@if (%ADEMPIERE_HOME%) == () (CALL myEnvironment.bat Server) else (CALL %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\utils\myEnvironment.bat Server) @Title Adempiere Server Start - %ADEMPIERE_HOME% (%ADEMPIERE_APPS_TYPE%) @Rem $Id: RUN_Server2.bat,v 1.24 2005/10/26 00:38:18 jjanke Exp $ @Rem To use your own Encryption class (implementing org.compiere.util.SecureInterface), @Rem you need to set it here (and in the client start script) - example: @Rem SET SECURE=-DADEMPIERE_SECURE=org.compiere.util.Secure @SET SECURE= @IF '%ADEMPIERE_APPS_TYPE%' == 'jboss' GOTO JBOSS @GOTO UNSUPPORTED :JBOSS @Set NOPAUSE=Yes @Set JAVA_OPTS=-server %ADEMPIERE_JAVA_OPTIONS% %SECURE% @Echo Start Adempiere Apps Server %ADEMPIERE_HOME% (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) @Call %JBOSS_HOME%\bin\run -c adempiere -b %ADEMPIERE_APPS_SERVER% @Echo Done Adempiere Apps Server %ADEMPIERE_HOME% (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) @GOTO END :UNSUPPORTED @Echo Apps Server start of %ADEMPIERE_APPS_TYPE% not supported :END @Rem Sleep 60 @CHOICE /C YN /T 60 /D N > NUL @Exit