CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get1099bucket ( p_cbpartner_id IN NUMBER, p_cut_date IN DATE, p_bucket IN NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER IS tmpvar NUMBER; /****************************************************************************** NAME: get1099bucket PURPOSE: REVISIONS: Ver Date Author Description --------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------ 1.0 04/01/2008 Carlos Ruiz 1. Created this function. ******************************************************************************/ BEGIN SELECT SUM ( (NVL (linenetamt, 0) + NVL (taxamt, 0)) * DECODE (docbasetype, 'API', 1, 'APC', -1, 0 ) -- +API->AP Invoice / -APC->AP Credit Memo ) INTO tmpvar FROM C_INVOICE i, C_INVOICELINE il, C_1099BOX b, C_DOCTYPE dt WHERE i.c_invoice_id = il.c_invoice_id AND i.issotrx = 'N' AND il.c_1099box_id = b.c_1099box_id AND i.dateacct BETWEEN TRUNC (p_cut_date, 'YEAR') AND p_cut_date AND c_bpartner_id = p_cbpartner_id AND b.bucket = p_bucket AND i.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id AND i.docstatus IN ('CO', 'CL'); RETURN tmpvar; END get1099bucket; /