!*< xml !define soap11 ({{{ }}}) !define endSoap11 ({{{}}}) !define soap12 ({{{ }}}) !define endSoap12 ({{{}}}) *! !3 1. Examples, Tutorial and Specifications # |!3 See:| |[[''Examples''][^WebServicesExamples]]| |[[''A tutorial on calling web services''][^WebServicesTutorial]]| |[[''Specifications''][^SpecifiCations]]| # ----!3 2. Commands # * To start it: !|fitlibrary.ws.WebServicesClientFixture| * To specify that https certificates are to be ignored (prior to any other calls): |''accept any certificate''| * Specify a proxy (prior to any calls other than the one above): |''proxy url''|http://proxy|''with port''|8099| * To post a web service call with plain text, soap1.1, soap1.2, or ''raw'' soap: |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post text''|count=100| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap11''|100| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap12''|100| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''as''|SOAP11|''post full soap''|${soap11}100${endSoap11}| ''Raw soap'' contains all the soap wrappers, unlike with soap1.1 and soap1.2, where the soap wrappers are added and remove automatically. * To post a web service call with plain text, soap1.1, soap1.2, or ''raw'' soap from a file: |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post text from file''|ws.txt| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap11 from file''|ws.xml| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap12 from file''|ws.xml| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''as''|SOAP11|''post full soap from file''|soap/test.xml| * To post a web service call with plain text, soap1.1, soap1.2, or ''raw'' soap from a ''relative'' file (ie, relative to the ''!-FitNesseRoot/files-!'' directory): |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post text from relative file''|ws.txt| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap11 from relative file''|ws.xml| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''post soap12 from relative file''|ws.xml| |''to''|http://localhost:8093/ws|''as''|SOAP11|''post full soap from relative file''|soap/test.xml| * To use an xpath to pull information out of the last response: |''xpath''|//ab//cd|''in response''|'''contains'''|tax| * To check for the existence of an element in the last response, using xpath: |''xpath''|//ab//cd|''exists in response''| * To XML diff the last response against expected XML: |''xml in response same as''|B| # ----!3 Implementation # This is based on the apache open-source system ''!-HttpClient-!''. See http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/ for further details.