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<!-- $Id: monitoring-service.xml 46248 2006-07-13 15:03:17Z dimitris $ -->

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<!--  User Service Configuration                                           -->
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  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.alerts.ConsoleAlertListener" 
    <attribute name="MessageTemplate"><![CDATA[%(MONITOR_NAME) was triggered for attribute %(ATTRIBUTE).]]></attribute>
    <attribute name="AlertName">Console Alert</attribute>
<!-- Enable after filling in correct to, from, and reply to
  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.alerts.EmailAlertListener" 
    <attribute name="MessageTemplate"><![CDATA[%(MONITOR_NAME) was triggered for attribute %(ATTRIBUTE).]]></attribute>
    <attribute name="AlertName">Email Alert</attribute>
    <attribute name="To">somebody@somewhere.org</attribute>
    <attribute name="From">noreply@nowhere.org</attribute>
    <attribute name="ReplyTo">noreply@nowhere.org</attribute>
    <attribute name="SubjectTemplate"><![CDATA[[jboss-alert] %(MONITOR_NAME)]]></attribute>

  Example of listening for notifications from JBoss monitors.
  The SubscriptionList attribute provides the specification to which
  MBeans to subscribe for notifications and for what notification types.
  The DynamicSubscriptions attribute is used to indicate whether to monitor
  the MBeanServer for new MBeans and subscribe to them if the subscription
  specification matches.
  The NotificationListener attribute can be set to indicate an external
  MBean as the receiver of the Notifications.
  The LogLevel attribute can be set to indicate the level to use for
  logging the received notification, e.g. "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", etc.
  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.services.NotificationListener"
    <attribute name="DynamicSubscriptions">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="NotificationListener"></attribute>
    <attribute name="SubscriptionList">
        <mbean name="jboss.monitor:*">
          <notification type="JBOSS_MONITOR_NOTIFICATION"/>

  MemoryMonitor monitors the free JVM memory and emits JMX Notifications
  (org.jboss.monitor.alarm.AlarmNotification) when certain thresholds
  are crossed. 
  The following attributes may be set:
    - e.g. 1048576, or 1000K, or 1M
    - like above, must be lower
    - e.g. 5000, or 5sec. 
    - number of measurements in the warning area to trigger a notification
  AlarmNotification carries alarmState and alarmSeverity.
  alarmSeverity takes the values NORMAL, WARNING, CRITICAL for this monitor.
  See org.jboss.monitor.alarm.Alarm
  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.services.MemoryMonitor"
    <attribute name="FreeMemoryWarningThreshold">95M</attribute>
    <attribute name="FreeMemoryCriticalThreshold">80M</attribute>    

  Example of using the TimerService wrapper to configure a
  javax.management.timer.Timer mbean, to produce heartbeat
  Attributes to configure:
    - The type of the produced javax.management.timer.TimerNotification
  Notification Message
    - The string message to carry in the produced notification
  Timer Period
    - Every how often to emit notifications, e.g. 500msec, 10sec, 5min, 1h;
    - a zero value will produce just one notification
    - How many timer notifications to emit when the period is not zero;
    - a zero value produces infinite notifications
    - Whether the periodic notification should be produced at
    - FixedRate (true) or FixedDelay (false, default)
    - The ObjectName of the JMX Timer to configure, combined with a dependency
  If you want to see/log the emitted notifications, you can configure
  a NotificationListener as follows:
  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.services.NotificationListener"
    <attribute name="SubscriptionList">
        <mbean name="jboss.monitor:name=Heartbeat,type=Timer"/>
  <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.services.TimerService"
    <attribute name="NotificationType">jboss.monitor.heartbeat</attribute>
    <attribute name="NotificationMessage">JBoss is alive!</attribute>
    <attribute name="TimerPeriod">5sec</attribute>
    <depends optional-attribute-name="TimerMBean">
      <mbean code="javax.management.timer.Timer"
