update ad_sysconfig set value='N' where ad_sysconfig_id=50041 /* 'ALogin_ShowOneRole' */ ; update ad_sysconfig set value='N' where ad_sysconfig_id=200019 /* 'LOGIN_SHOW_RESETPASSWORD' */ ; update ad_sysconfig set value='HTML' where ad_sysconfig_id=200003 /* ZK_REPORT_TABLE_OUTPUT_TYPE */ ; UPDATE R_RequestProcessor SET IsActive='N' WHERE R_RequestProcessor_ID=100 ; update ad_field set isdisplayedgrid='N' where ad_column_id in (select ad_column_id from ad_column where ad_element_id=102) /* ad_client_id */ and ad_column_id not in (315, 904, 12629) /* except client window */ and ad_field_id < 1000000 ; update ad_field set isdisplayed='N', isdisplayedgrid='N' where ad_field_id in ( 200508, 200510, 200280, 200504, 200505, 200605, 200638) ; update ad_field set isdisplayedgrid='N' where isdisplayedgrid='Y' and isdisplayed='N' and ad_field_id < 1000000 ; SELECT register_migration_script('957_SetSysConfig.sql') FROM dual ;