The ''!-ElectronicMail-!'' fixture allow for testing that email has been sent.
!2 Example:
|''with email''|
|''connect using host''|imapper|''and protocol''|imap|''with user name''|testGig|''and password''|ssap|
|''open folder''|INBOX|
|''wait up to''|100|''seconds for message to arrive''|
|''select message with subject matching''|Confirmation|
|''check message body contains''|confirmed|
|''has attachment''|Confirmation.PDF|
|''download attachment''|Confirmation.PDF|to file|Confirmation.PDF|
|''delete message''|
!2 Commands
 * Access e-mail:

|''with email''|

 * Connect to a server:

|''connect using host''|'''host'''|''and protocol''|'''protocol'''|''with user name''|'''name'''|''and password''|'''password'''|

 * Open a named folder:

|''open folder''|INBOX|

 * Delay, waiting for the email to arrive:

|''wait up to''|5|''seconds for message to arrive''|

 * Select a message by the subject:

|''select message with subject matching''|Confirmation|

 * Check that message body contains some text:

|''check message body contains''|confirmed|

 * Check that the current message has the named attachment:

|''has attachment''|Confirmation.PDF|

 * Download the named attachment as the file:

|''download attachment''|Confirmation.PDF|to file|Confirmation.PDF|

 * Delete the current message from the mail box:

|''delete message''|

 * Disconnect from the map server:

!2 Implementation
This makes use of the ''javamail'' system.

See for further details.