Adempiere Looks Adempiere Looks is a 3D extension of the Java Metal Look and Feel.

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Adempiere Looks was inspired by the Kunststoff Look and Feel and adds color capabilities as well as texture backgrounds. Adempiere Looks is free and Open Source.

Adempiere Looks are based on Java 1.4.0.

Adempiere Looks Utilities allow you to change the Look and Feel of your application by the individual user. This is not restricted to the standard and Adempiere Looks, but also Kunststoff. You can also define your own Theme.


Start Options

Change the default Look & Feel

You can change the default Look & Feel by editing or adding the file in the folder $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib

Start via AdempierePLAF

You can change the Look & Feel to the one selected by starting via CompmierePLAF. Example:

  java -cp AdempiereLooks.jar;SwingSet2.jar 
    org.compiere.plaf.AdempierePLAF SwingSet2

This tries to invoke the main method of the class of if not found the constructor without parameters.

Modify main Method

Just add the line:


Change the Look & Feel

You set the Look & Feel by invoking the Adempiere PLAF Editor:

Stand alone:

  java -jar AdempiereLooks.jar
  java -cp AdempiereLooks.jar org.compiere.plaf.AdempierePLAF

or within your program by

  new AdempierePLAFEditor ();

and from a Dialog or Frame to change the Look and Feel of your current windows via

  new AdempierePLAFEditor (this);

You can also set the Adempiere Look directly:

    (new org.compiere.plaf.AdempiereLookAndFeel());