Founders and Core Maintainers:
Carlos Ruiz
Heng Sin Low

Trek Global BX Service GmbH GlobalQSS - Quality Systems & Solutions Adaxa Open Source ERP cloudempiere iDempiere Training Open Source ERP Chuck Boecking Logilite Technologies devCoffee JPiere Japan+iDempiere U Palicha TGI – Techniques Gestion Informatique Zuellig Industrial

Major Contributors
Diego Ruiz Hiep Le Quy Chuck Boecking
Eugene Barg Joel Stangeland Steven Sackett
Gaurav Sontakke Thomas Bayen Deepak Pansheriya
Michael Powacht Hideaki Hagiwara Nicolas Micoud
Norbert Bede Murilo H Torquato

Contributors, Heroes and Nominees 2023
Alain Ranvier Anozi Mada Dirk Niemeyer
Elaine Tan Frank Wolff Henry Manas
Igor Pojzl Jasper Siepkes Jaurès FOUTE KUETE
Jefferson Dalfre Jose Leite Layda Salas
Marco Longo Marcos Gabriel de Oliveira Favaretto Matheus Marcelino
Orlando Curieles Peter Shepetko Peter Takacs
Ray Lee Sergey Polyarus Smirnova Anna ilinichna
Vanessa Castro Vitor Henrique Dos Santos Zuhri Utama. A

Do you want to be included in this list? Get involved in the project and get listed in the next version!