Versions: * Add to the bottom of a report: fitLibrary version and date of run. * Include a manifest in the build that includes the build date. * Consider allowing other text too, with a link to important new information. New Releases: * Make it easy to check if there's a newer release * Consider better ways to deliver it Notation: * Rename special action to action-modifier * Add given, when, then forms - perhaps as action-modifiers (ie, special actions) Organisation: * Collect all global actions together. Ensure this includes |show predefined| and the variations of |set| * Collect all action-modifiers together (ie special actions). Ensure this includes |also run| Publishing and Documentation: * Tidy up guide and specs and put them on the web for direct access. * Write more introductory tutorials * Write up the execution model * Provide better info on using spreadsheets with folderRunner Fixtures: * Move table lookup from fitLibraryWeb into here * Check whether |file| writing builds intermediate directories if needed Problems: * Investigate the problem related to DBFit * Investigate bug list on SF Specification: * Change the specs to be explicit about the actions in the class used, and to be chattier about what's going on. Help: * Have |help| just list the "common" actions and action-modifiers for beginners. Have |help all| for the lot. * Requires an extra annotation