You can take any word, phrase, or image and turn it into a link using the following syntax:{{{ [[word or phrase][wikiPage]]}}}Here are some examples: |!c Markup Text|!c Displayed as:| |!-click [[here][.FrontPage]].-!|click [[here][.FrontPage]].| |!-[[!img][]]-!|[[!img][]]| |!-[[''Recent Changes''][RecentChanges]]-!|[[''Recent Changes''][.RecentChanges]]| * When the text is a wiki word, the link to the wiki word takes precedence, so you cannot override one wiki word to link to another. |!c Markup Text|!c Displayed as:| |!-click [[.RecentChanges][.FrontPage]].-!|click [[.RecentChanges][.FrontPage]].| * When the link is a wiki word then, as usual, it may include a relative or an absolute path with respect to the parent page using < . > characters, or is a sibling if no path is specified. (See SubWiki for more details.) |!c Markup Text|!c Displayed as:| |!-click [[here][.FrontPage]].-!|click [[here][.FrontPage]].| |!-click [[here][MarkupAliasLink]].-!|click [[here][MarkupAliasLink]].| * When the link is to an anchor on a different page, append the anchor's name. (See LinksWithinPages) |!c Markup Text|!c Displayed as:| |!-click [[Bottom of Page][LinksWithinPages#pageBottom]].-!|click [[Bottom of Page][LinksWithinPages#pageBottom]].|