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  <W_ADVERTISEMENT W_ADVERTISEMENT_ID="100" AD_CLIENT_ID="11" AD_ORG_ID="11" ISACTIVE="Y" CREATED="2003-12-11 20:43:41.0" CREATEDBY="100" UPDATED="2005-07-18 20:13:16.0" UPDATEDBY="100" NAME="Adempiere, Inc." DESCRIPTION="USA, Oregon" HELP="Help ??" ISSELFSERVICE="Y" C_BPARTNER_ID="113" AD_USER_ID="101" W_CLICKCOUNT_ID="100" W_COUNTERCOUNT_ID="100" IMAGEURL="http://www1.adempiere.com/images/AdempiereCom120x60.gif" WEBPARAM1="Adempiere Contributor" WEBPARAM2="http://www.adempiere.com/images/partner_x.gif" WEBPARAM3="Using Adempiere Internally" WEBPARAM4="Adempiere &lt;a href=&quot;http://www1.adempiere.org/about/references.html&quot;>Success Stories&lt;/a>" PUBLISHSTATUS="T">
    <ADTEXT><![CDATA[Adempiere, Inc. privides Support and Services for Adempiere, the  premier Open Source business application.  Guaranteed <b>Support</b> is available in Gold/Silver/Bronze level you want to keep your mission critical system running and up-to-date.  All support offerings include all licenses you may need for Adempiere.  We offer Intensive <b>Training</b> to get you started fast end allow you to implement Adempiere efficiently. The Technical Training gives you a head start when extending Adempiere to meet specific business requiredments. <p>Some Unicode test:  <br> Some Extended Characters: ¿¿¿¿¿¿<br> European Characters: ¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿> Characters > 100h: ??<br> Greek: ?????<br> Cyrillic: ?????????<br> Arabic: ??????<br> If you see ? or squares in the above in the Java client, your database character set is not UTF.]]></ADTEXT>