!2 Starting FitNesse

To start Fitnesse, invoke the fitnesse.jar file like this:

!style_code(java -jar fitnesse.jar)

This will start a wiki server listening on port 80.  You can modify this and other options using a CommandLineOption.

See PasswordFile for a description of how to set up per user authentication.

!2 Running Rest Commands using the -c option.
See CommandLineRestCommands

!2 Stopping FitNesse

Pressing ''ctrl-c'' generally works well for development use.  However, it's not sufficient for automated control.

There are now ''stop.bat'' and ''stop.sh'' scripts to stop a running server. Invoke them with the same '''-p port_number''' option used to start the server.

Both scripts run java with a class to stop FitNesse. You can invoke this class directly, as well:
{{{Usage: java fitnesse.Shutdown [-pa]
        -h <hostname> {localhost}
        -p <port number> {80}
        -c <username> <password> Supply user credentials.  Use when FitNesse has authentication activated.
This command will send an HTTP request to the designated server.  If the server is using authentication then the '''-c''' option should be used with appropriate username and password.

Alternatively you may manually type a URL to shutdown a server.

!2 Running from JUnit

see RunningFromJunit

!2 Running from Maven

see RunningFromMaven