!include -seamless | Symbolic Link | The page is a symbolic link of the current page | | !3 !c - |Skipped | The skip property box is checked; this page and all its chidlren are excluded from suite tests | The character set for properties may be changed via the PROPERTY_CHARACTERS variable; this variable is positional in the order specified above. !3 Global Variables that Modify TOC |''' NAME ''' |''' Default '''|''' Values ''' |''' Notes '''| | FILTER_TOC | false |true!-|-!false |'' Append suite fiters to TOC (-f flag) ''| | HELP_PREFIX_TOC | :<''space''> |''any string'' |'' Define prefix for help text suffix ''| | HELP_TOC | false |true!-|-!false |'' Append help text to TOC (-h flag) ''| | MORE_SUFFIX_TOC | <''space''>...|''any string'' |'' Define sequence to show more TOC levels ''| | PROPERTY_CHARACTERS |!- *+@>- -! |''any characters''|'' Define property icons for TOC ''| | PROPERTY_TOC | false |true!-|-!false |'' Append property icons to TOC (-p flag) ''| | REGRACE_TOC | false |true!-|-!false |'' Makes !contents list graceful (-g flag) ''| !note (See the ''root'' page for overrides) !3 AcceptanceTests for the ''' !contents ''' widget * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContents * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContentsWithRecursion * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContentsRegraced * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContentsProperties * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContentsFilters * SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.TestContentsHelp