Adempiere Fyracle installation

Welcome to adempiere for Fyracle databse project.

This file contains basic information necessery to install adempiere with Fyracle database.

To install Adempiere Fyracle following packages are necessery:
  1. Sun Java SDK 1.5.0 from
  2. Fyracle databse from
  3. Adempiere installation

Please download version of Java SDK and Fyracle appropriate to your operating system.

Install Java SDK and Fyracle according to their own manuals. Follwoing instruction
will assume that You installed Java in c:\adempiere\jdk folder and Fyracle in c:\adempiere\fyracle

Next uninstall into to c:\adempiere\Adempiere directory
and into c:\adempiere\data directory.

Please run c:\adempiere\Adempiere\RUN_setup.bat to setup adempiere server.
Please fill them with following values:
Press Save button to save changes to configuration.

It is adviced to restart Windows computer in next step as Windows can not set environment variable
without it.

You shuold be able to startup adempiere server with c:\adempiere\Adempiere\utils\RUN_Server2.bat
Next run client with c:\adempiere\Adempiere\RUN_Adempiere.bat command.

Click connection field. In dialog window set  server name to computer on which adempiere server is running.
If server is working information on database connection shuold be filled with necessery inforation.
It is necessery to mark checkbox "override" and change database type to "Fyracle".

Close connection dialog.
Set adempiere user name to GardenAdmin and password to 'GardenAdmin'.
Click OK and in second window OK again.
Now adempiere client should be working.

If You have any suggestion to this document please contact us: marek(dot)mosiewicz(at)jotel(dot)com(dot)pl

For more information about adempiere itself see
adempiere Fyracle version is maintained and supprted by Jotel sp.j. (see
To get inforamtion Fyracle see