INSERT INTO AD_InfoWindow_Access (AD_InfoWindow_ID, AD_Role_ID, AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT i.AD_InfoWindow_ID, r.ad_role_id, r.ad_client_id, r.ad_org_id, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0 FROM AD_InfoWindow i JOIN AD_Role r ON (r.isactive='Y') LEFT JOIN AD_InfoWindow_Access ia ON (ia.AD_Role_ID=r.ad_role_id AND i.AD_InfoWindow_ID = ia.AD_InfoWindow_ID) WHERE ia.AD_InfoWindow_ID IS NULL ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_asset='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='A_Asset')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_bpartner='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='C_BPartner')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_inout='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='M_InOut')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_invoice='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='C_Invoice')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_order='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='C_Order')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_payment='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='C_Payment')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_product='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='M_Product')) ; update ad_infowindow_access set isactive='N' where ad_role_id in (select ad_role_id from ad_role where allow_info_resource='N') and ad_infowindow_id in (select ad_infowindow_id from ad_infowindow where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='S_ResourceAssignment')) ; SELECT register_migration_script('201306182217_IDEMPIERE-893.sql') FROM dual ;