# My Development Environment # # This script sets variable for compiling Adempiere from source # Ported from Windows script Marek Mosiewicz # If you have difficulties, compare it with the Windows version. # # $Header: /cvsroot/adempiere/utils_dev/myDevEnvTemplate.sh,v 1.6 2003/04/27 12:34:16 marekmosiewicz Exp $ # # Check the following parameters: # ------------------------------- if [ $JAVA_HOME ]; then export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH else echo JAVA_HOME is not set. echo You may not be able to build Adempiere echo Set JAVA_HOME to the directory of your local JDK. fi #Set Adempiere Source Directory - default one dir up from place where script resides SAVED_DIR=`pwd` #save current dir cd `dirname $0`/.. #change dir to one up form place where script resides - doesn not work with sym links export ADEMPIERE_SOURCE=`pwd` #this is adempiere source cd $SAVED_DIR #back to the saved directory echo ADEMPIERE_SOURCE is $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE if [ ! -d $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/client ] ; then echo "** ADEMPIERE_SOURCE NOT found" fi # Passwords for the keystore export KEYTOOL_PASS=$KEY_PASSWORD if [ ! $KEYTOOL_PASS ] ; then export KEYTOOL_PASS=myPassword fi # Keystore & FTP Password export ANT_PROPERTIES=-Dpassword=$KEYTOOL_PASS -DftpPassword=$FTP_PASSWORD # Ant to send email after completion - change or delete #export ANT_PROPERTIES="$ANT_PROPERTIES -DMailLogger.mailhost=xxx -DMailLogger.from=xxxx -DMailLogger.failure.to=xxxx -DMailLogger.success.to=xxxx" # Automatic Installation - Where Adempiere will be unzipped export ADEMPIERE_ROOT=/adempiere # Automatic Installation - Resulting Home Directory export ADEMPIERE_HOME=$ADEMPIERE_ROOT/Adempiere # Automatic Installation - Share for final Installers export ADEMPIERE_INSTALL=/adempiere/install if [ ! -d $ADEMPIERE_INSTALL ] ; then mkdir -p $ADEMPIERE_INSTALL fi # --------------------------------------------------------------- # In most cases you don't need to change anything below this line # If you need to define something manually do it above this line, # it should work, since most variables are checked before set. # --------------------------------------------------------------- export CURRENTDIR=`pwd` # Set Version export ADEMPIERE_VERSION=ADempiere export ADEMPIERE_VERSION_FILE=315 export ADEMPIERE_VENDOR=ADempiere export ENCODING=UTF-8 # ClassPath if [ ! -f $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar ] ; then echo "** Need full Java SDK **" fi export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar if [ ! -f $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/ant.jar ] ;then echo "** Ant.jar NOT found **" fi export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/ant.jar:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/ant-launcher.jar:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/ant-swing.jar:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/ant-commons-net.jar:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools/lib/commons-net.jar #export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/jboss/lib/xml-apis.jar # Set XDoclet 1.1.2 Environment export XDOCLET_HOME=$ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/tools # . # This is the keystore for code signing. # Replace it with the official certificate. # Note that this is not the SSL certificate. # . if [ ! -d $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore ] ; then mkdir $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore #create dir fi # check if [ ! -f $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore/myKeystore ] || [ ! "keytool -list -alias adempiere -keyStore $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore/myKeystore -storepass $KEYTOOL_PASS" ] ; then # This is a dummy keystore for localhost SSL # replace it with your SSL certifificate. # Please note that a SSL certificate is # different from the code signing certificate. # The SSL does not require an alias of adempiere and # there should only be one certificate in the keystore HOSTNAME=`hostname` echo No Keystore found, creating for $HOSTNAME ... KEYTOOL_DNAME="CN=$HOSTNAME, OU=myName, O=AdempiereUser, L=myTown, ST=myState, C=US" keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias adempiere -dname "$KEYTOOL_DNAME" -keypass $KEYTOOL_PASS -validity 365 -keystore $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore/myKeystore -storepass $KEYTOOL_PASS keytool -selfcert -alias adempiere -dname "$KEYTOOL_DNAME" -keypass $KEYTOOL_PASS -validity 180 -keystore $ADEMPIERE_SOURCE/keystore/myKeystore -storepass $KEYTOOL_PASS fi # Set ADEMPIERE_ENV for all other scripts. export ADEMPIERE_ENV=Y