-- Example about how to call modelSetDocAction from oracle pl/sql function -- Following sample from http://technology.amis.nl/blog/358/consuming-web-services-from-plsql-part-ii-a-pure-plsql-solution-using-utl_http-oracle-9i-or-10g CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ws_modelsetdocaction ( p_table IN ad_table.tablename%TYPE, p_recordid IN m_inout.m_inout_id%TYPE, p_newdocstatus IN m_inout.docstatus%TYPE, p_user IN ad_user.NAME%TYPE, p_password IN ad_user.PASSWORD%TYPE, p_language IN ad_language.ad_language%TYPE, p_client_id IN ad_client.ad_client_id%TYPE, p_role_id IN ad_role.ad_role_id%TYPE, p_org_id IN ad_org.ad_org_id%TYPE, p_warehouse_id IN m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id%TYPE ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS server VARCHAR2 (100) := ''; soap_request VARCHAR2 (30000); soap_respond VARCHAR2 (30000); http_req UTL_HTTP.req; http_resp UTL_HTTP.resp; resp XMLTYPE; BEGIN soap_request := ' ' || p_table || ' ' || p_recordid || ' ' || p_newdocstatus || ' ' || p_user || ' ' || p_password || ' ' || p_language || ' ' || p_client_id || ' ' || p_role_id || ' ' || p_org_id || ' ' || p_warehouse_id || ' '; UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout (5); http_req := UTL_HTTP.begin_request ( 'http://' || server || '/ADInterface/services/ADService', 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' ); UTL_HTTP.set_header (http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml'); UTL_HTTP.set_header (http_req, 'Content-Length', LENGTH (soap_request)); UTL_HTTP.write_text (http_req, soap_request); http_resp := UTL_HTTP.get_response (http_req); UTL_HTTP.read_text (http_resp, soap_respond); UTL_HTTP.end_response (http_resp); RETURN soap_respond; /* -- Create an XMLType variable containing the Response XML resp := XMLTYPE.createxml (soap_respond); -- extract from the XMLType Resp the child-nodes of the element resp := resp.EXTRACT ('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/child::node()', 'xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"' ); -- extract from the XMLType Resp the text() nodes from the n:getRateResponse/Result element resp := resp.EXTRACT ('n:getRateResponse/Result/text()', 'xmlns:n="urn:xmethods-CurrencyExchange"' ); RETURN resp.getclobval (); */ END; / -- Now you can make a call to the function with this example: -- example to COmplete M_InOut with M_Inout_ID=1000002 /* select ws_modelsetdocaction ( 'M_InOut', 1000002, 'CO', 'SuperUser', 'System', 'es_CO', 11, 102, 11, 103) from dual; */