@Echo Synchronize iDempiere Database @Rem @Echo Upgrading database %1@%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% @if (%IDEMPIERE_HOME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_PORT%) == () goto environment @Rem Must have parameter: userAccount @if (%1) == () goto usage @Echo WARNING: THIS PROGRAM IS NOT DEVELOPED FOR WINDOWS YET - YOU NEED TO APPLY MANUALLY THE PENDING MIGRATION SCRIPTS @Rem TODO: port oracle/SyncDB.sh to windows syntax @goto end :environment @Echo Please make sure that the enviroment variables are set correctly: @Echo IDEMPIERE_HOME e.g. D:\Adempiere @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. adempiere.adempiere.org :usage @echo Usage: %0 <userAccount> @echo Examples: %0 adempiere adempiere :end