#!/bin/bash # # Author: Carlos Ruiz - globalqss # Script to synchronize the database for with latest migration scripts echo Synchronize iDempiere Database echo Upgrading database "$1@$ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME" if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " echo "Example: $0 adempiere adempiere" exit 1 fi if [ "$IDEMPIERE_HOME" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER" = "" ] || [ "$ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT" = "" ] then echo "Please make sure that the environment variables are set correctly:" echo " IDEMPIERE_HOME e.g. /idempiere" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. adempiere or xe" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER e.g. dbserver.adempiere.org" echo " ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT e.g. 5432 or 1521" exit 1 fi PGPASSWORD=$2 export PGPASSWORD TMPFOLDER=/tmp ADEMPIERE_DB_USER=$1 ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH=$3 CMD="psql -b -h $ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER -p $ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT -d $ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME -U $ADEMPIERE_DB_USER -b" SILENTCMD="$CMD -q -t" ERROR_STRINGS="^(ERROR:|FEHLER:|FATAL:|ERRO:)" DIR_POST=$IDEMPIERE_HOME/migration if [ "x$4" = "x" ] then DIR_SCRIPTS=$IDEMPIERE_HOME/migration else if [ "${4:0:1}" = "/" ] then DIR_SCRIPTS="$4" else DIR_SCRIPTS="$IDEMPIERE_HOME/$4" fi fi cd "$DIR_SCRIPTS" || (echo "ERROR: Cannot change to folder $DIR_SCRIPTS"; exit 1) # Create list of files already applied - registered in AD_MigrationScript table echo "select name from ad_migrationscript" | $SILENTCMD | sed -e 's:^ ::' | grep -v '^$' | sort > $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt # Create list of files in the migration folder find . -type f -wholename "*/${ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH}/*.sql" ! -wholename "./processes_post_migration/${ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH}/*" | sed -e 's:.*/::' | sort > $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt MSGERROR="" APPLIED=N # extract and process the list of pending files comm -13 $TMPFOLDER/lisDB_$$.txt $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt > $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt if [ -s $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt ] then while read -r FILE do SCRIPT=$(find . -name "$FILE" | grep "/$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH/") echo "$SCRIPT" >> $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDINGFOL_$$.txt done < $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDING_$$.txt sort -o $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDINGFOL_$$.txt $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDINGFOL_$$.txt mkdir $TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$ while read -r SCRIPT do OUTFILE=$TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$/$(basename "$SCRIPT" .sql).out echo "Applying $SCRIPT" $CMD < "$SCRIPT" 2>&1 | tee "$OUTFILE" APPLIED=Y if grep -E "$ERROR_STRINGS" "$OUTFILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 then MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** ERROR ON FILE $OUTFILE - Please verify ****" # Stop processing to allow user to fix the problem before processing additional files break fi done < $TMPFOLDER/lisPENDINGFOL_$$.txt else if [ -s $TMPFOLDER/lisFS_$$.txt ] then echo "Database is already in sync - no scripts pending to apply" else echo "No scripts were found to apply" fi fi if [ x$APPLIED = xY ] then cd "$DIR_POST" || (echo "ERROR: Cannot change to folder $DIR_POST"; exit 1) for FILE in processes_post_migration/"$ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH"/*.sql do OUTFILE=$TMPFOLDER/SyncDB_out_$$/$(basename "$FILE" .sql).out $CMD 2>&1 < "$FILE" | tee "$OUTFILE" if grep -E "$ERROR_STRINGS" "$OUTFILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 then MSGERROR="$MSGERROR\n**** ERROR ON FILE $OUTFILE - Please verify ****" fi done fi PGPASSWORD= export PGPASSWORD if [ -n "$MSGERROR" ] then echo "$MSGERROR" printf "\n Errors were found during the process (see message above) - please review and fix the error running manually the script - and then restart this process again" exit 1 fi exit 0