@Echo ADempiere Database Import @Echo Importing ADempiere DB from %IDEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.dmp (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) @if (%IDEMPIERE_HOME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT%) == () goto environment @Rem Must have parameters systemAccount AdempiereID AdempierePwd PostgresPwd @if (%1) == () goto usage @if (%2) == () goto usage @if (%3) == () goto usage @if (%4) == () goto usage @set PGPASSWORD=%4 @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Re-Create user and database @echo ------------------------------------- @dropdb -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -U postgres %ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% @dropuser -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -U postgres %2 @set ADEMPIERE_CREATE_ROLE_SQL=CREATE ROLE %2 SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '%3' @psql -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -U postgres -c "%ADEMPIERE_CREATE_ROLE_SQL%" @set ADEMPIERE_CREATE_ROLE_SQL= @set PGPASSWORD=%3 @createdb -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -E UNICODE -O %2 -U %2 %ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Import Adempiere_pg.dmp @echo ------------------------------------- @psql -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -d %ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% -U %2 -c "drop schema sqlj cascade" @set ADEMPIERE_ALTER_ROLE_SQL="ALTER ROLE %2 SET search_path TO adempiere, pg_catalog" @psql -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -d %ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% -U %2 -c "%ADEMPIERE_ALTER_ROLE_SQL%" @psql -h %ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER% -p %ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT% -d %ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% -U %2 -f %IDEMPIERE_HOME%/data/ExpDat.dmp @set ADEMPIERE_ALTER_ROLE_SQL= @set PGPASSWORD= @goto end :environment @Echo Please make sure that the environment variables are set correctly: @Echo IDEMPIERE_HOME e.g. D:\ADEMPIERE2 @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. adempiere or xe @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER e.g. dbserver.adempiere.org @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT e.g. 5432 or 1521 :usage @echo Usage: %0 <systemAccount> <AdempiereID> <AdempierePwd> <postgresPwd> @echo Example: %0 postgres Adempiere Adempiere postgrespwd :end