To check error reported here:
[ adempiere-Bugs-2713724 ] Incorrect Accounting for Internal Use Inventory

!include -c TestLoginGardenAdmin

Create the internal use document

!|Create Record|
|*Table*|M_Inventory          |
|ad_org_id     |11                   |
|c_doctype_id  |144                  |
|m_warehouse_id|103                  |
|movementdate  |2009-03-26 00:00:00.0|
|*Save*|         |

Create internal use line

!|Create Record|
|*Table*|M_InventoryLine                                                                                                  |
|M_Inventory_ID|@M_Inventory.M_Inventory_ID@                                                                                     |
|ad_org_id     |@M_Inventory.AD_Org_ID@                                                                                          |
|m_locator_id  |101                                                                                                              |
|m_product_id  |141                                                                                                              |
|c_charge_id   |101                                                                                                              |
|qtyinternaluse|@SQL=select sum(qtyonhand) from m_storage where m_product_id=141 and m_locator_id=101 and m_attributesetinstance_id=0|
|qtybook|@SQL=select sum(qtyonhand) from m_storage where m_product_id=141 and m_locator_id=101 and m_attributesetinstance_id=0|
|*Save*|         |

Complete the internal use

!|Run Process|
|*ProcessValue*|M_Inventory Process     |
|*RecordID*    |@M_Inventory.M_Inventory_ID@|
|*DocAction*   |CO                  |
|*Run*|                    |


!|Set DocAction|
|*Table* |M_Inventory|
|M_Inventory_ID|@M_Inventory.M_Inventory_ID@                                                                                     |
|docAction   |PO       |
|*Save*|         |

Check the postings