@echo off rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem JBoss Bootstrap Script for Win32 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem $Id: run.bat,v 1.7 2005/09/04 17:52:33 jjanke Exp $ @if not "%ECHO%" == "" echo %ECHO% @if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" setlocal set DIRNAME=.\ if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" set DIRNAME=%~dp0% set PROGNAME=run.bat if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" set PROGNAME=%~nx0% rem Read all command line arguments REM REM The %ARGS% env variable commented out in favor of using %* to include REM all args in java command line. See bug #840239. [jpl] REM REM set ARGS= REM :loop REM if [%1] == [] goto endloop REM set ARGS=%ARGS% %1 REM shift REM goto loop REM :endloop rem Find run.jar, or we can't continue set RUNJAR=%DIRNAME%\run.jar if exist "%RUNJAR%" goto FOUND_RUN_JAR echo Could not locate %RUNJAR%. Please check that you are in the echo bin directory when running this script. goto END :FOUND_RUN_JAR if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto ADD_TOOLS set JAVA=java echo JAVA_HOME is not set. Unexpected results may occur. echo Set JAVA_HOME to the directory of your local JDK to avoid this message. goto SKIP_TOOLS :ADD_TOOLS set JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar" goto SKIP_TOOLS echo Could not locate %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar. Unexpected results may occur. echo Make sure that JAVA_HOME points to a JDK and not a JRE. :SKIP_TOOLS rem Include the JDK javac compiler for JSP pages. The default is for a Sun JDK rem compatible distribution to which JAVA_HOME points set JAVAC_JAR=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar rem If JBOSS_CLASSPATH is empty, don't include it, as this will rem result in including the local directory, which makes error tracking rem harder. if "%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%" == "" ( set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JAVAC_JAR%;%RUNJAR% ) ELSE ( set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%;%JAVAC_JAR%;%RUNJAR% ) rem Setup JBoss specific properties set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dprogram.name=%PROGNAME% set JBOSS_HOME=%DIRNAME%\.. rem Sun JVM memory allocation pool parameters. Modify as appropriate. set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m rem JPDA options. Uncomment and modify as appropriate to enable remote debugging. rem set JAVA_OPTS=-classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y %JAVA_OPTS% rem Setup the java endorsed dirs set JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS=%JBOSS_HOME%\lib\endorsed echo =============================================================================== echo . echo JBoss Bootstrap Environment echo . echo JBOSS_HOME: %JBOSS_HOME% echo . echo JAVA: %JAVA% echo . echo JAVA_OPTS: %JAVA_OPTS% echo . echo CLASSPATH: %JBOSS_CLASSPATH% echo . echo =============================================================================== echo . :RESTART "%JAVA%" %JAVA_OPTS% "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=%JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS%" -classpath "%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%" org.jboss.Main %* IF ERRORLEVEL 10 GOTO RESTART :END if "%NOPAUSE%" == "" pause :END_NO_PAUSE