#!/bin/bash IDEMPIERE_HOME=$( dirname "$( readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ) if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] then echo " Usage: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [property_file] [migration_folder] Called without parameters it tries to get the database connection information from the file $IDEMPIERE_HOME/idempiere.properties This requires that install.app or install.console.app has been previously executed in eclipse. If the first parameter is a file, then the script tries to obtain the connection information from such properties file. Optionally you can pass one or more migration folders at the end in order to process them. If no migration folder is passed then it processes the folder $IDEMPIERE_HOME/migration When called with parameter -h or --help prints this help message" exit 0 fi if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] then if [ -s "$1" ] then PROPFILE="$(dirname "$1")/$(basename "$1")" shift fi fi if [ -z "$PROPFILE" ] then if [ -s "$IDEMPIERE_HOME/idempiere.properties" ] then PROPFILE="$IDEMPIERE_HOME/idempiere.properties" fi fi if [ -z "$PROPFILE" ] then echo "There is no idempiere.properties in folder $IDEMPIERE_HOME. Please run first install.app or install.console.app within eclipse" exit 1 fi cd "$IDEMPIERE_HOME" || exit CONN=$(grep "^Connection=.*type" "$PROPFILE") if [ -z "$CONN" ] then echo "There is no Connection definition in the properties file $PROPFILE, or Connection is encrypted" exit 1 fi ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*DBname.=\(.*\),BQ.=")" ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*DBhost.=\(.*\),DBport.=")" ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*DBport.=\(.*\),DBname.=")" ADEMPIERE_DB_USER="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*UID.=\(.*\),PWD.=")" ADEMPIERE_DB_PASSWORD="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*PWD.=\(.*\)]")" ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH="$(expr "$CONN" : ".*type.=\(.*\),DBhost.=")" ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH="${ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH,,}" export IDEMPIERE_HOME export ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME export ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER export ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT export ADEMPIERE_DB_USER export ADEMPIERE_DB_PASSWORD export ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH bash "org.adempiere.server-feature/utils.unix/$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH/SyncDB.sh" "$ADEMPIERE_DB_USER" "$ADEMPIERE_DB_PASSWORD" "$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH" "$@"