@Echo Adempiere Full Database Export $Revision: 1.2 $ @Rem $Id: DBExportFull.bat,v 1.2 2005/01/22 21:59:15 jjanke Exp $ @Echo Saving database %1@%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% to %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDatFull.dmp @if (%ADEMPIERE_HOME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) == () goto environment @Rem Must have parameter: systemAccount @if (%1) == () goto usage @exp %1@%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% FILE=%ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDatFull.dmp Log=%ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.log CONSISTENT=Y FULL=Y @cd %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data @jar cvfM data\ExpDatFull.jar ExpDatFull.dmp @goto end :environment @Echo Please make sure that the enviroment variables are set correctly: @Echo ADEMPIERE_HOME e.g. D:\Adempiere @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. dev1.adempiere.org :usage @echo Usage: %0 @echo Examples: %0 system/manager :end