Plans for extensions to ${fitLibrary} include: * Permit xpath expressions for access into domain objects * Generalise ${suite} * Handle nested sets - this doesn't work correctly at present because matching is not deterministic * Handle mixed-type (polymorphic) collections * Handle polymorphic objects * If you have ideas you'd like to see in ${fitLibrary}, contact me (Rick Mugridge) * See for my email address * However, I will only consider changes that are consistent with the rest of ${fitLibrary} and that add sufficient value * I am unlikely to add: * Strings/characters that have special meaning in tables. I am unhappy that I've introduced two (''class'', for distinguishing different types in a mixed-type collection, and the @{} notation). * Capability that pushes away from the notion of storytests as specification by example and towards general programming. Some may argue that ${fitLibrary} already goes too far. I believe that we must take account of the people who will be writing/reading the storytests and choose the power of expression to suit.