@Title Build SQLJ @Rem $Header: /cvsroot/adempiere/sqlj/RUN_build.bat,v 1.5 2005/09/16 00:50:04 jjanke Exp $ @Rem @Rem Note that the SQLJ build is not part of the normal build cycle. @Rem You need to build the sqlj.jar file either with this script @Rem or with the 'compile' script for older Java versions @Rem You then deploy it with the database dependent 'create' script @CALL ..\utils_dev\myDevEnv.bat @IF NOT %ADEMPIERE_ENV%==Y GOTO NOBUILD @echo Cleanup ... @"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Dant.home="." %ANT_PROPERTIES% org.apache.tools.ant.Main clean @echo Building ... @"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Dant.home="." %ANT_PROPERTIES% org.apache.tools.ant.Main sqljDist @Echo Done ... @sleep 60 @exit :NOBUILD @Echo Check myDevEnv.bat (copy from myDevEnvTemplate.bat) @Pause