadis kkhan,kabkhan Kabir Khan ovidiu,ovidiuf Ovidiu Feodorov starksm,stark Scott M Stark tdiesler Thomas Diesler timfox Tim Fox bstansberry Brian Stansberry jgreene,nihility Jason Greene rloehr Ruel Loehr reverbel Francisco Reverbel alesj Ales Justin bdecoste Bill DeCoste bill,patriot1burke Bill Burke telrod Tom Elrod schrouf Ulf Schroeter rrajasekaran Rajesh Rajasekaran genman Elias Ross clin Chi Lin ssilvert Stan Silvert peterj Peter Johnson rcampbell,recampbell Ryan Cambell acoliver,acoliver2 Andy Oliver walkerrl49 Bob Walker bwang,bwang00 Ben Wang pilhuhn Heiko W. Rupp jerrygauth Jerry Gauthier ltexier Luc Texier jchang Jack Chang nrichards,orb Norman Richards remm Remy Maucherat nrocher,noelrocher Noel Rocher ccrouch Charles Crouch sacha,slaboure Sacha Labourey bela,belaan Bela Ban jmoran Jim Moran gavin,oneovthafew Gavin King msurtani Manik Surtani sebersole,steveebersole Steve Ebersole smarlow Scott Marlow hbarlas Haroon Barlas rawb Robert Stryker flaviarnn Flavia Rainone cazzius Claudio Vesco russo,royrusso Roy Russo theute Thomas Heute mnf999,fleury Marc Fleury aveitas Algirdas Veitas deb Deborah Hooker karan_malhi Karan Singh pharaohh Les A. Hazlewood ricardoarguello Ricardo Arguello rauschuber Chris Rauschuber jhaynie Jeff Haynie vietj,cooperfbi Julien Viet richarzk Klaus Richarz chussenet Claude Hussenet aclute Andrew Clute juntao Juntao Yuan kevconner Kevin Conner mlavergn Marc Lavergne triathlon98 Joachim Van der Auwera ivelin Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov kimptoc,kimptonc Chris Kimpton marshall_law,mculpepper Marshall Culpepper tpeuss Thomas Peuss essington Jason Essington posselt Dietmar Posselt juhalindfors,juha Juha Lindfors lqd Christian Riege scoy Stephen Coy cgjung Christoph Georg Jung rnjn5 Neil Dattani luke_t,negaton Luke Taylor sreich Stefan Reich thomasra Thomas Roka-Aardal mikefinn Mike Finn d_jencks David Jencks jules_gosnell Jules Gosnell dsundstrom Dain Sundstrom gregwilkins Greg Wilkins janb Jan Bartel eli201 Eli Tilevich harald_gliebe Harald Gliebe mnewcomb Michael Newcomb andygodwin Andy Godwin chirino,hiram Hiram Chirino user57 Jason Dillon nphelps Nathan W. Phelps sasp Spyridon Samothrakis igorfie Igor Fedorenko jboynes Jeremy Boynes kbirch Kevin Birch yanikc Yanik Crepeau alindsey Aaron Lindsey mclaugs Scott McLaughlin austinchau Austin Chau binaryfeed Jeffrey Wescott pra Peter Antman jcooley James Cooley gropi Tobias Frech mattmunz Matthew Munz stormy_sky,schaefera Andreas Schaefer peter_f Peter Fagerlunds sparre,osh Ole Husgaard bartmann Michael Bartmann lsanders Larry Sanderson thesitesman Seth Sites azakkerman Anatoly Akkerman sgturner Greg Turner fbrier Frederick N. Brier biorn_steedom,simone Simone Bordet yarrumretep Peter M. Murray peterbraswell Peter Braswell jwalters Jay Walters danch Dan Christopherson fhanik Filip Hanik squirest Trevor Squires olegnitz,oleg Oleg Nitz neales Neale Swinnerton mikesr Mike Swainston-Rainford dbudworth David Budworth weave Brian Weaver vharcq Vincent Harcq dmaplesden David Maplesden boissier Guillaume Boissiere plevart Peter Levart thedug Doug Ferguson lepe,lennart Lennart Petersson charles_chan Charles Chan pkendall Paul Kendall vlada Vladimir Blagojevic rickardoberg,oberg Rickard �berg jayeshpk Jayesh Parayali deerwood Georg Rehfeld tobyallsopp,allsopp Toby Allsopp kvvinaymenon KV Vinay Menon docodan Daniel OConnor stacycurl Stacy Curl phox Fulco Muriglio dmcnair Dewayne McNair vladimir Vladimir Ivanovic joel Joel Phillips Luc Boudreau(JIRA) Luc Boudreau ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * JBoss is a registered trademark of Red Hat Middleware LLC.