XML File * adempiere-model.xml - DB independent adempiere schema * adempiere-data.jar - DB independent adempiere seed data Datatype difference between Oracle and PostgreSQL * ID Field map to Integer in postgreSQL and Number(10) in Oracle. * Integer field map to Integer in postgreSQL, Number(10) in Oracle ( Oracle's Integer datatype map to number(38) which is not standard) * PostgreSQL have no native support for CLOB and BLOB, BYTEA is use instead. * Timestamp field map to Timestamp in PostgreSQL, DATE in Oracle. Issue * Fyracle script need to be tested by someone with access to the developer kit. * XML model and data file to be separated by table to ease maintenance. Note * SQL standard varchar datatype is use in place of Oracle's non standard nvarchar datatype. This changes means you must create your database to use UTF8 as default character set. * Integer instead of BigInt will be use as datatype for ID field to maintain compatibility with existing schema.